[10] Now Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. [11] And just then there appeared a woman with a spirit that had crippled her for eighteen years. She was bent over and was quite unable to stand up straight. [12] When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, "Woman, you are set free from your ailment." [13] When he laid his hands on her, immediately she stood up straight and began praising God. [14] But the leader of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had cured on the sabbath, kept saying to the crowd, "There are six days on which work ought to be done; come on those days and be cured, and not on the sabbath day." [15] But the Lord answered him and said, "You hypocrites! Does not each of you on the sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the manger, and lead it away to give it water? [16] And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen long years, be set free from this bondage on the sabbath day?" [17] When he said this, all his opponents were put to shame; and the entire crowd was rejoicing at all the wonderful things that he was doing.
There are two important points that must be grasped from this reading. First, when we read “Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath,” this does not mean that Jesus was the invited guest speaker in “one of the synagogues.” While Luke is the divine remembrances of Mother Mary and less restricted to a chronological order than the other three Gospels [she recalled experiences of Jesus that divinely came back to her memory, when loosely following the chronology of Jesus’ ministry], by this time in the life of Jesus he had been delegated to attendee, not asked to read any Scripture, nor explain anything. Jesus had created his own ‘synagogue’ [the ‘church’ of Jesus on the hillside by the sea, held on Sundays, after a Sabbath], where large gatherings came to hear Jesus explain the truth of the Word, which was not to be heard in any synagogue. So, “Jesus teaching in” actually says Jesus’ presence in any synagogue was to “teach” souls seeking salvation; and, the “woman with a spirit that had crippled her for eighteen years” was one such soul found, which Mother Mary recalled.
The second point of focus that must be grasped has to deal with the truth of the Sabbath. While this remembrance of Jesus’ mother recalled a time when she personally witnessed Jesus being attacked for healing on a Saturday – the seventh day of a week – and it is only told in Luke’s Gospel, there are other accounts of Jesus healing on a Sabbath, where the Pharisees and leaders of the Temple took great offense to this ‘work,’ which none of them could do on any of the other six days of a week. This means Jesus defines that Sabbath, which is not a definition accepted today, in the same way it was rejected when Jesus kicked up the dust of the earth as a living man in Judea and Galilee (et al).
In verse ten, the Greek of Luke states: “Ēn de didaskōn en mia tōn synagōgōn en tois sabbasin,” which literally translates to say, “He existed now teaching within one of this of assemblies within to these sabbaths.” When one takes a deep breath and lets one’s eyes relax to see the multiplicity of what this says (it can be read like the NRSV translates above, but …), it can equally say that Yahweh was now teaching within,” where the capitalization of “Ēn” (third-person singular Imperfect Indicative Active form of “eimi,” meaning “I am, exist”) raises this to a Yahweh level of meaning. Because Jesus said, “I speak for the Father because the Father is in me,” This says “Yahweh now was teaching.” The Greek word “en” means “within,” which becomes a statement that should be read as spiritual or soul-related, such that Yahweh does not stand on a podium and orate from a scroll. When this is seen, the “one” is less about the individuality of a building determined to be a “synagogue,” so it becomes “one” who is of the “gathered assembly” of souls in human flesh. Since Yahweh was teaching to souls within, one with a soul that gathered on a sabbath becomes the private “teaching” Jesus became the minister of his Father’s “teaching.”
When the verse ends by repeating “en,” and attaching that spirituality to “these sabbaths” (plural number), this becomes a statement that the “teaching” of “one of the assembled peoples” (plural number) was relative to the souls of all gathered being because “these” took the time to meet in one specific place one day a week. The day they always gathered was the “sabbaths.” This is important to grasp when the second focus of this lesson has leaders complaining about doing healing work on one of “these sabbaths.” It says the souls of Jews were greatly depleted of spiritual nourishment, because they only came to be fed (like the beasts they possessed on their farms) one day a week. The beasts need daily food to stay healthy; but the Jews ate, drank and were merry six days, while forcing themselves to fasting or ‘leftover cold cuts’ on Saturday. Beasts do not have brains that can conceive one day from any other. They only know, “Feed me daily;” and, that is important to see to understand this lesson.
In verse eleven, where we are told of a “woman” in the “gathered assembly” (the meaning of “sunagógé”), the Greek word written is in the lower case, as “gynē.” This is important to grasp when Jesus called out to her, where Luke capitalized the Greek word in verse twelve, as “Gynai.” This lower case word translates equally as “a woman,” with implication in usage being “wife, my lady.” The capitalization then is an indication of divine elevation in meaning, placing this word on the level of Yahweh. This means Jesus used one word, which (in Aramaic as well) has the same multiplicity of meaning, where Jewish ears heard (as Christian eyes read) “Woman,” when the reality is it says, “Wife.” At that instant, she was not simply a devotee to Yahweh, her time serving him as a “cripple,” where that demon “spirit” made he life miserable, but she never gave up her love and desire for Yahweh, that Jesus married her soul to Yahweh’s Spirit, calling her a divine “Wife.”
Here, it is vital to read the Greek of Luke that says in verse twelve, “idōn autēn , ho Iēsous prosephōnēsen kai eipen autē,” which literally can translate as saying: “having attended to now her soul , this Jesus he summoned kai he commanded to her soul”. Keeping in mind that the name “Jesus” means “YAH Saves” and Jesus spoke only what his Father told him to speak, it was the Son of Yahweh knowing the soul of this “woman” and all that she had withstood, without once blaming Yahweh for her misery. Thus, Yahweh summoned His Son “Jesus” to pronounce the marriage of that soul, which importantly exclaimed, “[you are My] Wife.” This then made the demon spirit that tormented her body of flesh for eighteen years immediately go away, leading the soul of the “Wife” to immediately begin “honoring” Yahweh with praise.
Now, the aspect of the leader of the “gathered assembly” saw Jesus “lay hands to her,” which was seen as some chiropractic spine snap manipulation by “hands,” which (then as it still is today) is an act of work that demands payment for services rendered. In reality, verse thirteen states this in Greek: “kai epethēken autē tas cheiras ,” which can literally say, “importantly he gave in addition to her soul these hands”. The symbolism of “hands” is less about Jesus touching the woman physically, and more about Jesus presenting the marriage gift of “the instruments a person uses to accomplish their purpose (intention, plan).” (HELPS Word-studies figurative intent of “xeír,” the root for “cheiras”) The “addition” given was his soul – the Son of Yahweh [Adam-Jesus], which is a flexibility Yahweh has, as He created His Son as a Yahweh elohim to save many souls at once. With the soul of Jesus added to the soul of the “Wife”-soul of Yahweh, after Yahweh had made her soul a Christ through His divine Anointment of His Spirit, “those hands were placed upon her soul,” to forever reward her devotion and self-sacrifice as worthy of eternal life.
To then sum up the rest of this lesson, where the leader of the gathered assembly begins to accuse Jesus of doing work on the Sabbath, the point made by Jesus is made in verse fifteen, where Luke wrote in Greek, “Apekrithē de autō ho Kyrios kai epien , Hypokritai !” This translates literally in English to say, “He answered now to his soul this Lord kai he said , Hypocrites !” Here, the capitalized third-person singular Aorist Indicative form of “apokrinomai” is Yahweh speaking through the Son’s mouth. Yahweh spoke to the “leader of the gathered assembly,” who had spoken to Jesus as a representative of all the leaders of the Temple in Jerusalem, who decreed working on the Sabbath was heretical. For Yahweh’s voice to come out clearly to that one leader, calling him the front man for all like him – “Hypocrites” – that says the work done on the Sabbath by a priest of Yahweh should and must be HEALING the poor of spirit. To call Jesus out as bad, for doing what he should have routinely done (but never once did … any day of the week) says he had just bad-mouthed Yahweh … his Spiritual boss … who sent a messenger-spirit-angel into that specific “gathering of an assembly” not only to do the true work of Yahweh but also to slap the false pretense out of the face of a hired hand – false shepherd.
It is vital to see that the same ignorance goes on today in all forms of “gathered assemblies” that are souls seeking redemption for their demon-caused sins and salvation taught to them by their leaders. For “Six” days [a capitalized “Hex,” which is a divine elevation of the day man was created (males and females) and given dominion over all the other beasts of the sixth day. The capitalization of “Six” says mankind is nothing more than an animal with a Bigger Brain; and, that Big Brain allows it to be the manager of domesticated beasts. Therefore, when the normal Jews are seeking the same care that a domesticated livestock demands – seven days a week – the leaders of the gathered assemblies do no work Sunday through Friday; and, when the Sabbath rolls around, they do more nothing, because they think (a Big Brain failure) they cannot work on the Sabbath.
When this reading is understood by seeing the seventh day of Creation was when Yahweh demanded a day of rest be recognized, it is total ignorance to the fact that the first six days of creation had nothing to do with twenty-four hour periods of time in a seven-day week. The first six days to hundreds of billions of years to complete (as Carl Sagan would say: Beeeel-yuns). The seventh day (thus the Sabbath) has been every day since that pronouncement by Yahweh. Every day is the Sabbath. All souls are expected to serve Yahweh as His “Wife”-souls twenty-four-seven. It is a lifestyle, not a two hours one day a week where one feels forced to comply with ritual.
When Jesus said of the “woman,” should be seen as “a daughter of Abram,” that means her soul is one of those points of light in the darkness that is the lineage of Saints – those souls who serve Yahweh and do what He says do, no matter what aches and pains the body suffers. That “woman” is a reflection of every human being on earth, because all souls trapped in a body of flesh (where demons love to come in and lead souls away from Yahweh) are of feminine essence. All souls in the flesh are called to be “Wives” of Yahweh. To reach that blissful day of wedding (this woman had to suffer eighteen years), one keeps the oil of truth lighting one’s self-lamp; so, one is able to be enlightened to Yahweh’s presence and patience of devotion (a wifely duty) is proved. We are all called today to do the same as that “woman” did, until the time when Jesus comes spiritually (in the body of someone looking nothing like his color book pictures) to officiate that divine union, where “hands are placed upon one’s soul,” making them become reborn as Jesus, the Son of Yahweh.