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Genesis 18:1-10a - Meeting the Trinity as a branch of Abraham

R. T. Tippett

[1] Yahweh appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day. [2] He looked up and saw three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent entrance to meet them, and bowed down to the ground. [3] He said, "adonay, if I find favor with you, do not pass by your servant. [4] Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. [5] Let me bring a little bread, that you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on-- since you have come to your servant." So they said, "Do as you have said." [6] And Abraham hastened into the tent to Sarah, and said, "Make ready quickly three measures of choice flour, knead it, and make cakes." [7] Abraham ran to the herd, and took a calf, tender and good, and gave it to the servant, who hastened to prepare it. [8] Then he took curds and milk and the calf that he had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree while they ate.

[9] They said to him, "Where is your wife Sarah?" And he said, "There, in the tent." [10a] Then one said, "I will surely return to you in due season, and your wife Sarah shall have a son."


Please note that the name “Yahweh” has been restored [from “the Lord”] and the word “adonay” has been presented in its Hebrew, as written [translated incorrectly as “my lord”]. These corrections are necessary for the truth to come forth. I have also added the verse numbers above [in brackets], so one will be able to keep up with what was actually written, in my translation analysis below.

In the Track 1 schedule the past two Sundays, we have been presented with readings from Amos, who likewise had a divine appearance” before him, stated as “adonay stood on a wall with a plumb line” and “showed me adonay Yahweh … a basket of summer fruit.” If you need a moment to grab notepaper and a pencil to write down all the times such a divine “appearance” has happened in your life, please do so; and, consider you soul in league with true prophets and devote servants of Yahweh. All kidding aside [you heathens], “Yahweh appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre” in a divine vision or dream. Yahweh did not ‘beam down from outer space in a material form,’ reducing Himself to the limits of a material world. Instead, the soul of Abraham [like those of Amos and David] was “into you Yahweh my soul I take” [Psalm 25:1].

The symbolism of “by the oaks,” or “the terebinth” [a turpentine tree] is many grow solitary, in places where there are no other trees. They are known to have deep roots; and, they can live a thousand years. This being written should not be seen as happenchance. The deeper meaning intended is Abraham was himself growing from the deep roots of holy men, who descended from Adam. He would become the central trunk of spiritual mightiness, from which would grow strong limbs bearing ancestry to his soul. As such, Abraham was a new “oak” that was surviving in a drought, so his limbs were the twigs of his wife, servants, and cousins. Abraham knew the patience of such strength as “the oaks,” so (like always) he did not complain about things not going his way. His way was where Yahweh directed him.

The name “Mamre” means one of three possibilities: “From Seeing or Understanding; Adversity; From Being Fat or Well Fed.” Abraham can fit each translation, as he was a soul-wife of Yahweh, whose “seeing and understanding” came to him by the insight of Yahweh. Abraham’s “adversity” was due to being an old man, with an old wife [ten years his younger], who had no heir. That was somewhat of a predicament, seeing how Abraham was “well fed” and enjoyed much ‘fat of the land,’ from his many possessions. Thus, under the branches of an “oak tree” Moses “sat” in rest, shaded from the “heat of the day,” most likely taking a siesta or nap. It was then in this state of being, “at the entrance of his tabernacle,” that “Yahweh appeared.” In that, “his tabernacle” or “his tent” is metaphor for the body of Abraham being opened to receive divine inspiration, with his body in a state of symbolic death [sleep], Yahweh entered Abraham’s soul.

In verse two, the simpleton imagery presented makes the reader that dozing Abraham “looked up and saw three men.” The truth of that leans heavily on a spiritual vision, more than a physical meeting. The Hebrew says, “so he lifted” or “so he carried,” with that root Hebrew word [“nasah”] connecting to words that say, “his eyes and saw.” When one realized “he took, carried, or lifted his eyes and saw” in a spiritual vision, this says what Abraham “saw” was divinely presented before “his eyes” – his mind’s eye that “sees” divine visions. Before one needs to address what Abraham “saw” spiritually, one needs to realize this vision would be invisible to any ‘fly on the wall’ passerby; as, it was taking place within Abraham’s soul.

When the Hebrew then says [in English translation], “and behold! three men,” this gives the impression that two Hebrew words that are divinely inspired by Yahweh for Moses to have this written [“three men”] is some statement of a number of men. Each word written must be seen as standing alone in its divine meaning intended. When Scripture is realized to be read from a spiritual perspective [not a physical view of an event], then “three” has to be seen [“beheld! Spiritually] are symbolic of divinity , as the Trinity. When the word “men” [the plural of “man” – “ish”] is read spiritually, this becomes a statement of the spiritual realm, which is where the masculinity of Yahweh, angels, elohim, spirits, and souls are separate from the femininity of the material realm. So, this says the “three” are of masculine essence, with this being the Trinity of Father, Son, Spirit all joining within Abraham [the Son soul within his soul]. What his “eyes were lifted to behold! was the presence of Yahweh, with His Son, in Adam’s soul [“three men”], all possible by the Spirit of Yahweh. This is the same as Amos writing he was shown or adonay Yahweh appeared to him. His visions state the same presence of what Moses called “three men.”

When this then says, “standing before above him,” the Hebrew root “natsab” is the same word used by Amos, where adonay took a stance on a wall holding a plumb line.” The spiritual intent of “standing” or “taking a stance” is coming into an “upright” and divine state, which took the soul of Abraham out of his body of flesh, into the realm of Yahweh.

When verse two then says, “and he ran to meet them at the opening of his tent,” this states the eagerness and willingness to have this spiritual encounter with Yahweh. The verb “he ran” shows how much the soul of Abraham went “with haste” to “meet” or join with this divine presence that was “seen” by Abraham’s mind’s eye. The “opening of the tent” says the flesh of Abraham had become “opened” to receive this divine visitor. The “tent” then makes Abraham’s body the dwelling place of his soul; so, his soul “opened” to receive the Trinity of Yahweh.

When the end of verse two says, “he bowed himself down to the ground,” the translation of the third-person masculine singular is speaking of the “soul” [souls are masculine, flesh is feminine], such that the intent is “Abraham submitted his soul down.” The element of “ground” or “earth,” where the Hebrew construct is the third-person feminine singular, means the “flesh” of Abraham was in total submission to Yahweh and the marriage of His Son’s soul with the soul of Abraham, while that soul existed within the confines of his flesh.

In verse three, we find Moses using the word “adonay,” in the same way that Amos used it. The verse translates literally into English, saying “he said ; adonay , if now I have found favor in your sight , not now you pass over above your servant .” In “he said” the third-person masculine singular is referencing the soul of the Son possessing the soul of Abraham [a masculine spirit – elohim] speaking (not Abraham physically). This is the voice of the Lord of Abraham’s soul, through marriage of Abraham’s soul to Yahweh and the resurrection of His Son’s soul within [Yahweh elohim, or Adam-Jesus]. The conditional of “if” is the Son telling the Father, the truth of “favor” can be found in the “adonay” present and speaking for Abraham. The request to “not now you pass over” means to find the blood of the lamb upon the “opening of the tabernacle” to Abraham’s soul. That requests Abraham’s soul be granted eternal life, due to the “favor” found from the adonay.” This then says the “adonay” is indeed the Lord “above your servant,” which controls his acts towards righteousness.

In verses four and five, where “water” and “bread” are offered by the “adonay” speaking for the soul of Abraham [still in a vision stated], the “water” are ‘living waters’ that Baptize souls in ceremonious union between a soul and Yahweh, where the “rest” found is the promise of eternal life. A “morsel of bread” is the truth of Yahweh, upon which the soul of Abraham is fed. It is this spiritual food – manna from heaven – that “refreshes the heart” [meaning the “inner man” or soul of Abraham] – where that nourishment is again a statement of the blood of the lamb [the “adonay”] that has saved the life soul of Abraham. These proofs are offered in the presence of Yahweh’s Spirit, which says “afterwards you may pass over … your servant.”

In verse six, we again find “Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah.” In this, the name “Abraham” [while questionable] is believed to mean “Our Shield.” This implies the “Shield” that protects the soul of Abraham is the “Exalted Father” that is his soul having taken the name of Yahweh in marriage. The “Father” has then brought forth His Son Adam-Jesus as the “adonay” of Abraham. In this divine relationship, the element of “Sarah” inside the “tent” means the truth behind the name “Sarah” must be read. The name “Sarah” means “Princess,” such that rather than a spiritual vision including a separate physical body of flesh or a second soul, the soul of Abraham within his “tabernacle” of flesh is the “Princess” bride of Yahweh the King. The command to quickly knead flour into bread says Abraham called upon his Messiah [Anointed by Yahweh in marriage] mind to recall the lessons taught to him by the Spirit.

To then ”run” to “the herds” and select a ‘he-calf’ [a young bull], which he gave to a “young man,” this reflects on how long Abraham had performed sacrifices to Yahweh, as a priest in His name. Since Abraham was a “youth,” his soul had been married to Yahweh, so his soul was Anointed by Yahweh’s Spirit, poured out upon his soul forever. This [although not written in Scripture] says Abram was like Samuel and David, made “Messiahs” while souls “young in flesh.

When verse eight says the soul of Abraham then “placed curd and milk and the calf which he had prepared,” one must notice the third-person masculine singular of “he had prepared” excludes any soul other that Abraham’s as having done any of this work to please his soul’s divine guests. It says the soul of Abraham pleased Yahweh the divine Husband, as an obedient and subservient wife-soul. Whe we then read, “and he stood by them under the tree and they ate,” this says the soul of Abraham was elevated or lifted up, so his soul “stood” alongside the Trinity – Yahweh the Father, Adam-Jesus the “adonay” Son, and the Anointed by the Spirit soul of Abraham, as the devoted wife-soul and mother-soul of Yahweh’s Son son.

When we then read in verse nine, the divine spiritual question posed to the sacred soul of Abraham, “Where Sarah your wife ?” this was not a divine presence not knowing all answers to all questions. When Abraham’s soul said, “here in the tent,” this was not a logistical answer, which implied that a physical woman was in a back room in a very large tent. It says the soul of Sarah was under the same covering of divinity, such that her soul dwelled in the same spiritual servitude to the commands of Yahweh. Sarah shared the inner “adonay” of Abraham that led her to follow the will of Yahweh, by following her husband Abraham.

When verse ten-a presents the promise of “a return to you in due time of living , a son Sarah your wife .” This says the labors of Abraham and his wife Sarah had been seen by Yahweh, known by His “adonay in Abraham’s soul, so the promise of a “living” bloodline would be his reward (and his wife’s). The promise if Sarah’s soul also marrying Yahweh, so His Spirit will have her give birth to her own soul’s “adonay” – a “son” that will become her Lord. That presence will come through her becoming like Mother Mary and her cousin-aunt Elizabeth, where giving physical birth to a divine soul placed into divine flesh will leave the mother a new wife-soul of Yahweh. To think in terms of this only meaning the promise of a physical “son” to be born to a woman of ninety years, is enough to make any human being laugh [the point made be Genesis:18:10-b makes, which is withheld from reading today].

As a Track 2 Old Testament reading selection, it is vital to see this in the same spiritual vision terms as is the Track 1 reading from Amos 8. It is easy to get caught up in the imagery of Abraham taking a nap under a tree [much as we found Elijah under a broom tree], when the deeper message of Scripture is always revealed when reading it from a spiritual meaning, rather than taking a material view. In this way, Abraham becomes a repeat of Amos, David, Paul and Jesus, all of whom were souls married to Yahweh, possessed by His adonay. This means the eternal lesson is always there for the reader to see what is expected from him or her. All souls must take a ‘nap’ of death of self, where like Jesus showed us, we crucify our love of evil and turn to love of good. We must create an opening in our tents, so Yahweh’s Spirit – the Trinity – can enter. We must submit our souls to His possession, as his divine wives in submission to His Will.


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