[6] As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, [7] rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
[8] See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ. [9] For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, [10] and you have come to fullness in him, who is the head of every ruler and authority. [11] In him also you were circumcised with a spiritual circumcision, by putting off the body of the flesh in the circumcision of Christ; [12] when you were buried with him in baptism, you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. [13] And when you were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive together with him, when he forgave us all our trespasses, [14] erasing the record that stood against us with its legal demands. He set this aside, nailing it to the cross. [15] He disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in it.
[[16] Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or sabbaths. [17] These are only a shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. [18] Do not let anyone disqualify you, insisting on self-abasement and worship of angels, dwelling on visions, puffed up without cause by a human way of thinking, [19] and not holding fast to the head, from whom the whole body, nourished and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows with a growth that is from God.]
My main reference source – BibleHub Interlinear – shows a heading for verses six through twenty-three (the end of the chapter) as “Alive in Christ.” The NRSV shows a header for verses six through nineteen as “Fullness of Life in Christ,” with verses twenty through twenty-three headed “Warnings about False Teachers.” The NIV translation shows verses six through fifteen as headed “Spiritual Fullness in Christ,” with verses sixteen through twenty-three as headed “Freedom from Human Rules.” From those three different sources, one can assume the verbiage in the text of Paul implies “Alive” means a “Spiritual Fullness,” involving “Christ.” That makes understand “Christ” important, as it is NOT the last name of the man named Jesus.
In the following, I will present a literal translation of the Greek written by Paul (as presented on BibleHub Interlinear, using their link to Strong’s). In this, I have used bold type in all first letters of capitalized words. All capitalized words must be read from a divinely elevated perspective. For example, the lower-case spelling of the Greek word “christos” means “anointment,” which would be done physically, using oil, performed by a priest. The capitalized “Christos” is divinely elevated so it states an “Anointment” performed by Yahweh, as the outpouring of His Spirit upon one’s soul. In addition to marking the capitalized words, I have also presented the punctuation as presented by BibleHub Interlinear in bold type, set off by extra spacing. Included as like punctuation is all presentations of the Greek word “kai” (lower-case and capitalized) are presented in bold type. Just as punctuation is a signal (a sign unread) how to read the written text, so too is the word “kai” a marker word that indicates importance to follow. A capitalized “Kai” then is divinely elevated to denote major importance to be aware of. Finally, the use of the Genitive case, where a word shows the possessive by the addition of “of” will often be found following a preposition that end with the word “of,” showing a repeating of “of” in the text. The possessive case must be understood to be a statement of spiritual possession, as everything in Scripture reveals deeper, inner truths when the words are read from a spiritual perspective.
As you read these literal translations and my commentary about what the words of Paul mean, take the time to compare each verse below with the verses above, which I have taken the time to number in bold type, within brackets. You will see the liberties taken by translation service to take words not understood and conform them into a paraphrase that goes well beyond the differences between Greek and English syntax, turning divine Scripture into the agenda of human beings not possessed by Yahweh’s Spirit (therefore not a “Christ”).
This exercise I suggest will measure your heart’s desire to learn the truth of Holy Scripture. You will find that what I present is not in line with the mainstream ‘Christian’ mindset. It challenges one to stop thinking one knows anything about what the divine Word of God means, when one is not divinely led to understanding. This brings forth vile resistance to one like me, offering a new paradigm towards understanding, so those calling themselves ‘Christian’ will react exactly like those who thought of themselves as Jews heard Jesus speak of things no one had ever taught them to memorize before. It is always much easier to kill the messenger, than it is to listen to the message and ponder it seriously. When divinely led to ponder messages, Yahweh and Jesus will send “angels” as their “messengers” to assist your brain towards accepting things presented differently, if the truth is told for your benefit. After all, it is not what someone else says to believe that matters. It is seeing the truth for oneself that becomes life saving. True faith, more that run-of-the-mill beliefs (without proven truths), is what turns a soul towards Yahweh, so a divine union can result. When married to Yahweh, then one becomes a “Christ,” able to have the soul of Jesus resurrect within one’s cleansed soul.
Escaping the grave
Verse 6: “As soon as therefore your souls [2nd person you] have received from this Christ Jesus this Lord within to his soul [him, himself] you all walk ,”
The capitalized Greek word “Hōs” means “as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as,” implying in usage “as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that.” (Strong’s) I have translated this to say “As soon as,” where this states the immediacy of “likeness” that relates to the last words stated in verse five [not read aloud]: “this constancy of this into Christ of faith of your souls,” where the plural “you” or “yourselves” equates to the souls that manifest “you.” This is now stating the immediacy of this “likeness” that comes “therefore.”
The second-person plural Aorist Indicative form that says, “you have received from” has to also be read where “you” in the plural number reflects upon “yourselves,” with “selves” being understood as “souls.” This is still referencing the “faith” that enters one’s “soul,” as a “constancy” or “firmness” [unchanging], which comes from Yahweh’s “Anointment” – becoming a “Christ.” That outpouring of His Spirit comes from divine union – Yahweh absorbing one’s soul into Him. It is then this “Christ” state of being that becomes “Jesus” reborn.
In the naming of “Jesus,” the meaning behind that name must be understood. It means “Yah[weh] Saves.” This means Yahweh is what saves a lost soul from eternal damnation, by receiving a lost soul back into Him, as marked by His “Anointment.” This cleansed state of divine Baptism then makes it possible for “Jesus” to be resurrected within one who has also been made a “Christ.” When the soul of “Jesus” has been resurrected within one’s Baptized soul, the presence of two souls in one body of flesh means one must rise to the top. It is then the soul of “Jesus” that does so, becoming “this Lord within.” One’s own soul submits completely “to his soul.” This is the same “to you all” who then “walk” in his name, as “Jesus” reborn. That “walk” is the ministry of service in his name, where the soul of “Jesus” continues to preach the truth, so lost souls can be saved.
Verse 7: “establishing kai building upon a foundation within to his soul [him, himself] , kai confirming to this to faith according as you all were taught , abounding ( within to its soul [it, itself] ) within to thankfulness .”
This verse begins with the Greek word “errizōmenoi,” which is the masculine plural Perfect Participle that states “to cause to take root,” implying in translation “I cause to take root; met: I plant, fix firmly, establish.” (Strong’s) Because this word leads to the marker word “kai,” it stands alone as stating “walking” in the name of “Jesus” comes upon one’s soul-flesh like a splicing of a good vine to a dead shoot. It then is “planting” the seed of “Jesus” within one who was not that before. This “receipt” of Yahweh’s “Christ” “Anointment,” bringing within one’s soul the soul of “Jesus,” who becomes one’s “Lord,” is then “establishing” that divine presence “within.”
The placement of the word “kai” then means that it is important to understand this “rooting” of one’s soul, allowing that soul’s flesh to “walk” in the name of Yahweh (a “Christ”), as His Son reborn (as “Jesus”), is it is “building upon a foundation within.” The Greek word “epoikodomoumenoi” is a mirror masculine plural Perfect Participle that means “to build upon,” implying in usage “I build upon (above) a foundation.” (Strong’s) This “building upon the foundation” of being a “Christ” in the name of “Jesus,” who has become one’s “Lord,” is then the transformation of a dead branch into the living vine that will produce good fruit for Yahweh. This is done by the resurrection of “his soul within” one’s own soul.
Following a comma mark of separation is another use of the word “kai,” which again denotes an important statement to follow – one that is separate from the “establishing and building upon a foundation” of divine union. For Paul to be led to write, “confirming to this to faith according as you all were taught,” says everything one was raised as a Christian to believe in will no longer be something someone told you to accept, because that belief has transformed into true faith, because one’s own soul in a body of flesh is experiencing the truth of what one was told (wrongly perceived). The “confirmation” (from “bebaioumenoi,” being a masculine plural Perfect Participle that says, “to confirm, secure,” implying in usage “I confirm, ratify, secure, establish; pass: I guarantee.” – Strong’s) is then the sacred rite that initiates a soul into Yahweh’s family of souls. Here, the use of “faith” can be discerned to be the collection of saved souls [Yahweh’s wives, the mothers of Jesus reborn] that truly establish a ‘religion’ in His name. This becomes a “confirmation” that one’s soul is eternally saved, because one has been “Anointed” by Yahweh (made a “Christ”), thereby being “guaranteed” to be a true Christian. To “ratify” and “secure” one’s place among those who “you all were taught” says serious study of Scripture has led one to question that one has been told to believe, to the point that deeper study has yielded a much greater reward – that of true faith.
In the final segment of verse seven, the Greek words “en autē” are written within parentheses. The presence of parentheses marks is a signal (a sign) that says the written words must be analyzed as invisible to the naked eyes. That invisibility then says “within to its soul” says one’s own soul “within” is then “abounding within to thankfulness.” One can discern this enclosed (use of parentheses) statement is of one’s own soul – not the soul of Jesus joined to “it” – because “autē” is written in the Dative third-person feminine singular. The use of the feminine indicates the soul within the flesh, as the adjoining soul of Jesus would be written in the third-person masculine singular. All eternal spirits-souls-angels are masculine essence, as are Yahweh the Father and Jesus the Son. It is the presence “within one’s soul” that makes that soul become “abounding within to thankfulness. The “giving of thanks” or “thanksgiving” is due to one’s soul felt the love of Yahweh that is His Son; and, it is that feeling of love that brings with it the “confirmation” that one’s soul has gained eternal life beyond the death of one’s flesh.
Verse 8: “you Perceive not a certain one your souls [you, yourselves] it will exist this carrying off on account of of this of pursuit of wisdom kai of worthless of delusion , according to this instructions of these of men [human beings] , according to these elementary rules of this of world kai not according to Christ .”
This verse begins with the capitalized Greek word “Blepete.” In the lower-case, the root word means “to look (at),” implying in usage “(primarily physical), I look, see, perceive, discern.” (Strong’s) Written in the second person plural Present Imperative, the divine elevation follows a sense of inner “thankfulness” as the result of spiritual insight, where one’s soul (“you”) having become a “Christ,” reborn in the name of “Jesus,” is now enabled to “Perceive” the truth that could not be seen before. That becomes why one has become “thankful within.”
Next is written the Greek word “tis,” which routinely translates as a generic “anyone” or “someone,” but the word used in divine Scripture denotes “a certain one.” This is then identifying “someone known.” The “Perception” one receives says one’s own soul is “not a certain one.” This should be seen in Saul being stricken blind by the soul of Jesus, then later changing his name to Paul, because his ”soul” realized he “no longer” was “a certain one” as Saul. The third-person singular future indicative then says “it will exist,” where “it” is the host soul that has married Yahweh (made a “Christ”) and been the soul womb where His Son’s soul has resurrected within. That says the old self identity has been “carried off,” with a new “Lord existing” over one’s flesh. That flesh includes one’s brain, such that this “Perception” from a new “existence” within will be “on account of” this possessing soul, where “of this” (possessed by Jesus) will lead one to a “pursuit of wisdom” never achieved before. The ‘Big Brain’ of self will die, so worship of intellect will be replaced by submission of self at the feet of the All Knowing Yahweh, whose “wisdom” will fill one’s soul through His Son.
Here, Paul inserted the word “kai,” which is a marker that alerts one to the importance of seeing one’s powers of the brain as being “of worthless” and “of delusion.” Both Greek words “kenēs” (also translating as “empty,” implying in usage “vain, foolish, unreal, false, pretentious, and hollow” – Strong’s) and “apatēs” (also translating as “deceit,” while implying in usage “deception, deceitfulness, delusion” – Strong’s) say the flaw of a fleshy brain is it will allow that which is untrue to manifest as believable. The importance of this statement is it says a soul in its body of flesh will be influenced by evil spirits-souls-angels to be misled, being sent away from Yahweh, based on being possessed (the Genitive case of both words) by “philosophies” (from “philosophias,” translated as “of pursuit of wisdom”) that reject the truth.
Paul then stated that such possessive powers of intellect are “according to this instructions of these of men.” Here, the Greek word “anthrōpōn” is used to speak of “human” knowledge, where science is understood as some false foundation of truth, when it is regularly amended and old beliefs of science are rejected as false by new beliefs of science. The Greek word translated as “instruction” (“paradosin”) also translates as “a handing down or over, a tradition.” When religion is the study of “philosophy” that never finds proof to satisfy all minds on one concrete faith, it is the flaw of “humans” to put greater belief in their own abilities to mess things up, rather than admit self-failures and seek Yahweh for all answers of value.
Paul then clarified who these “human beings” of “instruction” were, writing “according to these elementary rules of this of world.” The Greek word translated as “elementary rules” (“stoicheia”) also says, “one of a row, a letter (of the alphabet), the elements (of knowledge),” which can be seen as like the Table of Elements, where rarely is any single element found alone in “the world.” The complexity comes when the various “elements” are combined, as compounds that are difficult to explain how this bonding of “elements” came to be. This is then an ability to take single “elements” of thought and imagine how one idea can merge with another. Still, in all “mankind’s” wrongful ponderings, it never sees “human beings” as the weak link. Thus, Paul said of all this “wisdom” or “philosophy of man,” it is “not according to Christ.” That says only pure truth can be understood through a soul being Baptized with the Spirit of Yahweh.
Verse 9: “because within to his soul [him, himself] he inhabits [dwells] all this fullness [completion] of this of Godhead belonging to the body ;”
In this verse is the core reason for the headers for this reading that use the word “fullness.” Rather that connect that Greek word (“plērōma”) to “Christon” (found in verse six), it is connected to two Genitive case (possessive) Greek words: “tēs Theotētos.” Those words say, “of this of Godhead,” where “Theotētos” can also state: “Deity.” As a capitalized word (as are “Christon Jesus and Kyrion”), a “Deity” is divinely elevated to only mean Yahweh. To use “Godhead,” this should be read as relative to the “Christ Mind.” This is then Paul speaking of the “fullness” or “completion” that comes when “within to his soul he inhabits,” with this same presence being in “all” souls married to Yahweh, such that each are “belonging to the body” that holds this “completion” from possession “of the Godhead.” The Greek word “sōmatikōs” is an adverb that also states “bodily,” but an acceptable variation in translation is “belonging to the body.” Here, “bodily” says the “Godhead” or “Christ Mind” will become a function of the fleshy brain, as the soul born into a “body” of flesh needs this flesh processing of divine insight into understandable elements of divine wisdom.
Verse 10: “kai you exist within to his soul [him, himself] completing [fulfilling] , that he exists this head [ruler, lord] of all of origin kai of authority ,”
Relative to this statement made in verse nine, Paul began verse ten with the word “kai,” indicating importance is needed to grasp the truth of “fullness” and “completion.” In that, rather than being a soul leading a body of flesh around through intellectual commands [less than ten percent of the human brain relates to conscious activity, meaning elohim [souls, spirits, angels] secretly control the vast majority of “bodily” functions. Here, the importance comes from the realization that “you exist within to his soul,” due to that union “completing” or “fulfilling” a spiritual need. The masculine plural participle “peplērōmenoi” is a statement of a divine presence becoming one with one’s soul, thereby “making full, completing,” or “filling” one’s soul where it was empty. To then say “fullness in life in Christ” or “spiritual fullness in Christ” means one’s soul was partially empty, prior to being “Anointed” by Yahweh’s Spirit. To then be spiritually possessed, so “you exist within to his soul” is that missing, making one be incomplete. Here, it is important to recall how Jesus whispered to his disciples, “Peace, receive the Spirit,” where the Greek word for “Peace” (“Eirēnē”) properly means “Wholeness.”
When Paul was then led to write, “that he exists this head [ruler, lord] of all of origin,” the word “that” (“hos”) refers to “that completing,” as “who completes.” This is then the soul of Jesus, such that “he exists this lord;” and, he is “lord of all” in whom “he exists.” This is not Paul saying Jesus rests on a cloud as the lord over all who claim to be Christians. It says his soul “exists in all” to whose souls his soul is sent by Yahweh, so “his soul exists as ruler” in each and “every” wife-soul of Yahweh. It is Yahweh who is the “origin” of “all” souls; and, it is Adam-Jesus whose soul was the “origin” of “all” salvation. The Genitive case (possessive) that says “of origin” says Yahweh is the rightful possessor of “all” souls; but only those souls who “exist his soul” Jesus have ‘completed” a return to that “origin.”
In the final segment of verse ten, Paul was led to begin it with the word “kai,” which brings importance to the word stating the Genitive “of authority.” That Greek word is “exousias,” which also means “power, authority, weight, especially: moral authority, influence.” Its proper usage intends one see “authority, conferred power; delegated empowerment ("authorization"), operating in a designated jurisdiction.” (HELPS Word-studies) This is then stating importantly the “right or privilege” that makes the soul of Jesus become the “Lord” over one’s soul-body. As the “Lord,” the body “walks” in ministry as Jesus reborn, although it ‘walks” in different flesh, many times over. Those whose “Lord” is the soul of Jesus are Saints.
Verse 11: “within to whom kai yourselves were circumcised to circumcision to not hands made , within to this to casting off of this of flesh , within to this to circumcision of this of Christ ,”
Following a comma mark that separates verse ten from eleven, Paul was led to confirm the “possessing authority,” as Lord, was soul-centered, as “within to whom” a soul had submitted self-will to Lord Jesus. Paul then wrote the word “kai,” to denote importance follows as to “whom” this refers. Here, the confusion comes from reading a word like “circumcision” and reading that as only a physical procedure done (for symbolic reasons), done only to male Jews. Many modern American Christians opt for this procedure when their male children are born, rather than follow the Jewish ritual of this cutting being done on the eighth day after birth. The second-person plural form of “perietmēthēte,” which attaches “yourselves” to the Aorist past tense, as “yourselves were circumcised” can make one miss the point that the word also means ‘to cut around.” According to the proper intent of this word, HELPS Word-studies writes: “cutting off the "old life," in favor of the new which is in Christ.” When this is grasped, Paul then writing “to circumcision to not hands made” says Paul’s reference is to a spiritual “cutting off” of the ‘head’ of a soul-flesh entity, by making the soul of Jesus become the new “head.”
When Paul was then led to add, “within to this to casting off of this of flesh,” the possessive words that state “of this” and “of flesh” refers to the divine possession of a soul, so that soul (“within”) willing chooses “to this” sacrifice of lordship, “to casting off” control over its own “flesh.” This says the soul of Jesus takes over, after the “removal” or “stripping off” (alternate meanings of “apekdysei”) of a soul’s control over itself (its own soul), which was why that soul became lost and filthy from sins. This means the control of Jesus as Lord keeps the body of “flesh” from ever again influencing a soul – impulses sent from the brain to the body – to ever sin again. Thus, Jesus’ soul in control maintains the state of cleanliness brought about by Yahweh’s Baptism by His Spirit (made a “Christ”).
This is confirmed in the final segment of verse eleven, where Paul was led to write: “within to this to circumcision of this of Christ.” Again, the Greek word “en” means “within,” which is a direction towards one’s soul. It is thus “to this” soul overtaking by the soul of Jesus that “to circumcision” or “to cutting around” the flesh from the soul that was led to sin. As this can only be a spiritual “circumcision,” is comes through divine possession, where the Genitive case says, “of this of Christ.” The word “of this” (“tou”) means the possession of the soul-body, symbolically just as parents surrender their sons to a mohel, comes when a soul in the flesh surrenders itself unto Yahweh in divine marriage. It is at that time that a soul is “cut off from” its flesh, when there is an outpouring of Yahweh’s Spirit upon one’s soul. That “Anointment” is what makes a soul a cleansed wife of Yahweh, as a new “Christ.” The word “Christou” (“of Christ”) states possession by Yahweh and has nothing yet to do with the next phase of divine possession, when the soul of Jesus is resurrected in the ‘virgin womb’ of a new “Christ.”
Verse 12: “being buried along with to his soul [him, himself] within to this to submersion [to baptism, to cleansing] , within to which kai you were raised along with on account of of this of faith of this of working [of action] of this of God , of this of having raised up [having awakened] his soul [him, himself] from out of dead [of corpse] .”
Following a comma mark of separation at the end of verse eleven, verse twelve offers deeper insight into this spiritual “circumcision” that “casts off” control of a soul “of this of body.” Paul was led to write “being buried along with,” where the symbolism of “being buried” has to be seen as the death of self. That self-sacrifice gives rise “to his soul within.” That presence is then explained as being possible because of the sacrificing soul (that “within”) to Yahweh, bring about divine union through “submersion” or “baptism” by Yahweh’s Spirit.
Following a comma mark of separation, Paul was then led to write “within which,” where the Greek word “hō” is the Dative masculine singular soul of Jesus (the masculine gender states the eternal spirit-soul-angel). The pronoun “which” makes this next segment be less about the “who within,” as this segment puts focus on the “submersion” of “baptism,” which is Yahweh’s Spirit. That is better stated as “which.” At that point, Paul inserted the word “kai,” indicating importance coming from his words, “you were raised along with on account of of this of faith of this of working [of action] of this of God.” The last word being a capitalized “Theou” – the Genitive (possessive) word that states “of God” – says the “submersion” relative to the “circumcision of Christ” allows a self-sacrificing soul-body to be “raised” “of this of faith,” where belief was the emptiness of death, but the truth is “raised” through a possession “of God.
Once this focus on “God” has been seen, Paul was then led to write how “of this of having awakened his soul from out of dead,” this says the soul of Jesus has been sent into a “dead” soul alone in flesh, to resurrect that soul to everlasting life. While this can equally say that the soul of Jesus has been (once again, of countless times) “raised from the dead,” the soul of Jesus [remember: this name means “Yah[weh] Saves”] was made by Yahweh on the seventh day, for the purpose of saving lost souls. Therefore, it all lost souls in bodies of flesh that will certainly die that need to be “raised up” or “awakened” from the “dead.” Here, it is important to remember that Jesus said he was going to “awaken” a sleeping Lazarus, where ‘sleep’ was metaphor for “death.”
Verse 13: “Kai your souls [you, yourselves] dead existing [being] within to this to trespasses [to sins] kai to this to uncircumcision of this of flesh of your souls [you, yourselves] , he made alive together with your souls [you, yourselves] together with his soul [him, himself] , forgiving to our souls [us, ourselves] all these transgressions [sins] ,”
Following a period mark that signals the end of a series of related statements, Paul wrote a capitalized “Kai,” which denotes great importance is stated in verse thirteen. Here, “sin” becomes the explanation why “your souls dead existing within.” This clearly says no “sins” will be allowed for eternal salvation. The presence of “sins with” makes a soul “dead,” because its flesh had become its lord and master. Only complete and total submission of a soul to Yahweh can save it. To mark that soul as saved, the soul of “Jesus” enters to be one’s Lord, with “Jesus” meaning “Yah[weh] Saves.”
Paul then adding another “kai,” written in the lowercase, denoting importance that relates the way to remove “sins” to “circumcision.” The reason one’s soul is “dead” due to “sins” is the soul has not been “circumcised” from its flesh. This state of “uncircumcised” is due to the possession of the soul by the “flesh,” where the Genitive case says this as “of this of flesh of your souls.” It is then a spiritual “circumcision” that “forgives our souls” of “all these transgressions.” When “sins” are “cut off,” then the soul dies of self, its head removed. The new head replacing it is that of Jesus’ soul.
Verse 14: “having wiped off this according to of our souls [us, ourselves] handwriting [bond] to these to decrees [to ordinances] , which within adverse to our souls [us, ourselves] ; kai his soul [him, himself] he lifts up from out of of this of midst , having fastened with nails himself [him, his soul] to this to cross [to upright stake] .”
In the first segment of words in verse fourteen, the word “exaleipsas” is written, which is an Aorist Participle, stating “has wiped out, erased, or obliterated,” implying also “has plastered, washed over or wiped off.” This “erasure” is relative to past “sins,” which are relative to those judging one’s “soul.” The Greek word “cheirographon” is then relative to “a (handwritten) document, legal note, bond,” where this must be seen as a “bond” or “legal agreement” that is based on this having been “wiped out.” The following Greek word “dogmasin” states “decrees, edicts, or ordinances,” which must be seen both as the Law of Moses being permanently “written” on one’s heart (“souls”), such that having been forgiven all past “transgressions” means in return for obedience to Yahweh’s rules.
In the second segment, the Greek word “ho” is referring to these “ordinances” and “edicts” (as “which”), with them being “within” in one’s soul. The Greek word “hypenantion” means “set over against, opposite,” implying in usage “opposite to, adverse,” as “an adversary.” This means the Law has been known – through religious education – but the soul was led to “transgressions” by doing the “opposite” that the Law commands. This means “sins” are “adverse” to the end of one’s soul – Judgment.
Following a semicolon, which separates a new but related statement, this is begun by the word “kai,” saying this change of focus is important to grasp. Here, Paul was led to write, “his soul he lifts up from out of of this of midst,” where the Genitive stating “of this of midst” says the “uplifting” or “elevating” to a divine standard is done by the presence of the soul of Jesus, so the wayward “soul” (his soul”) is no longer in the “middle” “of this” influence caused by the flesh. In this way, the soul being the lord over its body of flesh has been “wiped out” by being removed from any contact with the influences of the flesh, with the soul of Jesus (the Lord) replacing the host soul in “the midst” of this body.
This then leads to the final segment in verse fourteen, where Paul wrote: “having fastened with nails his soul to this to upright stake.” In that, the “nailing of the host soul to a cross gives the wrong imagery for full understanding. With the soul of Jesus replacing the host soul as the Lord over the flesh (in no way influenced by it, as the host soul way) the host soul figuratively dies. This becomes synonymous with the death suffered by the physical Jesus on a crucifix. However, the soul of Jesus was freed to enter countless true Christians and become the “upright stake” set “in their midst,” upon that “cross” those souls would be “nailed,” as their having been “lifted up,” kept away from the filth of the flesh. This makes Jesus be the “cross” of a holy vineyard, where he is the “upright stake” that forever keeps a cleansed soul from ever sinning again. This is the meaning of Jesus saying, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” To “deny one’s soul” is to submit it to Yahweh, figuratively dying in that process. To “take up one’s cross,” the same “lift up” is translatable, meaning “to follow Jesus’ means to be “nailed to his cross.”
Verse 15: “having stripped from one’s soul these rulers kai these authorities , he exposed within to bold resolve [to confidence] , having caused to triumph their souls [them, themselves] within their souls [them, themselves] .”
In this verse, Paul is led to explain how “one’s soul” is led to “transgression” by the “rulers” of the world. The Greek word “archas” is written in the feminine plural, where the feminine is always a soul trapped in a body of flesh, as one of the material world, not the spiritual. The word can also translate as “magistrates,” which aligns this usage to the “ordinances” and “decrees” stated in verse fourteen. This means the “rulers” leading one to “sins” are those of the world, who are justifying their own “sins,” by making changes to Yahweh’s Law. This is what becomes “adverse” and “opposite” to what one is taught is right. When the “transgressions” have been “wiped out,” this also means subsequently that these “rulers” have neem “stripped” of all powers of influence. This, again, is due to the soul of Jesus not being swayed to change the Law of His Father.
When Paul added a “kai” before the end of the first segment in verse fifteen, he stated it is important to realize that these “rulers” are not simply people running around making suggestion to go against the Law. The importance to realize is “these rulers” call themselves “authorities” of the Law. This was the Temple elite in Paul’s time (of which he was one), but in these modern times “these authorities” are those running around investments, robes, and wearing high hats (like Pope Francis) making up amendments to Law, saying crap like, “If Jesus were alive today, he would agree with my changes in the Law.”
In the second segment, Paul then wrote, “he exposed within to bold resolve.” In this, the Greek word “edeigmatisen” is written in the third-person singular Aorist Indicative, where this says, “having exposed.” The alternate translation says, “having made a show of,” where this says the “authorities” make public appearances, which “exposes” just how little they believe in God. This “exposure” is an enlightenment “within,” where one must hear the whispers of Jesus telling one what flaws of philosophy are “shown” by these false prophets. This comes to one’s soul with a “bold resolve” of a strong sense of “confidence,” so one cannot be swayed to fall for the lies and deceit of “these authorities” and be led to “transgressions” they condone.
In the final segment of verse fifteen, Paul wrote that it is this awareness of the false changes to Yahweh’s Law that keeps one from sinning. This makes one’s soul be victorious over the influences of other souls. This is because one’s soul has been “nailed to the upright stake” that is Jesus within one’s “midst.” Just as Jason had himself tied to the mast of his ship, so he would not be influenced by the sirens to steer into the rocks, Jesus also ties our souls to the mast of righteousness. With that strength, a saved soul will remain saved.
Verse 16: “Not therefore a certain one your souls [you, yourselves] he judges within to food , kai within to drink , or within to portion of a feast , or of new moon , or of sabbaths ,”
It is here that the NIV shows a separate header, listed as “Freedom from Human Rules.” With verse fifteen ending with a period mark, denoting the end of a complete ‘sentence,’ verse sixteen begins a new line of thought. As such, Paul began by writing a capitalized “Not” (“Mē”), where the intent is to “negate "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply.” (HELPS Word-studies) This is then projecting forward what is “Not” the purpose of the Law of Yahweh, passed down through Moses. Paul then wrote, “Not therefore a certain one your souls he judges within.” Again, the use of “tis” is found, where this word always should be read as “someone known.” To Yahweh “someone known” would be His children or the sons of Israel. There are “No” individual “souls” that Yahweh “judges” differently than all “souls.”
This is then spread out as being relative to “food, drink, portions of a feast, new moons, and sabbaths.” The first three of those sets of Laws are all led by the word “en,” meaning “within.” That words excludes any external or material things that could ever be determined to be “food, drink, or portions of a feast.” The soul is fed spiritual “food,” which is the truth about Scripture. This then importantly leads to a soul “drinking” the living waters of Yahweh’s Spirit. This means the spiritual “food” proves the truth to one’s soul, so it seeks to marry Yahweh and become His bride soul. To become married one must “drink” of the outpouring of Spirit that Baptizes one’s soul. Once this divine union has taken place, then one’s soul becomes “a share” or “portion” of the “feast,” which is the sacrificial lamb. To become a soul (“within”) that is “a part” of the lamb, then one’s soul must be where the soul of Jesus is resurrected.
The remaining elements of “new moon” and “sabbaths” are relative to the beginning of Nisan – the first month – which begins on the first “new moon” after the vernal equinox (onset of spring). The symbolism of a “new moon” is death, as the sun no longer finds any reflection of its light to guide the souls on earth. The “new moon” reflects the sins of the world keeping souls from being led to Yahweh. The sacrifice of the lamb takes place before the first full moon of the first month, when the darkness is lit by the reflected light of the sun. This is seen in the eight-day festival (“feast”) that is Passover, when souls are spared from death. During an eight-day period there will always be one sabbath, if not two (when Passover begins and ends on a sabbath). The symbolism of the sabbath is the day of rest, which Yahweh deemed holy. Still, “None” of this means anything to “anyone,” if a soul “within” is not able to see the true value of each element, as only Yahweh can make this truth be know (a “certain one”). It can “Not” be taught by those who Yahweh leads to overcome and “triumph over” – the false prophets and bad shepherds.
Verse 17: “that he exists a shadow of this of being about [or intentions] ; this now flesh of this of Christ .”
Here, the use of the Greek word “skia,” meaning “shadow,” must be read as relative to “that” just stated in verse sixteen, where the overthrown “rulers” are “Not” those “certain ones known” that can teach Yahweh’s Word. The true “certain one” is the soul of Jesus, who joins with one’s soul, so that soul is known as Yahweh’s Son. This union of two souls as one makes it so “he exists a shadow” in possession of all souls known by Yahweh. This leads to the Genitive case (possessive) words that say, “of this of being about.” In that, the Greek word “melló” properly intends to mean “at the very point of acting; ready, "about to happen.”’ It states the surety of that to come; and, it says a soul with Jesus as its shadow is the “intention” Yahweh wants from one of His souls.
Following a semicolon, verse seventeen then says, “this now flesh of this of Christ.” When two souls are joined like twins [the meaning of the name Thomas], one will become the dominant soul, in control of the outward movements. This is then about the “shadow” becoming the Lord “now flesh of this,” where the host soul has become submissive to the dominant soul. That new presence is only possible because a soul has become possessed “of this of Christ.” This, again, is not a direct statement of Jesus (like “Christ” is his last name). Instead, the word “christos” means “anointed,” with the capitalization divinely elevating that to be an ”Anointment” by Yahweh. The can be no Jesus “shadow” in possession of one’s “flesh,” without the soul first submitting self-identity and self-importance to Yahweh, as a wife-soul.
Verse 18: “nothing your souls [you, yourselves] he gives judgment against , intending within to humility kai to religion [to worship] of these of messengers [of angels] , who he attends to setting foot upon , vainly being inflated about of this of intellect [of reason, of understanding] of this of flesh of himself [him, his soul] ,”
Here, the Greek word “mēdeis” equally means “nothing” and “no one.” This dual usage says “not things” and “no persons” of the world will ever be an influence upon “your souls,” after one’s “body” has become the possession “of Christ,” reborn as His Son. The Greek word “katabrabeuetō” is written in the third-person singular Imperative Active, where this is focus placed on “him,” which is both the soul of Jesus and the souls considered to be “no one” and “nothing.” Jesus then becomes the “judge” who rejects any and all arguments that are “against” the truth, intended to lead a soul to sin. The root word here properly means “he” is “a judge (arbiter) making the wrong call, depriving someone of their rightful prize and reward.” This makes the soul of Jesus, as Lord over the flesh, be the one who hears the arguments of those making bad judgments relative to Scripture, so it is they who are “judged” and prevented from having any influence upon a soul married to Yahweh.
Following this protection against those who would attempt to “disqualify your souls” from salvation, it is the presence of Jesus within – one with one’s soul-flesh – that is “designed” or “intended” to allow the soul “within” to seek “humility.” The Greek word “tapeinophrosynē” is written in the Dative feminine singular, where the feminine points to the host soul still trapped in its flesh [the feminine represents the material world]. The word then means “lowliness of mind, humility,” including “modesty.” This says the presence of Jesus keeps the outer world from attempting to inflate a soul in ego, so it begins to think it is a god of the world.
When this is seen, Paul then inserted the word “kai,” where this inner focus on “humility” is importantly means to be so one’s soul can be led totally “to worship,” where this is a concentration place upon one’s “religion.” This lone focus then allows the soul to be taught by the “messengers” of “angels” that serve Yahweh and His Son. The whole of Scripture is a series of divine writings that were written by “messengers,” who were influenced by the Spirit and their own personal presence of His Son’s soul, which is the premier “angel” [a Yahweh elohim].
Paul then wrote that this inner guardian and teacher is intended to teach the truth, by “setting foot upon” all falsehoods. All of the influences to sin are more attempts by Satan’s serpent; so, the guardian “angels” will trample upon those whispers, exposing them for their flaws. These evil approaches will never have an effect on the saved soul, but they will be known for what they represent – a danger to those unmarried to Yahweh souls.
Paul was then led to write these who will have the “angel’s foot set upon them” are “vainly being inflated about of this of intellect of this of flesh of himself.” This says the whispers to sin are all attempts to play upon the “vanity” of a soul in its flesh. They are intended to “inflate” one’s self-ego and self-worth, far beyond the reality of one being a soul, in need of finding the truth of Yahweh. The point of “intellect” (where “noos” equally means “understanding and reason”) is the fleshy Big Brain becomes the replacement for Yahweh, as Satan takes over the soul through his cunning mismanagement of one’s brain.
Verse 19: “kai not taking hold of this Head [Ruler, Lord] , from out of of which all flesh , on account of of this of joints [of fastenings] kai of bonds [of that which binds together] being provided [being furnished] kai being joined together , he increases [he grows] this growth of this of God .”
This final verse to be read aloud [listed as ‘optional’ reading] has three uses of “kia,” which means important points are made by Paul, relative to that stated prior, where focus was placed on those who would lead a soul to ruin, using its flesh’s desire to be one with its feminine element [the world] as the trap that leads all souls to “transgressions.” The first use of “kai” leads to a capitalized “Kephalēn,” which must be read as a divinely elevated “Head.” This also implies a ”Ruler” or “Lord,” which has to be seen as the importance in understanding how “not taking hold of this Head,” versus depending on one’s own false impressions coming from a ‘Big Brain’ [“intellect” and “reason”] is vital for one’s salvation.
When Paul was then led to write, “from out of of which,” the use of the Greek word “hou,” in the Genitive case (possessive) says “all flesh” must have this dependency on “intellect” removed (“from out of”), so “all flesh” can then be “of which” or “of who” the truth will be told. Paul then added (following a comma mark of separation) how this that possesses, coming from out of all flesh,” is “on account of” the divine possession “of this” (“of who” or “of which”) that is “of joints” or “of fastenings.” This is then the divine union of the soul of Jesus with the soul of oneself in the flesh, such that two are “joined” as one. It is the possession of Jesus’ soul (the Genitive case “of joints”) that removes the ‘Big Brain’ as the “Head” of the body of “flesh” (in “all” who so “join”), so Jesus becomes the “Lord” of this “flesh” (in “all who join”).
Paul then added the second “kai” in this verse, which announces the importance of understanding “of joints” as being “of bonds,” or the possession “of that which binds together.” This is then said to be “epichorēgoumenon,” which is written in the present participle, meaning “being supplied, being furnished, or being provided.” The importance says this “joining” (divine union) is not oneself can bring into being, by self-will power. One must lay down its worship of intellect and submit to knowing nothing of value that is not divinely led to “understanding” by the new “Lord” that has come “from out of” this surrender of self. This then leads to a third use of “kai,” which make it important to realize the “provision” of a new “Head” is only possible by “being joined together.” This importance says Jesus cannot be some external figure that one professes belief in, as Jesus can only save one’s soul by “being joined together” with that soul being saved.
The final segment of this verse then says, “, he increases this growth of this of God,” where the Genitive case use of “Theou” says “God’s possession” is the source of all that saves a soul. The name (once again) “Jesus” means “Yah[weh] Saves.” While the impression is to think “Jesus Saves,” in reality it is the possession of one’s soul by the soul “of Jesus” that can only come after a soul has submitted unto Yahweh in divine marriage, bringing about the Baptism of that soul (each and every soul saved), so the soul of Jesus can be resurrected. That resurrection is totally due to Yahweh sowing the seed of His Son into a lost soul; so, Yahweh Saves all souls that surrender to His Will. This presence “of God” is then the “increase” that is eternal life, where a soul has been spared the death brought on by its flesh. This is the “growth” that is only possible by “God.”
It took me three days to write this quite deep explanation of the text written. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of that time. If any readers have reached this point, after reading everything prior, you will probably notice I have not added more time in editing that written. If you have a question about something not made clear, then ASK ME what you want cleared up. I doubt there will be any who read this far. Modern [false] Christianity is filled with those who like the idea of pretend salvation, because they like to believe Jesus died on a cross to forgive every sin thereafter. The lazy Christians are always deemed to be the bridesmaids whose lamps were empty and the goats that did nothing for anyone other than themselves. The reason I write 8,200-word commentaries is for the one lost soul who truly seeks salvation.