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Amos 8:4-7 - To only way to avoid punishment is through repentance

R. T. Tippett

[4] Hear this, you that trample on the needy, and bring to ruin the poor of the land,

[5] saying, "When will the new moon be over so that we may sell grain; and the sabbath, so that we may offer wheat for sale? We will make the ephah small and the shekel great, and practice deceit with false balances,

[6] buying the poor for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, and selling the sweepings of the wheat."

[7] Yahweh has sworn by the pride of Jacob: Surely I will never forget any of their deeds.


Verse 4: “Hear this you who pant after the poor ; and make desist [ humble ] ( afflicted ) flesh .

In this verse, the Hebrew word “ebyon” is constructed to say “those in want, the needy, or the poor.” Placed within brackets, followed by parentheses are constructs of “anav,” which equally means “poor, afflicted, humble, meek.” What is missed by not following the signs written in marks, the statements about “humble” and “afflicted” are not physical conditions, but spiritual – soul related – disease. When the word “erets” follows without enclosure marks, this says “the earth” is the “flesh” that holds a soul. Thus, the result of those who seek to live off the ”poor,” or love the freebies given because one is of “the poor,” the physical condition of poverty (feigned or real) is never to be what leads one’s soul through life. There are “the poor” and there always will be. By not “panting after the poor,” one is filled with the comfort and serenity of Yahweh, knowing physical needs AND spiritual needs will be met. Those souls corrupted and impoverished spiritually need to “hear this” message, coming from Yahweh through His prophet Amos.

Verse 5: “saying , when will be past the new moon that we may sell grain , and the sabbath that we may sell wheat ; making small the ephah and large the shekel , falsifying the scales by deceit .

Here, the beginning of verse four and “hear this” is now relative to hearing yourselves in prayer to Yahweh, as what the people are “saying” is a desire to forego the sacrifices of festival times, because the pretends of piety they are forced by ritual to display hides the true nature that possesses the people: greed and corruption. The metaphor for “grain” and “wheat” is the people are supposed to be the good fruit that feeds the wayward with spiritual food, which can lead thm to self-sacrifice unto Yahweh. To then desire “to sell” this which comes freely to them causes them to reduce the amount of truth being sold, while charging more in return for false measures of Law. The “falsifying the scales by deceit” becomes a projection of the judgments made against their soul upon death.

Verse 6: “that we may acquire for money the poor , and those in need for a pair of sandals ; and even the chaff of wheat sold as grain .

In the metaphor of this verse, the implication of “buying with silver” or “acquiring for money” is what one sells one’s soul for. Nothing that has value on the material plane has any lasting value beyond death, when a soul is released for Judgment. All shiny things stay in the realm of death. The price a soul pays for “silver” and “money” (especially that printed on paper and backed by nothing) is the flesh dresses richly, eats find foods, and employs servants; but the soul having been sold leaves a soul “poor.” This means the souls made “poor” were not “in need” of material things, as they need to be set on a path of righteousness, which comes from divine union with Yahweh’s Spirit and the resurrection of His Son’s soul with the soul not sold for worldly trinkets. Those bodies of flesh need “sandals” to walk the path of righteous ministry in the name of Adam-Jesus (as Israel). When the final assessment says, “even the chaff is sold as grain,” this says the flesh is that which is the “refuse” or “the hanging parts” surrounding a “grain” of wheat. Thus, it is what you put on your dead flesh (mortal) that indicates what true value the soul within has.

Verse 7: “has sworn Yahweh by the redemption of Jacob (supplanter) ; if I will forget perpetually all of the deeds .

In the name “Jacob,” which means “supplanter,” as one who takes unrightfully what is his (or hers), the price for “redemption” is divine union with Yahweh. This means “has sworn Yahweh” is a statement of the oath of marriage, which means the marriage vows are agreement to the terms of the Covenant. In order to be “redeemed” for past sins, then one must “have sworn” total commitment to “Yahweh” as His wife-soul. This then leads to an “if” scenario, which says such a divine marriage is not forced, but desired. Only those who lovingly and willingly submit their souls in self-sacrifice to Yahweh’s Will will be those whose sins He “will forget perpetually.” That is eternal salvation, which means His Spirit has purged a sinful soul of “all of the deeds” of transgression in the past. To gain that salvation (the name “Jesus” means “YAH Saves”), one must be reborn as Yahweh’s Son, which is the meaning of the name given to “Jacob:” Israel. The name Israel means “Who Retains the elohim of Yahweh,” within one’s soul.

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