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Homily for the seventh Sunday of Easter (Year C) - These men are slaves of the Most High God

Bus Stop Bob

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Good morning bus riders!

We have reached the seventh Sunday of the Easter season. As six weeks of time are marked off today – after Jesus was discovered not in his tomb – the count of seven weeks will end next Sunday: Pentecost Sunday.

The symbolism of this count is totally misunderstood by Christians; and, that is understandable, because Yahweh told Moses to tell the Israelites to count off seven weeks … AND THEN have a festival that proclaims the first fruits gathered seven weeks prior are ripe and ready to consume. That festival is called Shavuot, but the Greeks called it “Pentecost,” because Shavuot was the day after the seven-week count – the Fiftieth Day.

Now, this that we call the Easter season is a reflection of that command made by Yahweh, where every year the physical realities of a first harvesting, ending with physically tasty fruits and grains ready to be eaten, are reflections of how the Israelite people had to wait before they were ready to serve Yahweh.

The spiritual marriage of their souls to Yahweh, truly becoming Israelites – Those Who Retained Yahweh as His elohim on earth – is reflected in how Moses went up the mountain and stayed there for forty days. When he came down, he brought the Law, which was the marriage vows all the Israelites had to agree to first.

That was the First Covenant or the Old Commandment. When Jesus came there was also forty days he went up the mountain figuratively (resurrected in soul spirit), before coming down with his soul possessing his apostles, as New Israelites (called Christians) … the New Agreement.

During the seven weeks after the Israelites were led out of Egypt to the foot of Mount Sinai, they were chosen for greatness. They just did not know it. They were green fruit, not ready to be served to the world.

During the seven weeks that began when Jesus was arrested, so Easter Sunday was day eight in the physical count of days towards maturity, the disciples were just like the Israelites Moses left at the foot of Mount Sinai. On the tenth day (Tuesday, the third day of the week), for forty days, until the forty-ninth day, Jesus stayed with his disciples as a cloud at the peak of the mountain that was their souls.

On the forty-ninth day Jesus Ascended. On the Fiftieth Day Jesus returned in twelve new bodies of flesh, in twelve souls who had married Yahweh and gave resurrected birth to the soul of Jesus in their souls.

So, on Pentecost Sunday twelves men (and other men and women followers alike) began speaking in the tongue of Jesus reborn, knowing everything that Yahweh knew (including foreign languages).

That has to be seen as the meaning of the Easter season. It is when fruit is cut from the source, thus dead, but too green to be useful. On Pentecost it becomes food from heaven to serve the world, ripe and mature and being Jesus multiplied in the flesh (like the Easter Bunny placing candy eggs everywhere).

The point of the seven weeks is preparation to be good fruit. Without preparation, dead fruit can turn to rot. That means Jesus spent forty days repositioning the disciples, so they would be properly prepared to fully receive his soul.

However, before Pentecost came, none of them were ready to be Jesus. Just like the Israelites who had not yet seen the Tablets to agree to those terms of marriage, they could not be the wives of Yahweh before the proper time.

That lesson is seen in the Acts reading today.

Last Sunday we read about Paul having a vision that told him to come to Macedonia. Now we see more of what came, when he did as the vision told him. Being prepared is not about self-will. It is about losing all self-will and submitting oneself totally to Yahweh; so, Paul, Silas, Luke and Timothy were led totally by the soul of Jesus within their souls.

We know that because in Philippi they “met a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners a great deal of money by fortune-telling.”

Now that is a paraphrase by the NRSV. The literal Greek translation into English says, “a girl certain, possessing spirit Python.” In that, the proper name “Python” comes from Greek mythology and means “a huge serpent that was killed by the god Apollo at Delphi either because it would not let him found his oracle, being accustomed itself to giving oracles, or because it had persecuted Apollo's mother, Leto, during her pregnancy.”

The ”oracle” stated by Python through this “girl” said, “These … these men servants of this of God of this Most High exist, who proclaim to your souls path of salvation.”

Well, that was the truth; and, the spirit of Python was “possessing” this girl as an elohim of Yahweh. It told the truth; but it was manipulated by being with a girl who was owned by Roman business men, who used that spiritual gift to profit greatly.

This is one of those times Scripture screams in our ears, “Possession by spirits – elohim – is real. Such possession can be good, bad or ugly.” In other places, we read of Jesus and his disciples (and the apostles) casting out demon spirits. With all that Scriptural evidence … which the faithful believe … nobody ever preaches the whole intent of true Christianity is to be possessed by Yahweh’s Spirit and then have His Son’s soul be resurrected within our souls, as the greatest form of Yahweh elohim possession. That possession saves a soul for eternity.

Can you see that?

<Look for nodding heads or shocked faces.>

Casting out demon or unclean spirits means being possessed by the Spirit that makes one be Set Apart by God. Raise your hand if you have ever cast out a demon spirit, by yourself.

<Look for no hands raised.>

I rest my case.

Now, when we read, “She kept doing this for many days … (crying out as screams),” that means (identified as “a girl certain”) she went to the place of prayer with the others of mixed Israelite blood, along with Paul and his brothers reborn as Jesus.

In other words, the possessed girl was like a walking advertisement for Paul, et al, like a billboard or flashing neon light with an arrow that points and says, "Jesus Saves Here!"

While they spread the truth of Scripture, answering any questions seekers had, this possessed girl kept reminding everyone there, “these men [are] servants of this of God of this Most High.” So, the Python elohim was telling everyone the truth that said they “exist” as Sons of God. The truth was saying, “These” are Jesus, without using that name.

Because that was the truth; and, because many women had surrendered their souls to Yahweh to be His disciples there, each Baptized by the Spirit passed into their souls to become apostles left to serve the souls of others, with that divine marriage officiated by the High Priest Jesus (in each apostle), Paul put up with the “spirit Python” telling everyone that truth “for many days.”

Then, we read that Paul “became very much annoyed.” The Greek word written says he was “exhausted” or “depleted with grief” or “experiencing piercing fatigue;” and it was that state that overcame Paul that made Jesus speak out from within. Jesus suddenly commanded the spirit to "come out of her.”

When Luke wrote of Paul, “turning to the spirit” [not the girl’s soul or flesh] and said, “I command you within to name of Jesus of Christ,” that was not Paul saying, “I am going to use the magical power of a name and cast out a demon spirit.”

Raise your hand if you have ever see some religious figure say loudly, "In the name of Jesus Christ, come out!"?

<Look for everyone's hand raised.>

It makes for great theatrics; but if one is not actually opening one's mouth so it is actually Jesus speaking, it has the effect of using that name to make someone become a doctor of medicine or a politician that is honest.

Because Paul resisted confronting a spirit of truth – an oracle – he let it constantly be a distraction. The girl’s owners profited from the talents of truth she had possessing her soul; so, Paul could have had a few more women submit to Yahweh in divine union, simply because they were influenced by this girl, who was known to speak the truth.

However, Paul the man – the soul in a body of flesh himself divinely possessed by THE Yahweh elohim [Jesus] – he did not make any decisions on his own. When Paul was effected by this “spirit Python,” then the name within Paul, which was “of Jesus,” which made the Paul entity be “of Christ” – Anointed by Yahweh, given His Son as his possessor – then Jesus gave the command to Python. It was Spirit to spirit … so no words might have even been heard by human ears.

Python did as ALL elohim do, when Yahweh commands them. He did as ordered and departed from the girl’s soul.

We read that Paul cast out a spirit; but the truth says [clearly] it was Jesus who did that Act. Can you see that?

<Look for nodding heads.>


Now, here is where there is a hidden message in the remainder of this reading. The girl that had been possessed to tell the truth was no longer able to be used by her owners. Those Roman slave owners still owned a slave; but the slave was then useless in their business that profited from the truth being told.

Those slave owners did not go seize Paul and Silas. They went to the marketplace. They had profited by telling all the other businessmen of Philippi what to buy and sell, so their businesses profited. The truth that led them was sold to those merchants. Everybody profited from the truth being told. Without a good prophetess telling them good financial planning advice, they were at the mercy of nature and public opinion.

When the girl’s slave owners went and told all the other businessmen, “Hey. It was fun while it lasted.” That news made everyone in Philippi that profited from the truth being told no longer able to depend on a possessed girl.

That made many Romans in Philippi very mad; and, that anger led to “these men servants of this of God of this of Most High exist, who proclaim to your souls the path to salvation” to be taken before magistrates, ordered beaten and imprisoned.

While that tells a story about olden times, think about that same condition being around today.

<Pause to let minds whir a bit.>

The Holy Bible represents pages possessed by the truth. As far as Greek mythology goes, the oracle of Delphi told the truth, but is was told pretty much like Scripture reads. You think the truth means one thing, but give it time and it means something unseen. Scripture leads to a lot of "ruh rohs," with a possession that exposes the truth within.

There are plenty of slave owners who sell the truth of the Bible and make a profit from it. In addition, there are many merchants who love to make sure they have a cross visibly seen, while they hawk their goods. Often they say, “God bless,” as if they should also profit from the religion practiced by false shepherds [slave owners] and hired hands [those taught to read the Holy Bible for profit].

That system is corrupt; but it presents the truth. So, an apostle puts up with that system, hoping others will come to be truly saved by the Spirit of Baptism passing from Jesus within their souls, into willing souls seeking to marry Yahweh and be His Son reborn.

The problem is when true apostles tell the real truth, so it is understandable, the possessing Python that keeps Scripture from being truly known is cast out. That leaves the churches of Christianity with dwindling business; and, those who buy crosses to make a profit get angry, when crosses are seen in a wholly new light.

The French Revolution and the founding of the United States are examples of the Apostles of Christianity being beaten and imprisoned, with a new possessing spirit being those of the prophetess possessed by the elohim of Liberty and Democracy.

Can you see how this danger posed to Paul and Silas, based on the soul of Jesus commanding an elohim that was benign, while being worshipped by Gentiles, to get out of the way of true salvation is ever-present today?

<Look for nodding heads and shocked faces.>

The prison becomes a reflection of Christianity that has been led by those who kill the messengers. The jailer becomes a reflection of lost souls who follow the decrees of governments and false religions, where they make and enforce laws to suit their own personal needs. Then, they expect the poor, uneducated to police their judgments.

Everything works well, until all hell breaks loose.

The prison is a reflection of the darkness that lies deep within our souls, where all our dirty little secrets are kept locked up. They still live; but we put them in stocks, so they won’t escape and tell everyone.

To find Paul and Silas locked up in complete darkness … praying … then led in songs of praise by their Jesus within … that inner light was heard by the other prisoners [call them personal sins], who knew the errors of the ways that had them locked up more legitimately.

Now, earthquakes in Greece are routine. That region of the world is where an unstable fault line is regularly creating earthquakes that reach magnitudes of fours and fives. Still, the reality of a physical earthquake is not the point of this lesson.

This is a personal shattering life event. The jailer’s secrets are shaken so mightily that his core being had opened every door and made all the chains holding down those personal sins be no longer secured. The jailer has reached a rock bottom personal state of being. Nobody in his right mind will commit suicide (especially with a family) because a natural disaster shook down the prison and let criminals escape. The jailer was going to commit suicide because once all his secrets got out, his life was foreseen as not being worth living.

When Paul and Silas called out to him from that inner darkness … where the jailer would need to bring in torches to see if what he heard was true … it was the soul of Jesus that his soul heard. The torches he took in were lights of truth, to see that salvation was being ordered for his soul. Salvation meant all his past sins [the prisoners he watched over] would be forever washed clean. The torches reflect the light of truth, which the Jailer took within his soul to find Jesus (in two possessed apostles).

The words shouted by Python, through the slave girl’s mouth, still rang true. “These exist servants of God of Most High, who proclaim the path to salvation” … because Paul and Silas likewise had their own prisons with secret prisoners be crumbled to the ground … when Yahweh married their souls and let them give rebirth to His Son.

Can you see this symbolism making this story have greater impact?

<Look for nodding heads.>


Now, in Acts chapter sixteen, it began with Paul having a vision of “a certain man” who called to him to "come to Macedonia and help.” The jailer is the only man we have see saved there. It might be his soul that was crying out for help, which Yahweh knew and had marked him for salvation. Jesus was then the source of the vision Paul was shown.

In Paul’s one letter to the true Christians of Philippi, he refers to Clement – a name that means “Calm” or “Peaceful.” That might have become the name of the jailer, once he was Baptized by the Spirit.

In chapter four of that letter to the Philippians, Paul wrote of the disagreement he had heard of between Euodia and Syntyche. The name Syntyche means “Together with Fortune.” It very well could be that Syntyche was the girl who had been possessed by the spirit Python, only to have that elohim be replaced by the Spirit of Jesus. She was “Together with Fortune” still.

When we then look at David’s Psalm 97, he wrote lyrics that could be sung by all those saved in Macedonia.

In his first verse, he sang, “Yahweh reigns, with “earth” meaning souls in bodies of flesh. He termed those bodies “islands many.” An “island” is an individual soul in a body of flesh.

In verse two, where we find David singing about “clouds of darkness” and judging the “foundations for his throne,” that is seen in the prison that was so dark within and had to be shaken so it crumbled, from having bad “foundations.”

In verse four, the “islands” are called Yahweh’s “lights,” which was the jailer calling for a torch to inspect the damage within his soul. The “trembling” David associated with those “lightings” were from “seeing” the truth their “bodies” (“earth”) kept secret.

Interestingly, verse seven sings, “Let be put to shame all who serve idols, who boast of worthlessness.” This relates to all forms of religions that bow down before images. One form of an “idol” or “image” is a cross, which is not anything to worship as sacred. It is not alive. In face, it reflects death, as an icon.

Following that, David sang that “all elohim worship him,” which is why Python (an elohim) left the slave girl when Yahweh commanded it. The Spirit of Yahweh possessed His wife-servants (his certain slave girls) in the “name of Jesus of Christ” (not "Python").

All of the fallen angels are fallen because they refused to bow down and serve mankind, because they believe they are only supposed to serve Yahweh. As the fallen, they become the elohim that test the souls of mankind; but they still obey all commands given to them by their Creator.

In verse ten, David sang about “those loving Yahweh hate evil.” The modern hired hands and false shepherds have a hard time explaining how “Yahweh loves those who hate," even if it is evil they hate. The modern Church is in so deep, from giving their blessings to sinners, that they are actually hating “those loving Yahweh.” It is hard for them to justify any embrace of “hatred of evil,” when they preach so often about loving evil … because Jesus would if here today.

David then went on to say that those who hate evil are “preserved” or “kept” and “guarded,” making them become “those souls of his saints.” This says the guardian of souls is Jesus; so, in whichever soul his soul is resurrected, one will then not only find a “preserved saint,” but a soul led by Jesus to hate evil.

Thus, David then sang, “from the hand of the wicked [Yahweh] takes away them.”

Can you see that to be redeemed and given eternal salvation, then your soul must hate evil?

<Look for nodding heads or shocked faces.>

When David then sang, “Rejoice in Yahweh, you righteous, and give thanks to his holy name,” being “righteous” is only possible through the divine possession of Yahweh’s Son Jesus; so, the “holy name” is Jesus (meaning "Yahweh Saves"), as well as owning the name of a true Israelite (meaning a soul Who Retains Yahweh’s elohim Jesus.

Paul, Silas, Luke and Timothy all gave thanks to Yahweh, through the holy name of Jesus that possessed their souls. The trip to Philippi made Lydia and her household all be the same. The slave girl possessed was likewise possessed by the Spirit and reborn as Jesus, so she gave thanks to his holy name. The jailer and his family were too.

The spread of Christianity is as David sang … just like the spread of Israel filled the hearts and souls of those following David, so they too gave thanks to Yahweh, as Israelites.

If you go back and read the letter Paul wrote to the Philippians, you will find he did not write, “And send my regards to the Romans who beat us and threw us unjustly in prison.” That lack says Paul only wrote to souls saved, hating evil by not giving it any pats on the back.

Now, in the Year C Easter Epistle reading from Revelation, we reach the end of his last chapter.

If you look at the verses selected for reading today, you find it is basically verses twelve through twenty-one. The Church complicates everything by omitting three verses: fifteen, eighteen and nineteen.

I am going to read you those three verses in a minute; but, first, let me tell you what we read before the first skipped over verse.

Verse twelve says, “I am coming quickly.” The first-person – “I am” attached to “coming” needs to be read as Yahweh – the “I AM” – the true first-person identity. When one sings David’s verse, “rejoice in Yahweh and give thanks to his holy name,” we "rejoice in the name Yahweh," as one's Spiritual identity, having surrendered self-ego and self-will.

When Yahweh comes “quickly,” it is to marry souls that have proven their merit; but, then, He comes quicker to souls that reject marriage to His Spirit. In that regard, “He is coming sooner” than a soul expects, when death and Judgment “comes.”

The Revelation has people thinking of the End Times; but all that 'distant future projection' misses the point of "I am coming quickly." When one sees that nearness, the end time is when one's soul will naturally (somehow) separate from its flesh, at death.

In verse thirteen, we find John repeating what he had heard in chapter twenty-one, where the angel told him, “I am the Alpha kai this Ὦ,” – where the symbol for omega is written, not the word. Twice this is written in the same way.

Again, the capitalized Greek letter is open at the bottom, while the word “omega” means “great O” [O mega]. Yahweh is the Alpha of life, but Jesus is required for the “last” of life, when the “End Time” of a soul in flesh comes quickly.

Thus, with Yahweh the “beginning” breath of life that is a soul placed into flesh, that makes Jesus be the completion of the “mega O,” so “telos” means “consummation, the end-goal or purpose.” Without the “closure” Jesus brings, a soul is sent back into new flesh, to begin again. We call that reincarnation.

Now, with that “quick coming” stated, verses fourteen and fifteen sum up whether one gets a good Judgment or a bad one. Guess what the omitted verse fifteen tells us:

<Look for glazed over eyes.>

It tells us what not to be when death come.

Verse fourteen says, “Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they will have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by the gates.” In that, the capitalized word “Blessed” is the same word Matthew wrote nine time in the Beatitudes. The word means “those who are Saints.” So, “Saints wash their robes” of sin (with a “robe” meaning souls breathed out by Yahweh the Alpha).

The ”tree of life” is total submission of a soul to Yahweh. No ‘Big Brains’ are allowed beyond the “gates,” because ‘Big Brains’ feed on the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The “gate,” we must remember, is Jesus – He said, “I am the gate.”

Now, this is what verse fifteen says (which is not for our reading experience today):

“outside these dogs ; kai these poisoners ; kai these fornicators ; kai these

murderers ; kai these image worshipers kai all loving kai practicing lies .

Can you see why the priests of the Episcopal Church would not want to have to explain that verse? Can you hear six uses of “kai” making each point made be a sin condemning a soul to failure?

<Look for shocked faces.>

The word "kai" is a marker of importance to follow. When we see the importance warning of "these image worshipers," that says religions selling trinkets, rather than divine possession, are as bad as "fornicators" and "murderers." When Jesus told John importantly "all loving kai practicing lies," that says anyone who knows he or she is telling a lie and happily doing so, is likewise looking for a Judgment that is the same as those who "poison" minds.

This is omitted by the Church because the Church hires souls who "love evil," rather than hate it.

We then find a capitalized “Egō,” separated from a capitalized “Jesus,” where “I AM” has sent to John (and all like him – Apostles and Saints) a message to the churches (assemblies) through Jesus.

When that angel (Yahweh elohim) then said, “I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star,” that means the soul of Jesus is the true vine that bears good fruit in Apostles and Saints. His presence within their souls leads them with the light of truth.

In that, the name "David" must be read as divinely elevated because it is a capitalized word. That word mean "Beloved." By saying Jesus is the "root" and "family" (from "genos") of the "Beloved, it says all who become Jesus reborn as the Sons (all souls, no matter what sex organs of flesh possessed) of "Love."

When the soul of Jesus said, “Kai this Spirit kai this bride,” all souls who marry Yahweh and receive His “Spirit” are His wives spiritually. That marriage begets Jesus. Jesus is the ever-living waters of life; but to drink from that fountain, one must show Yahweh a “thirst” and a “desire.”

One must yearn to know Yahweh. One must long to be led by His Spirit in marriage.

Now, after being told that, verses eighteen and nineteen tell the reader (through John), nothing can be added to this letter (book), nor subtracted.

Does omitting verses to be read in an aisle of an Episcopal Church, by a priest, sound like subtracting to you?

<Look for shocked faces.>

Verse eighteen says, “if anyone should add to these, will add this God unto that soul these afflictions having been written within this book.” Those "afflictions" are all the scary 'End Times' dragons and such.

Verse nineteen then says, “kai if anyone should take away from these words of this book of prophecy, will take away from that soul a share of the tree of life, kai be kept out of the gates to the city, who are those saved by Jesus shown in this book.”

Everything written in verse fifteen (the first subtracted verse) then sums up why subtractors will be banished from heaven and denied eternal life.

With that said, Jesus repeated Yahweh saying, “I am coming quickly.” The point is your soul needs to know what not to do before death comes, because not knowing these three verses means a fool has been led by a false shepherd, both bound to find their souls falling into the pit.

Can you see how these three verses are vital to know?

<Look for nodding heads.>


That takes us to the Gospel reading for today, from John. Here we read the last of Jesus’ prayers on the Seder evening, before the group of men walked from the Essene Quarter gate to Gethsemane.

These last seven verses represent Jesus praying for us today. His prayer is importantly (“kai”) stated for those having faith through the word known by their souls having Jesus’ soul within theirs.

This is then a prayer for the continuation of Jesus on the face of the earth – in flesh possessed in the beginning by a soul breathed out by Yahweh at birth. The prayer is for soul to be the “closure” of the mega O, as Apostles and Saints at all times beyond.

In verse twenty-two, we read Jesus praying, “The glory that you have given me I have given them.” In that, it is easy to get lost in trying to figure out what “glory” means.

The Greek word “doxa” means "glory," but also “praise, opinion, honor, or renown.” Still, how does that equate to what Jesus had given to his disciples – then and throughout all history since then?

In verse twenty-three we begin to see what “glory” means, when Jesus said, “I within them , kai you within me , that they may be perfected in unity.” “Perfected in unity” means each soul saved becomes a Trinity, of Father, Son, and Spirit.

To be a Trinity means to possess the “glory” of Yahweh and Jesus, as a Christ.

Still, it is when one’s soul becomes “perfected in unity” that Jesus importantly “loved them as you loved me.” This means the “glory” bestowed upon a saved soul is knowing the truth of Yahweh’s love, which cannot be understood in any way human. To know that love, one's soul must be “perfected in divine union.”

The soul of Jesus was created on the seventh day, when Creation was finished. In order to save souls, Yahweh placed His love into a soul that would enter into submissive souls that desired to serve Yahweh. Their mortal love of God would return them the “glory” of Yahweh’s love, raising them from the dead by the presence of the pure “love” of Yahweh.

The soul of Jesus resurrecting within one's soul means receiving Yahweh's love through His Son.

One’s soul must thirst for knowing that divine love. One’s soul must desire Yahweh with all one’s heart, mind and soul.

I see the bus is rolling into the bus stop now; so, I’ll end here.

Please hear what I have told you and do more on your own to confirm what I have said. Ponder my words in your hearts. You cannot be saved by believing in me. You can only be saved by desiring Yahweh’s Spirit to marry your soul, bringing you the knowledge of truth that comes from faith.

You can only be saved by having the soul of Jesus give closure to the gap that a sinful world creates in all souls.

I look forward to meeting with you again next Sunday … Pentecost Sunday.

Until then, have a great week ahead.


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