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Bible Studies 5 – The significance of holy ground

R. T. Tippett

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Please read all the way through and see how to get the password to Bible Studies 6.  [Hint: At the end note.]

Let me first make an update on the Bible Studies 3, as a ‘current events’ kind of thing.  Here is a picture I found shared on Facebook.  I don’t know if it is manufactured or real.  However, it matches an awareness that came to me the day before seeing this picture posted.  Here is the picture:

An article posted states this. It could be “fake news.”

Simply by this sign stating “all being of one race and made in the image of God,” this concept of the Holy Bible is based on an improper translation of “elohim,” where mankind was made in the image of the “gods” – male and female – on day six.  When the realization of multiple races being scattered across the face of the globe, by only seeing One God (when it says multiple gods) forces one to conceptualize, “We think that must mean one head, one torso,two arms and two legs et al,” without any consideration as to race.

Whoever concluded that the Holy Bible is racist did so because the majority of the stories tell of only one nation of people, who were chosen by YAHWEH, and the interbreeding of the children of Israel has created a race of people, because of their religious convictions.  However, that race is not favored in the Holy Bible because of the color of skin, hair type, eye color or the shapes of their ears.  

When the elohim are seen to be less angelic figures who fly about and point magic wands here and there, instead being seen as principles of Creation (physics and biology et al), then the creation of male and female animal human beings around a globe that has longitudes and latitudes where climates differ, then “in their image” means nature-led adaptations.  As such, a male and female made by the “god” of the Tropics and the “god” of Equatorial Earth would have natural body characteristics that would give it dominion in that place.  Thus, every race of mankind is created to excel (be superior) in its natural environment.

And the “gods” saw that as good and it was morning and evening on the sixth day.

Now, on to the lesson in Genesis two today.

In our last study session, I asked you to ponder how long a God-day is, based on the six “days” of Creation having taken billions of years.  I said that no mention of an eighth day is worth considering if we are in the seventh day still today.

There are people who think the world is only six thousand years old.  Do you know why?

They add up all the years the named people in the Old Testament lived and come to that number.  They begin counting with Adam – the one made on the seventh day, not the animal man of the sixth day.  Of course, their BIG mistake is thinking the first six days were human concepts of days, when there were no human being around until late on day six.

I think those people need to be friends with the scholars who made up the idea of an E-J-writers.  They should all get along together.

Still, even if those people were correct in their addition, give an extra century or two (in case they miscounted a little), do you think six thousand years makes day seven over?  

The answer is a big fat “NO!”  We are still in day seven; and do you know how I am sure?

It is because we are having Bible Studies today!  The Bible, as a Holy collection of books, means we are still in a day made Holy!  Let me explain.

The seventh day was when God made religion for all the animal men and women already running around being fruitful and multiplying.  That means Adam was made by God to set upon the Earth to teach the animal boys and girls that there was a God, who could not be seen, but who wanted them to become ‘civilized’ and learn to please God.

Now get all your Genesis 2 books open and look at the NIV translation of verse 4.  It is translated to say, “This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.” 

Can you see how that sounds like Genesis 1?  Talk about the department of redundancy department!  Everything was already created in the first six days and Genesis 2:1 states: “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.”

This is a sign that tells us to slip over to the Interlinear version and see just what was really stated.  Are you looking at the Interlinear version of Genesis 2?

Good!  Look at where is written: “’êl·leh ṯō·wl·ḏō·wṯ haš·šā·ma·yim wə·hā·’ā·reṣ bə·hib·bā·rə·’ām.”  The literal translations lists that as saying: “These [are] the generations the heavens the earth when they were created.”  Do you see that?

Good!  Now start looking at the root Hebrew words, which are marked by the Strong’s numbers at the top.  The root words are: “elleh toledoth shamayim erets bara’,” which can say, “these generation heavenly earth when created.”

Now think about that for a moment.

Everything has already been created in the heavens AND the earth.  God told the gods to stop working and rest.  God blessed the seventh day making it holy [he consecrated it as set apart as sacred].  Now, “these generations” is saying the rest of the Holy Bible’s Old Testament is about the “genealogical registration” [a use for “toledoth” under “NAS Exhaustive Concordance,” under “NASB translations,” found 12 times as the translation] that would begin with the man we all know as Adam.

The “generations” are then “heavenly,” which is a translation of “shamayim” [same place, used three times in translation].  This means – if you scroll down further on the root word page, to where they have specific uses, under “Brown-Driver-Briggs,” you will see that one definition states [2a], “as abode of God.”  This says wherever God lives is home, thus “heavenly.”

When the word “erets” is seen as meaning “earth,” with it once being translated as “dust” and 119 times as “ground,” the “generations” are of God’s touch of His Spirit (“heavenly”) on “earth,” specifically in the “dust” or “clay” that will become Adam and his progenies.

That says the seventh day was set apart as sacred by the creation of the first priest who would be sent to minister to the world.

Can you see that?  Take your time and ponder it carefully.  

While you are thinking about that, look at what the Interlinear shows for the rest of Genesis 2:4.  The literal translations say, “in the day that made Yahweh elohim the earth and the heavens.” 

Since this says “the day” (from “bə·yō·wm“), the “day” is the seventh day, set apart as sacred or holy.  With the earth and the heavens already created prior to the seventh day, the last two words point to “the earth heavenly,” which is when “Yahweh” abodes on earth.

This means the use of “elohim” is now pointing to the creation of “gods” on earth.  This means the second half of verse four says, “the seventh day is when God made gods on the earth with His heavenly presence.”  Can you see that?

Good!  You are good Bible studying students!

Now I want you to think about this.  The “elohim” that were God’s minions, who Created everything as God commanded them, they were not of the earth heavenly as they existed before the earth was made.  Those ethereal “gods” were not made of physical matter, even though they had “images” or “likenesses” that were then projected onto the male and female earthly creatures made on day six.  This is an important concept that needs to be firmly grasped.

Think about this.  The gods made animal males and females in their likenesses, but God breathed the life of an eternal soul into each one, so each could live like we know life today – walk, talk, eat, sleep, etc.  But simply having the life of a soul – which is itself an “elohim” – does not make a body of flesh become holy or eternal.  The body is bound to die, releasing the soul, beginning the repetition of reincarnation.  That began on the sixth day.  However, on the seventh day, which was set apart as holy and is the day we still live in today, Yahweh made the first “el” of many that would follow in “generations,” who would begat faith in Yahweh to the world.

Can you see that?  Yahweh elohim is the God of gods everywhere, of all kinds.  Yahweh is the God of angels, the God of Laws of nature, the God who Created all matter (including the Universe and its void), and now He is making a most Holy man to walk the earth.  Adam (Hebrew adam) is the Son of God, as a Yahweh elohim, just as Jesus would also be a divine human as the Son of Man (Hebrew adam).  Genesis 1 tells of an unknown length of time (as human brains calculate time), which is only worth thinking about in terms of being relative to a need for religion in the world.  The Holy Bible is not interested in telling world history; only the history of God’s lineage of Yahweh elohim.

This concept sets up the whole series of Holy books, which are joined together as the Holy Bible.  Genesis 1 is about the times before God made Saints who would be seeded into the world to guide the souls of animal men and women back to eternally being elohim and not trapped in the flesh of matter that always decays and becomes incapable of supporting a soul.

Now, let’s jump forward to verses 5 and 6.  The NIV translation shows those verses stating: “Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Yahweh elohim had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground.”  

Because the scholars say Genesis 1 continued into Genesis 2, confusing everything, these verses seem to be contradictory to what was stated in Genesis 1.  The gods made birds on day five.  The gods made animals on day six and then made human beings later that day.  Birds and animals mostly eat things that come from plant growth (seeds, fruit, vegetables, etc.) as do human beings.  Thus, in verses 29 and 30 of Genesis 1 the NIV states:

“Then elohim said, “[We] give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.“

That says it is important to look closer at what was written in Genesis 2:5-6.  Don’t you agree?

Good!  I hoped that you would.  It is fun to look closer isn’t it?  It is awe inspiring to see things for yourself, isn’t it?!?!

When you look at the Interlinear literal translation, verse 5 starts by saying, “And any plant of the field before was in the earth  and any herb of the field had grown,” which confirms Genesis 1:29-30.  It simply states there had long been plants and herbs growing naturally in the fields of the earth.

Verse 5 then continues to state (the Interlinear literal translation), “for not had rained Yahweh elohim on the earth.”  That might seem to say that it had never rained water from the sky, but that is something only scholars who believe in E-J-writers and people who think the Universe is only 6,000 years old think.  It actually says, “for it had not rained down on the earth elohim made by Yahweh as divinely possessed human beings.  

Can you see how the same words, read differently say something that is perfectly true and awe inspiring?  Now I won’t go too deeply into it here, now, but any time one sees water mentioned in the Holy books is is metaphor for emotions

You have emotions don’t you?  Can you see them?  You know they are real because you feel them and act upon them, but you can’t point to an emotion and praise or blame it for what you do and have everyone say, “Oh yeah.  I see the emotion did it all.  It was not you.” can you? 

Could you think about how “rained” is metaphor for the emotion for Yahweh that had not yet come to the world as elohim adam?  The root Hebrew word “matar” means “bring rain (1), rain (5), rained (5), rained down (1), send (1), send rain (3), sent rain (1).” (NASB translations), but can you see how the verb – as metaphor – does not mean water molecules are involved?

That means the final words of verse 5 say, “adam had not yet come to cultivate the ground” (I paraphrased a little.)  Can you see that “rained” and “Yahweh elohim” are now linked to “adam” as the “cultivator of the ground”?

The Hebrew root word “abad,” translated as “to cultivate,” actually means “to work, serve”?  Can you see how on the seventh day, the day set apart as holy, which we still live in today, was when God planned to send an emotionally charged servant to work on the earth?


Now, verse 6 literally says, “a mist went up from the earth   and watered the whole face of the ground.”  When you look at the meaning of each of the Hebrew words, you can adjust that so it better says, “a fog ascended above the land   and irrigated the whole face of the land.”

Look at how this verse is speaking of Yahweh joining with the “earth” as the masculine merging with the feminine, where Yahweh is to become a Father by joining with the Earth mother-to-be.  The Earth “goddess” (one of the elohim) gave rise (from “went up” or “climbed” or “ascended”) to good soil, with Yahweh “raining down” as a “mist” or “fog,” which put the face of God into the “land.”  This is then a statement about God making Eden a most Holy place on the earth.  A most Holy man had to come from most Holy earth.  This is a statement about the union that prepared a place for God’s Son to be made.

I think that is where we need to stop for this week’s Bible Studies class.  Qwerty)(*&^ That is a lot to chew on and ponder.

Think about this.  Play with the tools and see if you can see what I see.  After all, your faith is totally based on what you see.  So, I want you to practice that on you own.

Until the next time … when hopefully we can get to Man and wife being made and happily living in Eden.

Update Note: I have written the next eight Bible Studies lessons already [as of 6/27/2020], but I have published them password protected.  The reason for this is I have decided that it would be wrong for someone to just pop in and read Bible Studies 6 or later, without having read Bible Studies 3, 4, and 5.  Therefore, the only solution is to make them password read only.  My desire is for others to see the meaning of God’s Word for themselves [you certainly won’t hear it explained properly in any church building!], but to keep some order to this process, a password is the best solution.  Since I see the readers of this blog as ‘sneak-abouts’ and Secret Squirrels [a cartoon character] and too bashful to actually talk to me in the comments section [serious comments], I have decided to place the password for the next class lesson amid the text.  Think of it as being like an Easter egg hunt!  Since this is Bible Studies 5, the password for Bible Studies 6 is in the text you just read [if you read it].  That way means one can read a lesson and be given the password for the next lesson, without having to act friendly or Christian.  It can all be yours free, because you will have to read to find the password (hopefully).  I hope you will want to read each of them, when they come out.  Thanks for understanding.  I knew that you would.

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