[15] Christ Jesus He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; [16] for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers-- all things have been created through him and for him. [17] He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together. [18] He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. [19] For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, [20] and through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross.
[21] And you who were once estranged and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, [22] he has now reconciled in his fleshly body through death, so as to present you holy and blameless and irreproachable before him—[23] provided that you continue securely established and steadfast in the faith, without shifting from the hope promised by the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven. I, Paul, became a servant of this gospel.
[24] I am now rejoicing in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am completing what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church. [25] I became its servant according to God's commission that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, [26] the mystery that has been hidden throughout the ages and generations but has now been revealed to his saints. [27] To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. [28] It is he whom we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
Like with all Epistles in the New Testament, the failure to translate them into English accurately [telling the whole truth beheld within the original text] is due to the souls of translators not being led by the Mind of Yahweh’s Christs [His Anointed – by Baptism of His Spirit], nor are any possessed divinely by having the soul of Jesus resurrected within theirs – writing in the name of Jesus (as a Christ in his name reborn). For this reason, I have inserted the verse numbers above (in bold type, within brackets), to point out how paraphrases that seem to follow the rules of translation syntax (between Greek and English) are not in play when reading text written according to the perfection of divine text. Paul did not simply grab some paper and begin writing down some random thoughts he originated. In the same way David did not think he had so much personal lyrical-musical talent he should try out to be an idol of adoring fans, ALL divine Scripture [that of the Holy Bible] is written the way Yahweh’s elohim of divine marriage and the Lord in possession of a Saint’s soul dictates. Like Ezekiel when asked, “Mortal, can these dry bones live?” the answer is always, “Yahweh, you know.” The translators act like they have the powers of Yahweh to rewrite more than one iota of divine text (miss-crossing more than one t), so they can receive a paycheck and tell the customers what they will pay to hear.
When this reading begins “Christ Jesus,” this is not written in verse fifteen. It is the Episcopal Church intuiting the prior fourteen verses, which lists “of Christ of Jesus” [verse 1]; “to Christ” [verse 2]; “of Jesus of Christ” [verse 3]; “to Christ to Jesus” [verse 4]; and “of Christ” [verse 7] as catch words they incorrectly pull from … to keep their pewples abreast of what was missed. As can be seen from what was actually written prior, it becomes obvious the Church has been misled by English mistranslations, so it thinks Jesus carries around a heavenly ‘driver’s license’ that identifies him as “Jesus Christ” [or “Christ, Jesus”]. Both words are capitalized, so divinely stated by Yahweh-Jesus to Paul not to drop a name, but to state two principle that must be understood. That understanding comes through divine guidance. Because the Church [all churches are in the same sinking boat] bows down to and worships translation services [not Yahweh], they make this insertion without any divine inspiration. Therefore, I have stricken through “Jesus Christ” and written the English translation for what is actually written – which is “He,” from “Hos.”
The Greek word “Hos” is a nominative masculine singular relative pronoun, where the capitalization raised “He” to a divine level of meaning. The masculine singular is stating the divinity of Yahweh, which is also present in His Spirit and His Son’s soul [a Yahweh elohim], sent to possess a wife-soul. All of the spiritual realm is masculine, but Yahweh must be read as the truth behind “He.” Here, it is vital to recall how often Jesus said, “I don’t think things up from my human brain and tell them to you to write down. I speak for the Father, who is in me, as I am in the Father.” Notice the masculine singular being stated in all that. Thus, Yahweh is “He,” as is the Son,” because he is in the Father and the Father is in him, with the Spirit being the masculine projection of the spiritual realm into the material realm – occupying a soul trapped in a body of flesh.
The first nine verses of this reading are separated under an artificial heading applied by my main research source (BibleHub Interlinear) that says, “The Supremacy of Christ.” The NRSV uses the same heading, which says this title comes from the text; but there is a complete absence of the word “Christos” (in any form) in these nine verses. This means the application of “Christ” is misused, as it is a reference to the identification card of the Son made by the hand of Yahweh, for the purpose of possessing His wife-souls and leading them to be Jesus reborn – the truth of Saints. This means these first nine verses are Yahweh using His Son’s resurrected soul in Paul (made a Saint), so Paul wrote as Jesus reborn. Paul as Jesus reborn wrote to other wife-souls of Yahweh who were likewise Jesuses reborn and Saints just like Paul. The word “Christ” is then the supremacy of souls born into bodies of sinful flesh becoming “Anointed” [the meaning of “Christos”] by Yahweh [the purpose of the capitalization of “Christos”], so many wife-souls were reborn in the name of Jesus IS the reason such a spiritually transformative presence of the Trinity in the flesh [Father-Son-Spirit] is called Christianity. ALL true members of that ‘religion’ are the presence of the Father [Yahweh], as the Son resurrected [Jesus the Lord over a wife-soul], due to the Anointment of that wife-soul by Yahweh’s Spirit [all made Christs].

Verse fifteen is written in two segments: “He exists likeness of this of God of this of unseen , firstborn of all of creation ,” The first segments says Yahweh’s “likeness” or “image” is His Son, who was made by the hand of Yahweh on the seventh day. That creation was Adam, a “Yahweh elohim” (as stated eleven times in Genesis 2). The place where Yahweh created Adam was Eden, which is not wholly physical. It is a realm where the most holy spiritual joins with the most holy material – thus “Yahweh” [“God”] and “elohim” [Yahweh’s spirit within flesh]. This creation was divine, therefore spiritual; and, the spiritual cannot be “seen.” It is the “invisible” presence that, like a soul within a body of flesh, cannot be seen.
When the second segment adds, “firstborn of all creation,” the creation of Adam [“Yahweh elohim”] was on the seventh day, after the Creation was complete. Animal man – males and females in the likeness of spirits: “elohim” [stated thirty-two times in Genesis 1, with four more individual “elohim”in the first four verses of Genesis 2] – was created on day six. Therefore animal man [males and females] are not the “creation” this segment refers to. This says the “unseen” Yahweh elohim made by Yahweh was His “likeness” to be placed in all subsequent priests of Yahweh that would come after Adam [and his mirror “image” ‘Eve’] left Eden and became incarnate on earth. Adam begat the first of “all” wife-souls of Yahweh, which is the truth of what “Christianity” means: souls Anointed by Yahweh and given a possessing Lord over their souls: Adam-Jesus.
Verse sixteen then furthers this concept of “firstborn of all of creation” (where the Genitive case [possessive] is stated in “of this firstborn” and “of creation of firstborn”), by beginning with “because,” where the “reason for the “firstborn” is to possess divinely. The whole of this verse literally translates to say, “because within to himself he was created this all within to these to spirits kai upon of this of flesh this visible kai this invisible , if dominion if rulers if powers to act ; this all on account of of himself kai into himself he has been created .” This is powerful to understand; so, it must be gone through closely.
The first segment begins by explaining the reason Yahweh created His “Yahweh elohim” was “to his soul” [“himself” > “his soul,” where a “self” is a “soul”] was the ‘soul’ of Adam-Jesus made (“created”) to be joined with “all” or “every” soul that will be saved. The Greek word “en” translates as “in,” but to read “because in to himself he was created” makes it appear to mean the same as hearing, “believe in Jesus.” The word means “within” properly, such that “within” becomes a statement of the divine possession of a wife-soul of Yahweh’s. The soul of Adam-Jesus “was created” as “this” possessing soul that must become the Lord over “all,” where it joins with the soul “within,” so “to these” two “spirits” – the soul of a wife to Yahweh and the soul of His Son become joined spiritually (as an invisible union). The plural word “ouranois” (in the Dative case) means “to heavens,” where one “heaven” must be realized to mean an unseen spiritual presence [not outer space]. Therefore, the union “within” is that which joins “to spirits,” so more than one soul exists “within.”
After Yahweh-Jesus led Paul to write that in the first segment, he was led to place the marker word “kai,” which denotes importance to follow. That importance follows the joining of two “spirits” [host soul with divine Salvation soul] by saying “this” union is “upon this flesh,” which is “this visible.” In that, the Greek word “gēs,” is written, which ordinarily translates as “earth” or “land” [dust and clay]; but when the “heavens” are joined, this makes “the earth within” becomes the “flesh” of a body that houses a host soul [a wife of Yahweh, mother of Jesus reborn]. This “visibility” is then then importantly marked [from another use of “kai”] as necessary to realize the “flesh” housing “spirits” is “this invisible.” That “invisibility” is a union of souls [divine possession] that are joined “within” one body of “flesh.”
The second segment is then separated from the next by the use of a comma mark, where follows is the conditional “if.” This section of this segment places focus on the conditions that must be met for this union to be confirmed. Contained within this section are three uses of “if” (“eite”), where four conditions each met each begets the next condition being met. Each condition is stated in the plural number, which confirms the repeated “all” [“panta”] of the first section of the first segment. This means “if” in one, then in “all” alike. The first condition says there will be established a “throne” within the soul possessed, where that intends “all” souls must surrender of themselves [their souls] to the higher power, allowing that adjoining soul of Jesus to become Lord over the wife-soul. The place of the ”thrones” will be where the heart center is the soul of a body of flesh; and, that “seat” becomes where a ”ruler” will then sit. The “rulers” will have the power of “dominion.” This translation of “dominions” can also be translated as “lordships” (from “kyriotētes”), from where the word “Kyrie” comes. The third condition met is “rulers,” where the Greek word “archai” can be read as “kingly or magisterial duties held.” The fourth condition is then the “powers to act,” where the Greek word “exousiai” can translate equally as “authorities.” This says the possessing soul of Jesus [“Yahweh elohim” resurrected] has full “authority” to lead the host soul and its body of ‘flesh” to act righteously; and, these acts are what deems one to be a Saint.
Following a semi-colon mark of breakage, the third segment of the verse sums up all of these conditions having been met, such that is states: “these [host souls meeting the aforementioned conditions] all (or every) on account of of his soul kai into his soul has been created .” In this, the Greek words “autou” and “auton” have been translated as “of his soul” and “his soul,” where the standard translations would be “of himself” and “himself.” The Genitive case stating “of himself” is the possessing soul of Jesus, with “himself” being the host soul that has married Yahweh and given rebirth to His Son. The two sections joined by the importance marker “kai” says “every” true Christian must meet the criteria of divine union, so one’s soul-body acts “on account of” the possession and “lordship” of Yahweh’s Son, because His Son importantly has been sent “into his soul” [all of the spiritual realm is masculine, as eternal]. That is the “creation” of Saints in the name “of Jesus,” where “all” are marked by Yahweh as His, via the Baptism of His Spirit – made Christs.
With this stated, verse seventeen begins with a capitalized “Kia,” which denotes this is of major importance – to be grasped divinely – that importantly sums up that stated in verses fifteen and sixteen. Here, Paul wrote [literally translated into English]: “Kai his soul [himself] he exists in front of [before or ahead of] of all (possessed souls) , kai these all within to his soul [to himself] he stands near [he is composed of, in union, together with] .” Again, by seeing “himself (“autos” and “autō”) as “his soul,” where a “self’ is the life animating dead “earth,” the great importance comes from realizing Yahweh-Jesus led Paul to write how “all” and “every” true Christian (“all”) is and can only be when “he exists” in union with “his soul,” so “his soul” is raised “before” one’s own soul in importance. The comma separating that greatly important statement is then followed by another important follow-up [use of “kai”] where the clarification of this must be realized to be “within all these” their souls have submitted to Yahweh completely, which has cleansed their souls of all past sins, allowing their souls to become virgin wombs to give rebirth (many times over) to the Son of Yahweh - Adam-Jesus. That soul becomes the Lord of all host souls, as Adam-Jesus “stands in union with” those souls possessed. The use of “he stands with” or “he holds together” is seen in the Amos vision of his seeing “adonay standing on a wall holding a plumb line.”
Verse eighteen then also beings signaling importance (“kai”), where the literal English translation states: “kai his soul it exists this head [or ruler, lord] of this of flesh [or of body] , of this of assembly [or of congregation, of church] , which he exists (this) beginning , firstborn from out of of these of dead [or that subjected to death] in order that he might be born [or he might come into being] within to all (souls) his soul [or himself] to have the first place [or hold preeminence] .” This says the possession of the resurrected Jesus soul becomes the Master over one’s soul-flesh. All in whom his soul is reborn are then a selected “assembly” or “congregation,” such that to use the word “church” here means to selectively exclude “all” who are not so divinely possessed from being called members of the Christian “church.”
When it then says, “which (or in whom) he exists [the possessing soul of Jesus with an existing soul in flesh] there is a new and fresh start, as a new “beginning,” which is a statement of a rebirth of the sinful soul cleansed and a new “beginning” of the Jesus soul, once again in control of human flesh. This “beginning” is then clarified as being the ‘firstborn,” which is the Yahweh elohim [Adam soul] of Genesis 2 (on the seventh day), who is resurrected “from out of” (implying “within”) “these of death.” Here, a soul filthy dirty from past sins (everyone prior to Salvation) is ‘living dead,’ where the eternal soul is bound to physical death, followed by eternal judgment. Therefore, the “firstborn” was made to save soul from “death,” “in order that his soul” – that of Adam-Jesus – becomes the Lord of that wayward soul, so as “to have the first place” means the controller of two souls in one body of flesh. For Jesus to “have preeminence,” one’s soul subjects totally to his will [Jesus is one’s king on the throne of one’s soul-body], making one be in the name of Jesus, because one’s soul no longer is the “head” of its “body,” nor taking “first” position in decisions on what the flesh wants or desires.
Verse nineteen then explains why “all” souls who are possessed by the Son of Yahweh. It is not for personal gain. Instead, Paul wrote [literally in translated English], “because within to his soul [to himself] he was well-pleased wholly this completion to inhabit ,” Here, the key term to focus on is “he was well-pleased” (“eudokēsen”), which should evoke memories of Yahweh speaking loudly (to those who could hear his voice loudly), “this is my son in who I am well-pleased.” When that divine voice spoke when John was baptizing in the Jordan River, we mistakenly think Yahweh spoke about His being “well-pleased” with Jesus. When He spoke during the Transfiguration. We think the same thing. In reality, Yahweh spoke loudly that “H was well-pleased” with a lost soul being returned to the fold, so His Son – the Good Shepherd – could keep the lost sheep safe for eternity. That means Yahweh “was well-pleased” with those being baptized by John and Peter, James, and John who accompanied Jesus up Mount Hermon. It goes without saying that Yahweh was well-pleased with His creation on the seventh day – his perfect “firstborn.” The use of “completion to inhabit” (from “plērōma katoikēsai”) is another allusion to Jesus saying, “Peace, receive the Spirit” to his disciples, as “peace” properly implies “wholeness,” where “completion” comes from an unattached half not receiving the divine compliment to that half, making it be “complete” through divine “inhabitation.”
Verse twenty is presented in five segments, with the first begun by the word “kai,” denoting importance is to be found in Paul writing [literal English translation], “kai on account of of his soul [of himself] to reconcile these all into his soul [himself]”. The use of “to reconcile” (from “apokatallaxai”), where the root word also means “to change from one state of being to another” (Strong’s), says the old state is one where the soul was led by the sinful desires of the flesh, where “reconciliation” would then be to Baptize a sinful soul clean, so it could then change into a soul never again to son. To be able to make such a drastic change, one’s soul [“himself”] would have to become possessed by the soul of Jesus [“of himself”].
Following a comma mark of separation, the remaining four segments literally state in English: “having reconciled on account of of this of blood of this of upright stake [or cross] of his soul [or of himself] , on account of of his soul [“or of himself] , if these upon of this of flesh [or of earth] , if these within to these to divine spirits [or to heavens] .” Here, there are eight words written in the Genitive case (possessive), where the focus must be on a divine union being explained. When Paul wrote of “after reconciled,” this is when one’s soul has sacrificed self and submitted to Yahweh totally and completely. The words stating, “on account of [or through] of this of this blood,” there can be no physical “blood” when only heavenly spirits are concerned. This makes “of blood” [the Genitive case – possessive] be a statement about relationship, such that the outpouring of Yahweh’s Spirit upon one’s soul not only cleanses that soul of all past sins it marries that soul to Yahweh, making a wife-soul be part of His family or “of blood.” This divine union then is for the purpose of making that wife-soul bear the Son of Yahweh in that cleansed state of being [a virgin womb]. That is when one’s soul is possessed “of his soul [of himself]. Rather than placing misunderstood focus on “of cross” - giving one an image of a physical cross and Jesus dying upon that, which like “blood” is material, not spiritual – the meaning of “staurou” is “upright stake,” which is metaphor for the soul of Adam-Jesus possessing one’s soul and propping it upright – acting righteous.
Following a comma mark, the third segment then presents the conditional “if” (“eite”), as seen in verse sixteen, where “if these” are those cleansed of past sins and stood “upright” from within, then they are “of this” divine possession. The result will be the righteous acts seen coming from this possession “of flesh,” which is the actions of Paul and other Saints. The importance of the “cross” has little to do with Jesus dying on one physically made of wood (although that released the soul of Jesus to forever change those souls who are led by Saints to marry Yahweh and become Jesus resurrected as well. The “cross” symbolism is like that found in vineyards, which support the vines that produce good fruit.
The last segment (following a comma mark of separation) then presents another “if,” where the condition that follows confirms those “staked upright” are “these within” their “flesh” who have become saved souls, transformed [“changed into”] “to these divine spirits,” where the plural of “heavens” is translated as such.
Verse twenty-one is then another that begins with a capitalized “Kai,” which denotes great importance to be aware of. That leads to a one-word statement, before a comma mark separates that word from the second segment of this verse. The one word is “hymas,” which ordinarily translates as “you” or “yourselves” (second-person plural), but should be read as a most important focus on “your souls.” This personal address by Paul was certainly written to the true Christians he had led to marry their souls to Yahweh in Colossae; but the divine intent coming from Yahweh through Jesus in a Saint says “your souls” speaks to all reading this letter. It is then most important for “you” personally (the reader here) to grasp what Paul wrote next.
The remainder of verse twenty-one then literally translates into English saying, “formerly existing estranged kai hostile to this to understanding within to these to works to these to evil .” This says that everyone is a soul born freely into a body of flesh, which as the years of life progress the soul will be led to routinely sin. It says this is a natural “estrangement” or “alienation” from Yahweh, from whom one’s soul was “formerly” one with. This then leads to the use of “kai,” where “alienation” importantly develops into a “hostility,” which rejects reunion with Yahweh, with this attitude brought on by “the enemy” of one’s soul – Satan. The influences of “evil” will cloud one’s “mind” or “understanding” of a spiritual necessity to return to Yahweh, as His wife-soul in marriage. Instead of being led to “understanding” the promise of eternal life, verses temporal pleasures, Satan will possess one’s soul “within” – a demonic union. This will become a path of life that becomes repeated “acts” or “deeds” or “works” to do “evil.” This verse most importantly says no souls are excluded from this “estrangement” from Yahweh, no matter what religious upbringing one has learned.
Verse twenty-two then continues this line of thought begun in verse twenty-one, about the great importance “your souls” should grasp, relative to being born “alienated” from Yahweh, with a known history of evil needing to be washed away. Here, the literal English translation states: “immediately now he has reconciled within to this to body of this of flesh of his soul [of himself] on account of of death , to stand by your souls [you or yourselves in the plural number] sacred [or set apart for God] kai without blemish kai unreproveable before the face of of his soul [of himself] ,” This says the marriage to Yahweh, which allows a wife-soul to be where the soul of Adam-Jesus is resurrected is “immediate,” such that Paul wrote to the true Christians in Colossae that they “now were reconciled” as souls united once again with Yahweh. As souls in “bodies” of flesh the divine possession “of flesh of his soul” meant (like Saul changed his name to Paul) the old “you” was no longer how oneself identifies. All are in the name of Jesus, “on account of” his divine presence, which was a possession “of death,” meaning the old “you” had to die, in order for eternal Salvation to be gained.
The comma mark that follows then presents the second segment in three sections, where two uses of “kai” denote important aspects of the new “you,” which is Jesus reborn. The first section of this segment then literally says in English, “to stand by your souls (that have become) set apart for God.” In that, the root for the Greek word written by Paul (“parastēsai”) means, “to place beside, to present, stand by, appear,” implying a “presence” that “stands close beside.” This directly relates back to the use of “staurou” in verse twenty, such that an “upright stake” [a wooden cross in a vineyard] is a separate “presence” that keeps the vine from falling to the ground and producing bad fruit, by being so close as touching – one with the vine. It is this support that comes from self-sacrificial “death.”
This element of being “sacred” or “set apart for God” [the meaning of a Saint] is then followed by two sections begun by the marker word for importance – “kai.” The important words are “without blemished,” which must be readily recognized as the Passover lambs that are inspected for four days before being slaughtered and offered to Yahweh on the altar. This means the lamb is all those souls – each a “you” – that has been made blemish-free by the soul of Yahweh’s Son. After that, the next use of “kai” denotes the importance of being “blameless” or “unreproveable,” where that is due wholly to one’s soul no longer wearing the “face” of self-worth or self-identity, but instead wearing “before the face of” one’s own face, the possessing “face of his soul.” This states the death of self-worth has been replaced by the “face” of Yahweh, as projected by the Son’s “presence” within, holding one upright and saintly. This “face” worn “before” one’s face is why Saul changed his name to Paul, as this “sacred face” makes one’s soul-flesh become in the name of Jesus, as his soul reborn into a body of flesh.
The remainder of this reading selection should now become your personal assignment to discern, praying for the divine assistance of Yahweh to bring one the insight of understanding. What I have presented is the core truth that must be understood. It clearly states what needs to happen for one’s soul to be saved from reincarnation [start all over again a place or two above or below where one left off at death] or worse [eternal damnation]. The words written by Paul were those divinely inspired by Yahweh, through his soul having become possessed by Adam-Jesus, in that name. To understand the intent of what Paul wrote in all his letters, one must also be possessed divinely and a reborn Jesus (as were the Colossians, to whom Paul wrote). Listening to people recite mistranslations of agenda-driven paraphrase will do little towards moving one’s soul to self-sacrifice, so one’s soul-flesh can be another Jesus reborn.