Lenten Thoughts
Homily for Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday – Too much to say
Passion Sunday Year C, Seventeen omers of manna to be spread out over two-plus weeks (Part II)
Passion Sunday Year C – Seventeen omers of manna to be spread out over two-plus weeks (Part I)
Luke 23:50-56 - The burial of Jesus
Luke 23:44-49 - The death of Jesus spilled his soul out upon those who knew him
Luke 23:39-43 - Jesus and the other two criminal souls chat amongst themselves
Luke 23:33-38 - Jesus crucified with two criminals
Luke 23:26-32 - The march of crosses from Fort Antonia
Luke 23:13-25 - Jesus before Pilate (Second time)
Luke 23:8-12 - Jesus before Herod Antipas
Luke 23:1-7 - Jesus before Pilate (First time)
Luke 22:66-71 - Jesus before the council
Luke 22:63-65 - The Temple guards whip Jesus
Luke 22:54-62 - Peter denies Jesus three times
Luke 22:47-53 - The arrest of Jesus
Luke 22:39-46 - Praying in Gethsemane
Luke 22:35-38 - Purse, Bag, and Sword
Luke 22:31-34 - Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial
Luke 22:24-30 - Who is the greatest?