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Homily for Trinity Sunday (Year C) – Coming to terms with what the Trinity is

Bus Stop Bob

Updated: May 2, 2022

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Good morning bus riders!

Welcome to the first Sunday of the Ordinary season that comes after Pentecost.

Let me first explain what that means.

The word “Ordinary” means “of an ordinal way” or “ordered.” Thus there are numbered Sundays in an “Ordinary” season.

There are two “Ordinary” seasons: One is the numbered Sundays after the Epiphany; and, the second is the numbered Sundays after Pentecost.

The Epiphany is a fixed date, as it happens on January 6th each year.

Pentecost Sunday changes each year, due to when Easter Sunday is recognized.

Every first Sunday of the Ordinary after Pentecost season is called Trinity Sunday; and, every last Sunday of the Ordinary after Pentecost season is called Christ the King Sunday.

In between, each Sunday is numbered in an “ordinal” manner, as “first, second, third, and so on.”

Still, the Church recognizes the maximum number of Sundays that can ever take place, between Pentecost Sunday (the last Sunday of the Easter season) and Advent, so they have a schedule of readings for every possible Sunday that can be (when Easter comes the earliest it is possible). However, not all years allow for the maximum lectionary schedule to be read.

In a year like this year (2022), when Pentecost Sunday is the first Sunday in June, the first Sunday after Pentecost is always Trinity Sunday, which is a set lectionary schedule of readings. However, that late arrival of Pentecost means some of the scheduled maximum Sundays scheduled will be omitted, when the second Sunday after Pentecost comes (next Sunday).

The lectionary number is also called a “Proper” number. So, next Sunday will be the second Sunday after Pentecost, but the readings will be those for the “Proper 7" Sunday.

With all that ordinality of numbers aside, the unstated truth of an “Ordinary” season is it reflects when ministry occurs. As such, the short “Ordinary after the Epiphany” season is related to the disciples being sent into internship. The half a year length of the “Ordinary after Pentecost” season reflects the length of one’s remaining life, after one has been fully reborn as Jesus.

The two Ordinary seasons are practice ministry and real ministry. Everything about the lectionary schedule of season is a reflection of what true Christians should experience as changes in their lives, which lead their souls to salvation. The largest part of that process is entering real ministry.

When this is realized, this become why priests are said to be “ordained.” This is rooted in Latin, meaning one has been placed into an “order” of ministry, which is not numerically important.

While people like myself can come to a bus stop and preach, coming without the papers or credentials handed out by religious organization, there are those who say only official employees of religious organizations are “ordained.” The I.R.S. likes that legality when it allows deductions for doing religious work (for pay).

However, that definition of being ordained is false and misleading.

Jesus never went to any seminary, but he was “ordained” by Yahweh.

This is why the first Sunday after Pentecost is called Trinity Sunday.

The Trinity is the Spiritual ordination of a true priest of Yahweh, which means it is always – first and foremost – reflecting a time when a Saint enters ministry as Jesus resurrected, due to the presence of the Father and the cleansing of the Spirit’s Baptism.

Real ministry means a Saint has received the Trinity within his or her being: Father, Son, and Spirit.

All of the readings today specifically address that Spiritual Ordination. So, let's take a look at them.

Keep in mind that ministry teaches how to see the truth of Scripture. It never begs for money or demands compliance to some system of rules. A priest that is a Saint is one soul found, who then goes out so other lost souls can be led into the light of truth.

Now, in the Proverbs reading, it is important to keep in mind that Solomon sold his soul into slavery to the goddess Wisdom.

After having read about Paul, Silas, Luke and Timothy going to Macedonia – to Philippi – where they were followed by a girl possessed by a “spirit Python,” a spirit that made the girl obnoxiously screamed out the truth, we need to see Solomon in the same light of spirit possession.

The reason (in my mind) the elders made sure we read verses one through four today, before leaping forward to verses twenty-two through thirty-one, is to refresh our memories about his possession by a lesser spirit.

Solomon was not possessed by the Trinity. He was not a Saint.

We read that in verse one, where he proclaimed, “Does not wisdom cry out? And understanding lift up her voice?”

Wisdom, as a “her,” is a spirit only found in the material realm. Wisdom cries out for reason; and, her voice is lifted up when one prays to her spirit to answer one’s questions.

Like the “spirit Python,” Wisdom enslaves a soul in the flesh to worshiping its Big Brain … which will not earn one eternal Salvation.

Still, when we leap forward to the verses that make it seem like Solomon became a changed man … the reality is this is the “spirit Wisdom” speaking of “her” relationship with Yahweh.

Just like when the soul of Jesus (which was within Paul) knew enough was enough with the girl being possessed by the “spirit Python,” he cried out for it to leave her.

And it did.

The voice of Jesus was the voice of Yahweh, to whom all spirits comply … willingly.

Thus, it was Lady Wisdom (not Solomon) who said, “Yahweh possessed me in the beginning of His path.”

Solomon was not possessed by Yahweh, because when asked by Yahweh what gift his young kingship would ask for, he said, “A Big Brain, please.”

With that request, Yahweh turned to his angel of Wisdom and said, “He is calling for your possession.”

We can figure this out by reading verse twenty-three, which says, “for eternity I have been poured out from the beginning, before there ever was an earth.”

When “earth” is seen as metaphor for “flesh,” it was not the soul of Solomon saying he was an eternal soul before he was a boy king. It was the “spirit Wisdom” making that claim. That needs to be seen as the meaning of those words.

When the NRSV shows the lyrics: “when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside him, like a master worker” … the “sea” is the sea of souls placed upon the earth.

This is like Psalm 104 (read last Sunday), which sang about: “Yonder is the great and wide sea with its living things too many to number, creatures both small and great. There move the ships, and there is that Leviathan, which you have made for the sport of it.”

Wisdom is like the Leviathan … and Python … as possessing spirits swimming around in the sea of souls on earth.

When Wisdom said, “I was beside him, like a master worker,” that is not Solomon boasting about how great his one soul was. It was an angel created by Yahweh … an “elohim.”

When Wisdom ended these selected verses by saying, “and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the human race,” this says the “spirit Wisdom” knows her role to play in souls in bodies of flesh has been allowed her, by Yahweh’s design.

But, lesser spirits are not part of the Trinity; so, they willingly step aside whenever Yahweh commands them to do so.

The point of reading Proverbs 8 today – on Trinity Sunday – is to see it is easy to become confused by a lesser spirit’s possession, mistaking it for some holy presence and totally being misled.

Just like the girl became a slave to Roman handlers – her slave owners – they took a gift of prophecy and misused it. Solomon was the same way.

The girl was saved by her meeting Jesus in Paul. Solomon was not saved.

Solomon did not think he needed saving.

We then read Proverbs 8 to see how easy it is to think one is saved, when one is not.

By seeing this lesson that false possessions are possible, if not probable (because it is easier to sell a soul to Satan than commit to a total submission of self to Yahweh), the rest of the readings tell us what possession by the Trinity really is.

This begins to be seen, when one realizes Psalm 8 begins and ends with David writing (not what the NRSV shows): “Yahweh adonenu.”

Now, I have said many times before, at various times (when the word came up in Scripture) that “adonai” is a masculine plural noun, where the singular “adon” means “lord.” That means “adonai” is a word that says “lords.” The construct that changes that to "adonenu" adds "our" to "lords," as "our lords."

The word “adonai" is similar to the masculine plural noun “elohim,” where the masculine singular form is “el,” meaning “god.” Both “adonai” and “elohim” are to be translated into English in the lower-case, simply because the plural cannot mean "our Gods."

Remember, the “spirit Python” and the goddess Wisdom are “elohim” created by Yahweh BEFORE CREATION. They do what Yahweh says do … without complaint.

The creation of Adam (on the seventh day … the day Yahweh deemed holy) was Yahweh placing His love, along with an “elohim” into a body of clay and dust. It was a “Yahweh elohim” that was breathed (by Yahweh) into that “earth” that made a holy man (and from his DNA came a holy woman).

When Adam and wife fell from Eden, into the real world, Adam became a “Yahweh elohim” who was the first “adon.” Adam (and wife) taught their children about Yahweh; and, that is what all the “Yahweh adonai” do. They teach the way back to Yahweh. They teach that to all seekers that are lost souls.

In a sense, Adam and wife in Eden was their practice ministry. When they became mortals on earth, they entered real ministry. That lasted the rest of their lives.

Thus, David’s Psalm 8 sings about being a “Yahweh adonai,” who teaches others to become filled with the soul that is a “Yahweh elohim.”

Can you understand that?

<Look for nodding heads.>


David was the teacher who made the Israelites live up to that name. It was David who taught them to also become souls filled with the Trinity. When that happened, Israel as a nation flourished.

In his first and last verses, David added to his naming “Yahweh adonenu” – which is a construct that says “Yahweh our lords,” meaning “we are the lords possessed by Yahweh.” David added the words: “how majestic your name in all the flesh! who have placed your splendor, over the souls.”

In that translation, “”earth” becomes “flesh” and “heavens” becomes “souls.” The “majesty” of Yahweh’s “name” says one’s soul knows that presence through divine union – marriage between a soul and Yahweh's Spirit. Knowing His “name” means becoming His wife.

The word translated as “splendor” can also lean to say “glory.” I have said before that the word “glory” means the love of Yahweh, which is a divine love only known by a soul from the resurrection of Jesus’ soul within. "Glory" is the presence of "Jesus" resurrected.

Thus, in David’s first and last verses in Psalm 8, he was singing praise to being filled with the Trinity.

In the truth of verse four (the church calls it verse five), the literal translation into English says, “what is man that you remember him, and the son of man, that you appoint him.”

The first use of “man” comes from “enosh” or “enos,” which is a word that was given to the son of Seth; and, the genealogy of Jesus includes Enos. Thus, this can be seen as a statement asking, “what is holy lineage?”

The answer is, “Those who Yahweh remembers, making them be the resurrections of the son of Adam,” where the second translation of “man” is “adam.

This makes the “remembrance of Yahweh” be His marriage, cleansing, and rebirth of His Son – the Trinity.

To see this better, David sang in the next verse: “you have made him a little lower than the elohim; with the glory and honor you have surrounded him.”

That sings of a most divine possession of a soul in the flesh, so a human being is just “a little lower” than a full-bore “angel,” after having been possessed by the love of Yahweh, surrounded by the Trinity.

I hope all of you will take the time to delve deeply into this Psalm of David and see why this song of praise can be sung on Trinity Sunday.

The “elohim” that are spirits like Python, the Leviathan and Wisdom do not elevate a soul to a higher state of being. The Trinity, however, makes it an “angel in the flesh;” so, when the flesh falls away (and it will), then the soul is like the visions of Isaiah and John, when souls join with the angels surround the throne and the Lamb.

Now, the optional song of praise that is Canticle 13, this sings like an embellished “Collect,” which has mostly standardized Church words wrapped around a thin slice of focus for one Sunday.

The standard words are repeated in each verse, “Glory to you,” with the only meat in this sandwich coming in the last verse, where the glory given is to “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” That states the Trinity.

The element that can quite easily be missed in Canticle 13 is it being the “Song of the Three Young Men.” That is a document believed to have originated around 100 A.D. It is a sixty-eight verse story, with a “Prayer of Azariah in the Furnace” and the “Song of the Three Young Men” (or “Jews” or “Hebrews”). The verses referenced are twenty-nine through thirty-four of that whole.

According to Bible Gateway website, verses twenty-nine to thirty four say this:

29 “Blessed art thou, O Lord, God of our fathers, and to be praised and highly exalted


30 And blessed is thy glorious, holy name and to be highly praised and highly exalted


31 Blessed art thou in the temple of thy holy glory and to be extolled and highly glorified


32 Blessed art thou, who sittest upon cherubim and lookest upon the deeps, and to be

praised and highly exalted forever.

33 Blessed art thou upon the throne of thy kingdom and to be extolled and highly

exalted forever.

34 Blessed art thou in the firmament of heaven and to be sung and glorified forever.

Rather than “Glory,” this shows “Blessed,” which was the word Matthew wrote that Jesus repeatedly said, in his ‘sermon on the mount,’ known as the “Beatitudes.”

The word “Blessed” means “Saints." This is important to see, while considering that three young men are singing these words, while being in a furnace heated seven time hotter than ever before. By seeing "Blessed" of "Glory" as their saying, "Yahweh has made us Saints," that would be them giving thanks to Yahweh for having placed the Trinity within each of them. Their ability to sing a song of praise, while not being burned alive, has to be known as a divine presence protecting their souls and flesh.

This Canticle's document is recognized to be an attachment to the story in Daniel 3, which tells of the men we know as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. In the “Song of the Three Young Men” their names are “Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.” To better understand this song, one needs to examine Daniel 3.

In the story told in that chapter of Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar became angry that the three young men would not eat the festival food, stating it was forbidden for them to do so. They cited the God of Israel as who they bowed down before.

The soldiers that threw the three men into the furnace died because the heat was that intense.

Still, the king looked in and saw four figures: the three young men and an angel of their God.

In verse twenty-five of Daniel 3, the literal English translation says this:

“answered [the king] saying , Behold! I see men four loose walking in the midst of the

fire and hurt not are they ; and the appearance [fourth] (fourth) is like the son elohin .

Where the number “four” is first stated, it follows “men,” such that one gets the impression there is another “man” standing in the fire with the three young men. What one needs to do is recalibrate how one sees those words; and, then see “men four” as a statement that each of the “men” were “four,” which is each of their soul-bodies having been added to the Trinity.

Then, when we find “fourth” repeated, back-to-back, it is first in brackets, followed by being surrounded by parentheses. Both brackets and parentheses indicate through marks that the “fourth” was spiritual, not physical. This is how it is called an “angel,” when “son of elohin” is read as such.

Here, again, is the word “elohin," - which is the masculine plural (although not “elohim”). That word must be read as “son of elohin,” where its usage means souls married to Yahweh, those receiving His Spirit of cleansing, and thereby allowing the presence of His “Yahweh elohim” into each of their souls. That makes “elohin” indicate a multiple of “elohim.”

This song of praise by the three young men is then each having a “son of elohin” within them, which is singing this song. The elohim starts the song, with each of them then physically joining in.

In one view about this story I read, it said the inside of that furnace was made to feel like a cool breeze.

The implication that comes from seeing the Trinity in this story says nothing physical can ever do harm to a soul that has received the Father, Son, and Spirit.

In this, the words “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” must be seen as four capitalized words, meaning each is divinely elevated to a level of Yahweh’s making.

The “four” is unseen simply because everyone has been taught to read “Phenuma Hagios” in the same way they are taught to read “Iésous Christos” … as ONE Word.

That is wrong!

The “Spirit” is separate from “Sacred, Holy, Set apart by God,” just as “Jesus" is separate from “Anointed by Yahweh, Messiah of Yahweh, or Christ of Yahweh.”

When you run around saying the Trinity includes the “Holy Spirit,” that then implies you should say the Trinity is “Holy Father, Holy Son, and Holy Spirit” … where that redundancy is unnecessary. It is understood Father, Son, and Spirit are SPIRITUALLY DIVINE.

It also implies – by saying “Holy Spirit” – that one believes in demonic possession, where souls are entered by “unclean spirits;" and, while that is a fun thing to watch Hollywood make a dollar from movies on that topic, nobody really believes in any spirits, holy or otherwise.

The truth is the “Holy, Sacred, Set apart by God” capitalized word is NOT part of the three that is a Trinity. It is the fourth, which is a soul in a body of flesh that has been MADE HOLY, Sacred, Set apart by Father, Son and Spirit.

The fourth part of the Trinity is the Saint. It is the one “Blessed.” It is the one in whom “Glory” is found, with “Glory” coming from the Trinity.

Can everyone see how personal involvement is what we read in the New Testament? Can everyone see that every book from Acts on is written by a soul in the flesh that received Father, Son, and Spirit? Can everyone see that being a “Saint” is the TRUTH about the title “Christian”?

<Look for astonished faces.>

If you think you can survive a deadly-hot furnace on earth without injury, without being a Saint, then you will be sadly disappointed.

Now in the ‘short and sweet’ Epistle and Gospel readings, both Paul and Jesus explained the Trinity. That is why those nine verses are selected to be read today.

The NRSV translates those words so they still give a strong hint of the truth; but, as with all paraphrases of Scripture, it is easy to wiggle out of a commitment to living up to the truth written, by thinking, “Oh, that’s just flowery prose.”

In my two commentaries I posted on my website that restates the literal of the Greek words written, I strongly urge you to read those yourselves, at a later time. I will not go into that depth today. You need to show Yahweh you care to know for yourselves, by not making your religious commitment being only: “I listen to some guy at the bus stop each Sunday; so, I’m saved.”

In Paul’s letter to the true Christians of Rome, his first word in chapter five is a capitalized “Dikaiōthentes,” which must be read as divinely elevated to a meaning on the level of Yahweh.

The form of that word is complex, as it is a masculine plural word, spoken in the Aorist Participle. This means Paul spoke this word to many Romans (the plural), reminding them of their “having been” (the Aorist Participle). However, the root word is where the capitalization must fall; and that is “to show to be righteous, declare righteous.”

When “Righteous we having been declared” is the translation, that state of being can only come from Yahweh’s direct involvement. The capitalization says Paul and the true Christians of Rome knew Yahweh personally, as known by "having been made Righteous."

Sitting here at the bus stop, as a secondary reason being to hear someone preach about Christianity, does not make you be “righteous,” where the lower-case means your soul tries to will your body of flesh not to sin.

Raise your hands if self-will has made you “Righteous.”

<Look for downcast faces and no hands raised.>

The first word of Paul’s fifth chapter identified his words were intended for those, who like him, knew the truth of “Righteousness.”

The masculine plural says “we” today, who are truly “Righteous” by the hand of Yahweh, are also those to whom Paul wrote these words.

In Paul’s first verse he writes of “God,” “of Lord of us,” “of Jesus,” and “of Christ.” The Genitive case – all the “of” add-ons – speaks of the Trinity, which is “God” – the Father – “Jesus” – the Son – and “Christ – the Spirit.

Can you see that?

<Look for nodding heads.>

Okay, well the “Lord of us” is stating “us” as those true Christians to whom Paul wrote, whose “Lord” was the Trinity: Marriage of a soul to Yahweh – the Father; Purification by the Baptism that makes one a Christ (the truth of “Christianity”) – the Spirit; and, the soul “of Jesus” resurrecting within each “of us” souls, which makes each – the Son.

To be Lorded by the Trinity makes oneself be the fourth that Daniel said King Nebuchadnezzar saw with the three young men in the furnace.

The “Christ” makes one be pure, thus a “Saint.” Everything is an extension of Yahweh, as He is the source of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. One’s soul must become one with Yahweh to be saved by Him (and the name “Jesus” means “Yahweh Saves”).

When you then turn to the Gospel selection from John 16, you see minimized his capitalized first word, which is “Eti,” meaning a divinely elevated “Still.”

The deeper meaning of “Eti” is as “Continue” or “Remain.”

John recorded Jesus saying to his drunken disciples, “I will Continue to speak words to you, even though I know you are too drunk on Seder wine now to understand what I am telling you now.”

The divine elevation of “Continue” or “Still” says Jesus was speaking to the souls of his disciples, not to their fleshy (inebriated) brains. The verb that says “I have” actually says “I possess” and “you” actually means “your souls” (an extension of “yourselves”).

This says Jesus spoke (what John recorded in his sober memory) to souls who Jesus was partially within, in whom he would remain, until his soul would fully resurrect within theirs.

Jesus knew the disciples were drunk (and getting drunker), because that is the intent of the Seder evening. The power of the wine always proves to be greater than the power of the self-will; and, that says Yahweh is an intoxicating Spirit that will always keep a soul awake and alert [eternal life metaphor], while experiencing a high like none other.

What Jesus first said is this: “I am spiritually within you, which helps you do some things in internship; but you have not yet received the Trinity. When that happens, then you will be just like me, as I will be reborn in your souls.”

As to that prophecy (or promise), Jesus said the disciples must first experience “this Spirit of this of truth.” That says each of their souls must be Baptized by a divine union with Yahweh, making each of their souls become like the Virgin Mary – a pure womb in which Yahweh would implant the seed of His Son.

In verse fourteen (after referring to “this Spirit” as “that one” in verse thirteen), Jesus said, “that one mine.” That is a statement of divine possession, where “that one” – the “Spirit” – will mark a soul as ‘future property of Jesus.’

In verse fifteen, Jesus then said, “all how many it possesses this Father , mine he exists”. After having said “this Spirit” paves the way, Yahweh then becomes the “Father,” by the soul-wife giving rebirth to His Son, which becomes the possession of Jesus in resurrection.

That is the Father, Son, and Spirit – the Trinity stated by Jesus himself.

Because Jesus spoke those words to his disciples, including his sober young son John, who wrote those words for us to read today, that says the Trinity always needs a fourth in whom to be. The Trinity is what raises souls from dead flesh, elevating them to eternal life.

It all depends on Yahweh.

Jesus means Yahweh Saves.

Jesus of Nazareth was a fourth who received the Trinity. The soul of the Son was placed into Adam. Jesus of Nazareth was a divine soul placed into a body of flesh – a fourth – which would die, resurrect and ascend.

That same promise is made to all souls … if they receive the Trinity and become Jesus reborn.

We read about the Trinity on the first Sunday of the Ordinary after Pentecost season. Receiving the Trinity means going into ministry for Yahweh, as His Son reborn.

One must be able to speak the truth, so lost souls can be led to find the truth within their souls in bodies of flesh.

Scripture is the truth written on paper; but it cannot be understood as truth without the Trinity.

The Ordinary after Pentecost season is when those disciples who have been possessed a little by Jesus – in internship or practice ministry – then become Jesus reborn into worldly ministry. They commit to serve Yahweh as His Son reborn in divine union … forevermore.

Being Ordained means Yahweh has placed the Trinity within a new saved soul, so His Son lives on – Continuing in all us having been made Righteous.

I see the bus pulling up now, so I will end. Please read the commentaries I posted and send your questions and comments during the week.

I hope your week ahead finds you pondering these lessons deeply.


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