[1] Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,
[2] To the saints and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father.
[3] In our prayers for you we always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, [4] for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, [5] because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. You have heard of this hope before in the word of the truth, the gospel that has come to you. [6] Just as it is bearing fruit and growing in the whole world, so it has been bearing fruit among yourselves from the day you heard it and truly comprehended the grace of God. [7] This you learned from Epaphras, our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf, [8] and he has made known to us your love in the Spirit.
[9] For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, [10] so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God. [11] May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, [12] while joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. [13] He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, [14] in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
In everything that Paul wrote, it is imperative to examine closes those words written in capital letters. It is also very important to look at the punctuation present, which can include special signs that direct the reader to understand deeper meaning. All uses of “kai” must not be read as anything more than a signal to find importance to follow that ‘word.’
The above translation into English is an egregious {meaning “outstandingly bad”] paraphrase. It veers from the truth of the written word so far that it amounts completely to translators having a personal agenda [entirely wrong], to which they reshape the Greek words written to suit their needs. It is for this sole purpose that I have found where the verse breaks are and numbered the verses, so a devoted disciple of Christianity can see the truth of translation that I will present, alongside the paraphrases above. Please, for the sake of your soul’s Salvation, make some kind of effort to read along with me and see the truth be exposed before your eyes. Only if you stop believing false shepherds and hired hands [none of whom know how to divinely read Scripture … just as none of the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, et al could not] and sacrifice your souls into the hand of Yahweh can you ever begin upon the path of becoming a Saint in the name of Jesus – as a Christ – resurrected-reborn.
This is the truth of “Paul,” whose name was originally Saul – meaning “Asked For” – but willingly changed it to state how “Small” he had been, until he was saved by the soul of Jesus entering his soul, transforming him into a most devoted servant of Yahweh. Paul announced to those readers in Colossae that he was an “apostle,” which is a Greek word [“apostolos”] meaning, “a messenger, one sent on a mission,” implying “envoy, delegate, one commissioned by another to represent him in some way”. (Strong’s) Thus, the truth of the first two words in this letter is stating the assumed name of one who sacrificed self-identity [Saul], in order to become a “messenger” of Yahweh, whose Son led him to write “messages”. The ones in Colossae to whom he wrote were likewise of the same spiritual commitment to Yahweh; so, they could discern his written words for the truth, unlike others not so committed.
After the first two words, Paul then wrote four words that are all in the Genitive case, meaning they state possession {as “of”]. Of five total words before a comma mark of separation, three of the words written by Paul are capitalized, with each written in the Genitive case. This makes the initial segment of verse one state: “Paul messenger of Christ of Jesus on account of of an act of will of God”. Because the paraphrasers ignore the possessive case, they translate “Christ Jesus,” which comes out of the mouths of ministers and pastors as “Jesus Christ,” as two words written together as first and last name. When they all then refer to “Christ,” their false teachings have everyone thinking they are referring to “Jesus” by his ‘surname’ – “Christ.” That completely misses the point of the words that follow, which say “of Christ” and “of Jesus” are both states of possession that have been brought on “on account of – of an act of will [or desire] of God”.
This reading from Paul’s letter to the true Christians of Colossae follows a Track 1 offering by Amos wrote of being led by an “adonay” of “Yahweh,” who commanded that Amos become His “messenger,” to go to Bethel and tell a false priest that the King of Israel was going to die and the nation was going to be ruined. This verse of Colossians 1 also follows David’s Psalm 82, which sings of “elohim,” with verse eight singing, “stand up elohim judge the flesh” (when “earth” is seen as one’s body of dust and clay), meaning spiritual arising is based on an inner “elohim.” This first verse of Paul also follows a Track 2 offering from Deuteronomy 30, where Moses wrote repeatedly of “Yahweh your elohim,” with “your” being a possessive pronoun stated between “Yahweh” and “elohim.” That is followed by David’s Psalm 25 singing of his “soul” being “taken by Yahweh” [a statement of marriage], where David received “my elohim.” All of that cannot possibly be written off as ‘Old Testament’ hogwash. It must become relative to “Christ Jesus,” as those two important (capitalized) words as Greek ways of stating “Yahweh elohim.”
The word “Christou” translates, as the Genitive form of “Christos,” as “of Christ.” The Greek word (lower-case) “christos” means “anointed one, messiah,” where a lack of capitalization states a physical pouring of oil on a forehead, as a priest would ceremoniously do to a king. The lower-case means an “anointment with oil.” The capitalized spelling, as always the case in divine Scripture, means a divine elevation in meaning, such that an “anointing by oil” is raised spiritually in meaning to be “an Anointment by Spirit.” When this is then seen to be relative to “on account of – of an act of will of God,” the outpouring of Spirit is due to God’s decision, not someone squirming around in a wooden pew, listening to some preacher squeal out, “worship the cross of Christ” [meaningless nonsense]. Thus, Paul announced that he was a “messenger” that was divinely possessed [Genitive – “of”] by an “Anointment on account of – of an act of will of God.” Without reading any other words written in verse one, that is what Paul wrote. YOU must be able to see that truth.
Following the comma that separates the first segment of words from the last, Paul wrote the word “kia.” This marker word denoted importance that should be discerned after realizing the importance of four capitalized words strung together in the first segment. Here, Paul names “Timothy,” who was his companion apostle from Lystra. While that name is easily seen as the reason for capitalization, just like the naming of “Paul” must be understood as a divine elevation of self-sacrifice, as “Small,” the name “Timothy” must be realized to mean “Honoring God, God Values.” By seeing this, the importance [“kai”] of that capitalized word makes that name be less about one other “apostle-messenger of God,” such that all who “Honor God” as an “apostle-messenger” becomes “this brother” [“ho adelphos”]. The translation that says “our brother” is wrong, as the word “ho” is a nominative masculine singular article and not a possessive pronoun. Therefore, the “kai” announces all who “Honor God” or all who share “God Values” are “brothers;” and, that is a statement about the possessing soul of Yahweh’s Son (“Jesus” – a name that means “Yahweh Saves”) is masculine essence, as are the “Yahweh elohim” of the Old Testament.
Verse two then begins with the capitalized plural article “Tois,” which anything that would be seen as meaning “the” becomes a more meaningful “this.” In the plural it means “these,” with the capitalization not because it begins a verse (Scripture is more meaningful that normal syntax allows it to be), there is a divine elevation applied to “These,” as “Those” servants of Yahweh. This word can then be read as directly reflecting back on the last word of verse one – “brother” – where verse two is now placing attention on the many [males and females alike] who are each a “brother,” all “Honoring God” [“Timothy”]. That divine designation then has Paul using the Greek word “en,” which follows the divinely elevated “These” not as a word of direction to a place “in” the world, but as a direction to where this association of “These” is like that of Saul and Timothy, which is “within.” The Greek word “en” means, “in, on, at, by, with” [Strong’s], with the proper usage is “in (inside, within); (figuratively) "in the realm (sphere) of," as in the condition (state) in which something operates from the inside (within).” [HELPS Word-studies] This makes “within” be where “These” who can all be called “brothers” are related as souls.
The next word written is the capitalized “Colossae” [“Kolossais”], which is certainly a place “in” the world, to where Paul addressed a physical epistle; but, again, just as “Paul,” “Jesus,” and “Timothy” were read as the meaning behind the name, the word “Colossae” means ““Confederacy Of Herders, City Of Refuge.” When capitalization is known to indicate a divinely elevated meaning as the intent of it being written, “These” who are related spiritually as “brothers,” with their souls “within” being each married to Yahweh [being “of God,” as His possessed souls], then in the place named Colossae there was a “City Of Refuge,” which must be seen as a gathering [an assembly or synagogue] of “Those” who were equally “Small” is self-identity, who banded together as a settlement of true Christians [being “of Christ”].
Paul then furthered the concept of “These within City Of Refuge” all being “brothers” via their souls being possessed “of Jesus,” by writing the “City Of Refuge” only available “to saints” [“hagiois”]. The word “hagios” means “sacred, holy,” implying “set apart by (or for) God” [Strong’s], where the proper meaning says “These” were “different (unlike), other ("otherness"), holy; for the believer” and each a “likeness of nature with the Lord" because each is "different from the world.” [HELPS Word-studies]
Following that statement of “saints,” Paul wrote the word “kai” [without punctuation separating it from “saints”], indicating it was important to understands “saints” as being “to faithful to brothers within to Christ” [“pistois adelphois en Christō”]. Here, the use of “to Christ” has no direct link to Jesus being named. The capitalization is the same as that “of Christ” used in verse one, where it denotes a divinely elevated – by Yahweh, thus “of God” – “Anointment” of His Spirit. This comes in divine marriage to Yahweh, making each soul-flesh become His soul-wives. Because each soul-wife had to submit fully to Yahweh’s Will in marriage, this union is only given “to faithful.” It is from that divine union that the Son of Yahweh [Adam-Jesus] is resurrected – two souls in one body of flesh, with Jesus’ soul being the Lord of the host soul-flesh – so all who are Jesus reborn [a masculine Spiritual addition] become equally the Sons of Yahweh, so all are possessed by the divine soul of the Son, making them transform “to brothers” in Spirit. That Spirit “within” covering their souls is the “Anointment” of divine marriage by Yahweh, which designates them “to Christ.”
Following a colon mark after “to Christ,” Paul then offered an explanation of what “to Christ” meant. He then wrote a capitalized “Charis,” which is divinely elevated in meaning, so it is a statement about the “grace” or the “kindness” that is bestowed upon “These” taken “to Christ” by Yahweh. The proper usage of “Charis” is “Favor” [HELPS Word-studies], where it must be understood that becoming a wife-soul of Yahweh is not meant to increase any self-identification. It is not given so anyone can carry a purse with extra Yahweh-given “Grace” in it, so he or she can take some out and spread “Grace” to others in the checkout line at the grocery store. The word “Charis” must be read as it is by Yahweh’s “Grace” and “Kindness” that a soul in its body of flesh (alone and singularly) is no longer a filthy bag of sins, like it used to be. This word says Yahweh has shown “Favor” to such a dismal failure, through the erasure of all past filth; so, that soul can become clean enough to receive divine “Anointment” and be a virgin soul-womb that can be where His Son’s soul will resurrect.
Following “Charis,” Paul wrote “hymin,” which is the second-person Dative plural possessive pronoun, which ordinarily translates as “to you.” Because it follows the capitalized “Favor” of Yahweh – knowing Yahweh is a masculine spirit, not physical – this is not “Favor to you” bodies of flesh, but “Favor to yourselves.” In that translation, “yourselves” must be read as “your souls,” where a “self” is only possible by the life that animates a body of flesh, which comes from a “soul.” Thus, Paul wrote in explaining “to Christ” that it was “Favor to your souls,” which extends well beyond the time those souls are entrapped in a body of death waiting to happen. “Favor to your souls” means being taken “to Christ” is an eternal “Anointment” that (like a soul) lasts forever.
At that point, Paul then added another use of “kai,” which denotes importance that must be understood from his having explained “to Christ” as being relative to “Favor to your souls.” The additional importance is then based on “peace from of God”. Here, the Greek word “eirēnē” is typically translated as “peace,” but such a translation is as vague and meaningless [unexplainable] to those who say, “Oh, that sounds so nice! Peace. But, I don’t know what it means.” It is like “Grace,” when few people understand what “grace” is, while everyone understands what a “favor” is. The truth of “eirēnē” is it properly means: “to join, tie together into a whole") – properly, wholeness, i.e. when all essential parts are joined together”. [HELPS Word-studies] Therefore, the importance noted by Paul says “Favor to your souls” comes from “wholeness,” which comes through being a soul joined with the “Anointment” of Yahweh [“of God” repeated] and the soul of His Son [of Jesus”]. That says “wholeness from God” comes from divine marriage [soul to Spirit] and divine childbirth [the soul of Jesus resurrecting within one’s host soul]. Without that divine addition, one is incomplete, thus not whole.
As the finale to verse two, Paul added to the Genitive case “Theou” [“of God” the Genitive case words “Patros hēmōn,” which literally says, “of Father of us.” Just as one is forced to see the plural possessive pronoun “to you” [from “hymin”] as divinely elevated to become “to your souls,” the use of “hēmōn” is the Genitive first-person plural personal pronoun that makes “us” be better stated as “ourselves.” In the same way, where a “self” equates to a “soul,” Paul ended verse two by adding that “wholeness” comes “from God” through His becoming the possessor of one’s soul through His Son being resurrected “within.” That then makes the Husband of a wife-soul become the possession “of the Father,” through that rebirth. The Son is then the link in each wife-soul that relates all as “brothers, with Yahweh the “Father” of this unifying relationship. It is not a relationship based on one’s physical gender [sex organs, where one thinks “brothers” means only those with a penis], but on “our souls.” Yahweh only marries soul [those trapped in bodies of flesh] and His Son is only resurrected in souls [those trapped in bodies of flesh]. Yahweh knows the flesh is filthy with sins, so He Baptizes the soul clean with His Spirit; and, then he places the purity of His Son’s soul within a soul trapped in a body of flesh, so that host soul will no longer fall prey to the influences of sin. Jesus will sent those influences away, as the soul-body’s Lord.
In this regard, verse three then states this in its first segment of words. There, Paul wrote, “Eucharistoumen tō Theō Patri tou Kyriou hēmōn Iēsou Christou”, which literally says, “We are thankful to this to God to Father of this of Lord of our souls of Jesus of Christ”. The capitalized first word [“Eucharistoumen”] must be read as a divinely elevated statement of “thanksgiving,” written as the first-person plural “We.” This makes “We” be the same plurality of “These,” which began verse two. While all “These” were each a “brother,” “We are thankful” says that relationship coming to all “These” is relative to this “brother” relationship. Paul then wrote the capitalized “Theō,” which says “We are thankful to this [brotherhood – Christianity] to God.” That says “they are thankful” from their souls to the cleaning and maintaining of that cleanliness that is a debt owed “to God.” That then leads to the capitalized “Patri,” which says “to God” leads “to the Father,” where one comes before the other. This then leads to a series of Genitive case [possessive] words where “of this” [“tou”] is that of being the Son, “to the Father.” Paul said “of this” come possession “of the Lord,” which is the soul resurrected in the wife-souls, making them all be “brothers.” This is then of “our souls” [“hēmōn”] having become possessed “of Jesus,” where this is not the flesh “of Jesus” returned to the living, but his soul resurrected within the souls “of us.” This resurrection is only possible because those souls have been Baptized by Yahweh’s Spirit, which means each and every one of those souls has become possessed “of Christ,” the “Anointment” of Yahweh’s Spirit.

When one looks at how the presentation of the verses written, by the Episcopal Church, has verses one and two more prominently displayed (as separate, not blocked together), these two verses become the central theme of everything to follow. Rather that write words of explanation that weak souls will never read, I will leave the rest up to the “faithful,” who desire to become true “brothers” to show Yahweh that your soul actually has one iota of belief that will motivate a sinful body of flesh to attempt to wash the past away, by trying to discern the truth from Holy Scripture. Reading what I write will not save anyone by reading my words, and then thinking, “Wow! That’s some crazy ideas.” If you cannot see the truth, your soul will never be saved and awarded eternal life.
As a simple assistance to the endeavor of self-exploration of deeper meaning of divine text, I will present the capitalized words found to follow in verses four to fourteen. They are as follows:
1. Christō – “to Christ”
2. Iēsou – “of Jesus”
3. Theou – “of God”
4. Epaphra – “of Very Lovely”
5. Christou – “of Christ”
6. Pneumati – “to Spirit”
7. Dia – “on account of”
8. Kyriou – “of the Lord”
9. Theou – “of God”
10. Patri – “to the Father”
11. Huiou – “of the Son”
Everyone of these capitalized words must be discerned as divinely elevated in meaning. The word “Christ” cannot be read as the last name of Jesus. Likewise, “of Jesus” must be read as a soul possession of one’s own soul, which makes one be reborn “of Jesus” within. One cannot expect Salvation to come from some external presence :of God” or “of Jesus.” The resurrected soul “of Jesus” must become a possessor of one’s soul, so one’s soul becomes “of the Lord” that is the Son of God. I challenge you at this time to take the time and spend a couple of days in deep reflection on what the truthful meanings of of every word written by Paul in this reading selection.
This exercise will come in handy when one discerns the truth of a false follower of Jesus, who came to his and asked, “Good Teacher, how can I inherit eternal life?” The accompanying Gospel reading for this Epistle from Paul asks, “How can I do nothing and expect eternal salvation?” Such a question is always asked by the lazy sinner souls, none of who [for all times] want to do any work that pleases God and Adam-Jesus. Everyone wants to please self and nobody else. Christians today see Jesus as the lacky that will grant all our wishes, simply by saying, “We believe in you. So, for our belief, what are you going to give us?”
Remember this, “You get what you deserve.” That is the meaning of Judgment. When you see in Luke 10 how Jesus told the false follower, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” such that the false follower then asked, “Who is my neighbor?” The moral of that story is “a neighbor” is not to ever be found external to one’s soul. With that said, after having discerned what Paul wrote above, see if you can see “your neighbor” as your soul becoming a wife-soul of Yahweh, so the soul “near to your soul” that brings the truth of “love” – “your neighbor” – can only be you being “of Jesus.”