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1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 - A fresh take

R. T. Tippett

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How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you? Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you face to face and restore whatever is lacking in your faith.

Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus direct our way to you. And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you. And may he so strengthen your hearts in holiness that you may be blameless before our God and Father father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.


This is the Epistle selection that will be read aloud on the first Sunday of Advent, Year C, according to the lectionary for the Episcopal Church. It will follow a reading from Jeremiah’s thirty-third chapter, where the prophet wrote: “This is the name by which [a day surely coming] will be called: "Yahweh is our righteousness.” A selection from Psalm 25 will follow, where David sang, “Show me your ways, Yahweh, and teach me your paths.” All will accompany the Gospel reading from Luke, where Jesus told his disciples: “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

I wrote deeply about these selected verses the last time they came up for reading in the lectionary cycle (2018) and I posted those views on my website at that time. That commentary can be read by clicking on this link. Because I broke these verses down into segments of literally translated English from the Hebrew I will not repeat that exercise. Most people calling themselves “Christian” are too lazy to take the time to listen or read such depth of explanation; so, Christianity is suffering in the same ways as were the Jews of the days when Jesus told of what was to come and Paul wrote these words that point to the requirements for correcting such a failed course. For that reason, I will simply add some observation that even the lazy can understand.

Let me first repeat a truth that I have state many times in the past, which is Scripture is written in a divine language, which is a language far greater than those who are fluent in Hebrew or Greek can fathom, without divine assistance. By the time that divine language has been drug through the gutter that is translation into English paraphrases, the beauty of its divinity means it still comes out smelling like a rose. Still, the rose scent is screaming, “Look closer! Show you love Yahweh and want Him to feed you the whole truth!”

Because I have already dissected these five verses into English segments, I want to pare this down further now, where I will only focus on the capitalized words. There are twelve in these verses (none in verse 10). A word in Greek Scripture that is capitalized must be read as being a word that has divine elevation; and, because one must read that word as divinely elevated in meaning, that word speaks loudest from Yahweh (the true author of the words capitalized). Those twelve words, in English, have been placed in bold text in the reading above that will be recited in Episcopal churches; but the ten words capitalized in Greek are as follows:

[verse 9]

1. Tina [“Τίνα”] – “Whom”

2. Theō [“Θεῷ”] – “God”

3. Theou [“Θεοῦ”] – “of God”

[verse 11]

4. Autos [“Αὐτὸς”] – “Self (emphatic); Same”

5. Theos [“Θεὸς”] – “God”

6. Patēr [“Πατὴρ”] – “Father”

7. Kyrios [“Κύριος”] – “Lord, Master, Guardian, Ruler, Owner”

8. Iēsous [“Ἰησοῦς”]

[verse 12]

9. Kyrios [“Κύριος”] – “Lord, Master, Guardian, Ruler, Owner”

[verse 13]

10. Theou [“Θεοῦ”] – “of God”

11. Kyriou [“Κυρίου”] – “of Lord, of Master, of Guardian, of Ruler, of Owner”

12. Iēsou [“Ἰησοῦ”] – “of Jesus”

If all these divinely elevated words were to be taken and placed in the same order, producing a most divinely elevated statement, it could say, “Whom God of God Self God Father Ruler Jesus Lord of God of Master of Jesus.” When one places a mark to denote the different verses these words are in, that would look like this: “Whom God of God - Self God Father Ruler Jesus - Lord - of God of Master of Jesus.” If the fact that verse ten is absent of any capitalized words by extra dashes, this statement would then look like this: “Whom God of God - - - Self God Father Ruler Jesus - Lord - of God of Master of Jesus.” This becomes quite revealing.

The Greek word “tina” (lower-case) is “accusative masculine/feminine singular of τίς (tís),” meaning “who?” [in the masculine/feminine]. It is an “interrogative pronoun” that means “who?” [again, in the masculine/feminine]; but it is related to “tis” [“τις, τι”], the “indefinite pronoun” meaning “a certain one, someone, anyone,” implying “any one, some one, a certain one or thing.” Thus, as a word needing to be divinely elevated (capitalized), one has to see this word as divinely pointing to one rising from a basis as “someone” to “one who” is possessed Spiritually by the presence of Yahweh. A lazy Christian could then be referred to as “who?” but a Saint would be a divinely elevated status made, as “Whom.”

When verse nine’s capitalized words form a segment that states, “Whom God of God,” this becomes a hidden statement of a “Yahweh elohim.” The Hebrew word “elohim” is routinely translated by translators that turn that plural number word into “God” (singular and capitalized). The reality of “elohim” is as one (an “el”) of the many, who are eternal souls in bodies of human flesh that have found love for Yahweh as the path to marrying Him, becoming one with His Spirit. This makes each one become a Yahweh elohim, a combined term written eleven times in Genesis 2, when the seventh day began and Yahweh made His first priestly Saint – “Whom” Christians call Adam. This means an “elohim” is “Whom God” has extended His hand onto the earth, possessing a soul that has become His Wife as one “of God.” This is because “Theou” is in the genitive case, which means: “A case that expresses possession or relation, equivalent to the English “of.”’

When the lack of capitalized words in verse ten is seen as a signal to understand the three found in verse nine, the lack acts as a signal of importance to follow [like the word “kai”], so the five capitalized words in verse eleven are important to see making another statement of divine elevation. Those five string to say, “Self God Father Ruler Jesus.” In that, the word “Autos” needs to be read as an emphatic pronoun, rather than enclitic, where the importance of “Self” is the point to be understood. A “self” must be seen as a “soul.” This means, coming from three words that tell of one being “Whom God of God” is divine language (in Greek) for “Yahweh elohim” (in Hebrew), the element of “Self,” of “Soul,” must be now realized as that which makes one divinely elevated. It has little to do with the body of flesh saying it believes in religious things; and, has everything to do with a soul being married to Yahweh, out of love and devotion.

Connecting to “Self” is “God Father Ruler Jesus.” This series of capitalized words says the “Self” is the “Same” as “God,” by having married one’s “Soul” with “God,” becoming an extension of “God” through His Spirit. This relationship is then as a Son to the “Father,” through Yahweh possessing the “Soul” with the “Same” “Soul” as His Son “Jesus.” It is this possession of one’s “Soul” by “God” that makes the resurrection of His Son become the “Lord” or “Governor” of one’s body of flesh. It makes one become the “Same” as “Jesus,” through rebirth. The name “Jesus” means “Yah[weh] Will Save,” so being in the name of “Jesus” earns a “Soul” [“Self”] Salvation.

The one word capitalized in verse twelve then speaks as an important word to grasp alone. That word is again “Kyrios,” which typically translates as “Lord,” but the repetition , along with the word have several valid translation into English, means all of the meanings need to be seen as a divinely elevated statement of what was stated in verse eleven. This is a word in Greek that parallels the English translation of the Hebrew word “Yahweh,” as that always comes out as “the Lord.” That means the importance here is an association to Yahweh, where “Jesus” is His heavenly presence [a “Soul”] that is resurrected in all of Yahweh’s wives [His elohim], so “Jesus” is the possessing “Soul” that becomes the “Lord” over a soul married to Yahweh, so “Jesus” is the “Lord” of that flesh, no longer being controlled by its host “Soul.” A “soul” (in the lower-case) is the “lord” over its flesh, but it makes so many mistakes [sins] that some demon spirit often possesses a “soul,” making that “soul” be a slave to the flesh. This is why “Lord” [as capitalized in Greek] must be understood, as it is not Yahweh directly. It is His Son.

This then leads to the last three capitalized words, which are all written in the genitive case, which the NRSV has translated as “our Lord” and “our God,” as a reverse possession, as if one owns Yahweh. The reality is Yahweh allows sinners to be the lords over their own flesh and sin all they want. Payment will then be due at death, when judgment comes. However, the truth is a “Soul” married to Yahweh becomes His possession, thus “of God.” It is a one-way commitment, as a wife has no say or equality. The Covenant of marriage are ALL commandments to do the Will of Yahweh, on no deal. Nothing is forced. All His wives submit themselves [a self is a soul] fully to Him, willingly, out of love.

The three capitalized words then say, “of God of Owner of Jesus.” One needs to see that as a statement of the Trinity, where being “of God” makes one the Son via His Spirit possessing one’s soul. Being the possession “of God” makes Him the Husband-Father-“of Owner,” who penetrates the wife, bringing forth the Son. That Son then takes on the name “of Jesus,” such that every wife of Yahweh gives birth to the Same Soul, so they all become in that name.

If one can see this coming from twelve divinely inspired words in five verses, then one knows the message Paul was conveying to the Christians of Thessaly. The same message applies today to all true Christians. I recommend reading what I wrote in 2018 and then comparing what I wrote then (with this concept not anywhere close to my mind then) to now and seeing if the message is anything more than the same, with extra details.

As a reading that accompanies a reading from Jeremiah, where the prophet said a time would come when a “branch” of Yahweh’s “Beloved” [the meaning of the name “David”] would “spring up” and that would be called “Yahweh our righteousness,” then see how these twelve words fit that theme. It is the same “up shoot” that will always be: marriage of a soul to Yahweh, Him bringing in the soul of His Son to possess His wives [every one the same], so ministry is always about Jesus – a name of Yahweh that “Will Save.”

As a reading for the first Sunday of Advent, when lost souls should be sensing an emptiness within their souls that needs to be filled with Yahweh’s love, this becomes the first step towards making Jesus become the possessor of one’s flesh, along with one’s soul, so Jesus becomes one’s Lord. This is the only way to gain eternal life with Yahweh. One has to become Yahweh’s Son reborn and let Jesus continue the ministry he is always sent to do in bodies of flesh.


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