Homily for Pentecost Sunday (Year C) – Children of God speaking the one language of the Father
John 14:8-17 (25-27) - Jesus having a 'heart to heart' with your soul
Romans 8:14-17 - So clear, yet so misunderstood
Psalm 104:24-35 - The song of the Leviathan again sung
Genesis 11:1-9 - Towers falling from the heavens
Acts 2:1-21- In the last days it will be, God declares
Psalm 104:25-35, 37 - Harpooning the Leviathan
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 - Advocating the resurrection of Jesus
Romans 8:22-27 - Have you ever read such things?
Ezekiel 37:1-14 - Prophesying to the soul
Acts 2:1-21 - A refresher about what Pentecost means
Pentecost Sunday 2020 – Part V
Pentecost Sunday 2020 – Part II (Numbers 11 & 1 Corinthians 12)
Pentecost Sunday 2020 – Part I (Episcopal Lectionary & Acts 2:1-21)