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Genesis 15:1-6 - A possession that begins salvation as God's helper

R. T. Tippett

The word of Yahweh came to Abram in a vision, "Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great." But Abram said, "adonay Yahweh, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?" And Abram said, "You have given me no offspring, and so a slave born in my house is to be my heir." But the word of Yahweh came to him, "This man shall not be your heir; no one but your very own issue shall be your heir." He brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your descendants be." And he believed the Yahweh; and the Lord he reckoned it to him as righteousness.


In verse one we find this Track 2 Old Testament reading selection to be similar to the Track 1 selection from Isaiah 1. In both we find that “came the word of Yahweh in a vision.” This does not mean that Abram was just standing around one day and suddenly he saw something and heard Yahweh speak. The meaning of “a vision” is like a dream. It most likely came at a time of prayer, while Abram was not aware of his outer surrounding, nor using his physical eyes to see. With his eyes closed, in a deep meditative state of being, “a vision” appeared within Abram’s soul and the vision was understood as if Yahweh were speaking in signs and symbols, rather than audible words.

To read Abram hearing Yahweh say, “do not fear” does not mean Abram had any fear at all. By this time in Abram’s life, he had seen visions and heard the Word of Yahweh too many times to count. Instead, the “vision” was one of great peace and calm – a “vision” that spoke of wholeness and completeness – where Abram had “no” any reason “to fear.” This says the “word of Yahweh” assured Abram that Yahweh was his “shield” and protector. The “reward” was an assurance of eternal life with Yahweh after his death, whenever that day came.

When we read, “but said Abram,” this should not be read like the prophecy Moses told in Genesis 18, where Yahweh’s word told of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (where Lot and his family lived in the future version) and Abram began to negotiate with Yahweh. Instead, this is Abram speaking to Yahweh in prayer. Again, in a spiritual state of meditation, what Abram said would not have been audible to human ears. It is thought that Yahweh knew, before Abram formulated words in his mind.

What Abram “said” addressed “adonay Yahweh,” which must be understood for what it truly means. The Hebrew word “adonay” is the plural form of “adon,” which (in the singular) means “lord.” When this word is combine with the name Yahweh, the “adonay” are those divine spirits-souls-angels that possess or merge with one’s soul in the flesh, becoming the “lords” of all Yahweh’s wife-soul that become where His Son’s soul resurrects. This resurrection makes two souls be joined together as one, with only one soul allowed to make decisions that the flesh will follow. The possessing soul – Adam-Jesus – is then sent by Yahweh to become the Lord over a wife-soul’s flesh. Because it is divine, as the Son of God, it is identified as “adonay” of “Yahweh.” Therefore, Abram spoke to Yahweh through His Son’s possessing soul, making Adam-Jesus become the mediator of Yahweh.

When verse two appears to make Abram bellyache to Yahweh about having been promised eternal life, the reality is Abram is being selfless, by asking (in essence), “what good will eternal life do me, if I remain childness.” This is not Abram questioning Yahweh, but Abram questioning his inability to leave the legacy of eternal life for those who would follow him – as a son.

When Abram then said his only heir was Eliezer of Damascus, this is confusing because of attempting to read names, rather than the meaning behind the names. The word first expressed – “Damascus” – means “The Beginning Of Salvation.” To then add to that statement that identifies the promise from Yahweh to Abram for “great reward abundant,” the word “Eliezer” means “God Of Help, God Is Help.” This says that Abram said his only legacy for his life as a servant totally committed to Yahweh was as the first point towards eternal salvation that teaches lost soul that Yahweh will send their souls an “el” (from el-iezer), who will possess them as “my elohim” (the meaning of “eli”), who will “help” them find salvation. The only problem with that “heir” (from the Hebrew word “me·šeq,” meaning “possession”) is it ceased when Abram died and ascended into the eternal realm with Yahweh.

It was then, in verse three, that Abram mentioned his prayer – the reason Yahweh came to him in a vision, to give His Word – Abram said his efforts for Yahweh have not rewarded him physically with a “possession” or “acquisition” that would be a “son” to raise to be like Abram – devoted wholly to serving Yahweh. This became Abram’s prayer to Yahweh. He wanted to continue to serve Yahweh in the material realm, through a physical son of his loins.

The answer to Abram from Yahweh (through His Son’s soul being the Lord over Abram’s soul), Yahweh said the value of Abram as a Saint on the earth was not going to be limited to just his body of flesh. He said the soul of Abram would “possess” a “son,” whose soul would have the soul of Abram as his lord and master. This should be seen as was read in Hosea 1, when adonay Yahweh gave directions for the soul of Hosea to lead the soul of a sinner in the Northern Kingdom to change his ways and serve Yahweh totally. Abram would lead his son likewise, as each soul must make the decision to marry Yahweh and submit fully to His Will.

When we then read in verse five that Yahweh “brought Abram outside,” this is not a physical experience, but another phase of the “vision” that spoke to Abram. The Hebrew construct “ha·ḥū·ṣāh” translates as “outside,” but this should be understood in spiritual terms, where the vision is of those who are external souls in flesh to Abram. While Yahweh and His Son (“adonay Yahweh”) were internal to the soul of Abram, every other soul in a body of flesh was “outside” of that sphere of divine possession.

When we then read of Yahweh’s word saying to Abram, “look toward heaven , and count the stars”, this is Yahweh telling the soul of Abram to look at the spirituality of the “vision” presented him by Yahweh. To then tell Abram to “count the stars,” this must be seen as Yahweh telling Abram to count how many points of light – each the light of truth from divine possession by Yahweh and His Son’s soul – so there was no counting of physical stars in the night sky. The exercise was for Abram to count how many others like him were in this “vision” shown to him by Yahweh.

When Yahweh then said there were way too many to count, adding this “vision” was how many “offspring” would become sons of Abram, this was not a prophecy that Abram would have countless children. Rather than “offspring” being read as direct descendants of Abram physical body, the “stars” represented souls that would be totally committed to Yahweh, in the same manner Abram was. This would be due to Abram having one son, who would be raised to be just as committed spiritually to Yahweh as was his father; and, every Saint to come into the world afterwards would owe that divine union experience to Abram having been the first (after the Great Flood).

In verse six, where we read, “and he believed in Yahweh , and he thought to him righteousness”, the NRSV has inserted as second “the Lord” as the one having made those heirs due Abram, because Abram was “righteous.” There is no wording that states “Yahweh” or “adonay” in this verse. It is the third-person masculine singular that has led the NRSV to make this translation. The NRSV footnotes this translation and says the truth of the Hebrew is “he.” While it is obvious that the soul of Abram was in prayer with Yahweh and Yahweh was surely the source of Abram’s “righteousness,” the “he” should be seen as the answer to Abram’s prayer being his realization that Yahweh’s rule over his soul in the flesh, through Yahweh’s Son, Abram’s adonay, was having an effect that Abram was blind to. Abram had no concept of “righteousness” as that would be self-awareness. Instead, the “vision” of spiritual points of the light of truth were revelations to Abram that he was such as light source, from which countless others would be spawned. It was then Abram’s soul that concluded (via “thought”) that Abram’s legacy would be that – “righteousness.”

It is important to see this Track 2 Old Testament reading in the light of the Track 1 selection from Isaiah. Isais was one of those “stars” that had descended from Abram, because Isaiah was likewise made “righteous.” The people of Judah, some of whom might have some ancestral lineage that connects their bloodline to Abraham (especially the rulers) is meaningless. The “vision” shown Abram (like the one shown Isaiah) has nothing to do with the physical and the material. In the same way, Noah had three sons, but only one would become a shining light of truth (righteousness). In the same way, Eli and Samuel were prophets, who had sons that were raised to be priests of the tabernacle. Only Samuel fell into the category of “righteousness,” with their physical heirs as wayward as most people are. Thus, the point of this reading is to see being a Jew or being a Christian is nothing, if one’s soul has not married Yahweh and become His Son resurrected in one’s flesh. Only with that divine adonay Yahweh leading one to a state of “righteousness” can one be a descendant of Abram, as promised by Yahweh.


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