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Manna from heaven

Writer's picture: roberttippett97roberttippett97

Updated: Dec 29, 2024

Exodus 16:11-12 – “And spoke Yahweh to Moses , saying : I have heard the complaints of the sons of Israel – speak to them saying , at twilight you shall eat meat , and in the morning you shall be filled with bread – and you shall know that I Yahweh your elohim [elohekem] .”

Exodus 16:15 – “So when saw the sons of Israel , and they said to one another what it [mān hū] ? for not they did know what it ; and said Moses to them that the bread which has given Yahweh you for food .”


The whole of Exodus 16:1-21 tells of the Israelites complaining in the wilderness, after having been taken away from the stewpots of Egypt.  To remedy that state of longing for what amounts to an addiction to the ways of the world, Yahweh was going to send in a flock of quails in the evening of day; so, the Israelites could eat meat.  Then, every morning thereafter, there would be bread from heaven come down to feed them.  This was called manna, which is mān hū, meaning “what it?” 

There were directions as to how much to gather (for oneself and one’s family – if be that), where gathering too much was bad.  Verses 22-36 tell how they were only to gather enough for one day, but on Friday they should gather for two days, including the Sabbath.  Breaking the rules of this gathering process would negate the benefit of this spiritual bread.

It is important to realize that Moses brought forth water to drink, soon after the Israelites had escaped the soldiers of Pharoah, which means they had not been gone long.  To be complaining about water and food is not to be seen as the deeper purpose for these words to be written in Scripture.  They are written in Scripture because the same instructions are required to be known by human beings today that claim to serve Yahweh.  The complaints were to Moses, because he was the spiritual leader of everyone; and, everyone expected to be led like a bull with a nose ring, to wherever Yahweh wanted them to go.

When the Israelite people left Egypt, they took with them their livestock.  That means they had sources of meat and cheese, butter, and milk.  They were not physically thirsty and hungry.  They were spiritually thirsty and hungry.  Thus, the quail and manna must be seen as spiritual food. 

The stewpots represent the blends of philosophy and religious dogma, produced by a polytheistic land, with Egypt being a reflection of every nation on earth that is not led by Yahweh.  The United Snakes of America calls itself Christian, but the people grumble to their leaders daily about how great it was long before, when their leaders fed them spiritual food.  There is plenty of stewpot corruptions approved by the FDA that cause the cancers that require addiction to pharmaceuticals and the lowlifes that mass produce and sell them to keep people alive, but in chains.  To forget about the stewpots of poison, one must eat spiritual food; and, this does not come from a leader (like Moses), but Yahweh.

When we read that Yahweh heard the grumbling, His answer was (basically), “Send the people who want peace to Me.”  The quail is like that one prayer answered that you really do not deserve, but at least you asked Yahweh for something (rather than ask some lesser god or curse Yahweh for making your life miserable).  The quail is like testing Yahweh to prove He exists; and, then He does.  The quail is like Yahweh knowing your soul is trapped in a body of flesh that needs the occasional material reward; but don’t get used to the rewards of the physical realm, as that dependency needs to be purged, so a spiritual reward can be had.

The manna is then the everyday necessity; and, there is no Moses going out to gather it up and then hand-deliver it to your tent, saying, “Here, eat this and you will be a righteous dude and dudette.”  That nonsense is what going to a church once a week (or month, year, lifetime …?) and is letting some hired hand say, “Here, eat this wafer and sip this wine and you will be saved.”   The manna is an everyday necessity, because it connects each and every soul that truly seeks salvation to Yahweh.  A soul must connect to Yahweh to grasp what manna is and why it is.

To think about this a little deeper.  Ask yourself, “Why do I not call Yahweh by His name?  Why do I call Him “God,” when every angel, spirit, demon, and idol that He created (including my own soul that I worship as a god of my flesh) is technically a  “god” [invisible, immaterial presence that never dies]?”  Heck, even the Laws of the universe [all Created by Yahweh] are constant and never-changing; so, they also qualify as gods [the ones scientists bow at an altar they created to worship philosophies and laws].

The reason is you do not have a deep, loving relationship with Yahweh.  He is not the love of your life.  You refer to Him indirectly because you are afraid of surrendering your soul to Him completely and serving Him absolutely.

That is what manna is for.

Yahweh does not physically feed His children.  He Spiritually feeds them.  Each day (back then) the head of a family was instructed to gather the gifts of Yahweh, to feed himself and also his family.  That gathered was the Word that Yahweh spoke to Moses, which became oral lessons; but those lessons all flew over the heads [big brains] of those who listened to Moses speak.  Thus, Yahweh rained down His Word in small flaky parts, which today should be seen (and gathered daily) as bits and pieces of Scripture (verses and popular quotes).  For every morsel of Yahweh’s Word eaten, one says, “What is it?” or “What does it mean?”

To learn those answers, one must develop a relationship with Yahweh, in the same way Moses had a relationship with Yahweh.  One must expect to become married to Yahweh (as His bridesmaid – regardless of physical sex organs surrounding one’s soul); but there are no ‘arranged marriages’ to Him, when some (dare I say many) souls would rather be off playing sex and sin with someone else, where a lesser god allows such practices.  To marry Yahweh, one must become officially engaged to Him, requesting that future; and, then that engagement will always be tested, to see if one’s soul is truly committed to serve Yahweh as His wife for eternity.

The test of that commitment is gathering Yahweh’s Word daily.  One must meet with Yahweh each day.  One must question Yahweh; and, one must know His name to ask Him questions.  One asks, “What does it mean?” because one’s soul needs to know the truth, in order to fully commit to serving Yahweh for eternity.  Yahweh then wants His bridesmaids to know the truth of the Word, because serving Him will always be through ministry, just like the ministry of Moses was to gather lost sheep and lead them to want their souls to marry Yahweh.

Moses told the people what Yahweh said.  They believed Moses, so they went along with what Moses said to do; but deep down in their hearts they did not know if Moses was pulling their legs or if this Yahweh ‘god’ was real.  This means “belief” is following what someone else tells you to do and what to believe.  Question those leaders, asking "What does it mean?" and they will tell you crap, like "It is a holy mystery that only Yahweh knows." No one then dares ask, "Then what do I need you for?"

Being told what to believe always leaves lots of room for doubt. However, faith comes from actually experiencing Yahweh personally and knowing the truth.

This means Yahweh, in His daily meetings with His bridesmaids (prayerful meetings of soul and Spirit), will listen to the questions and then respond with teasing suggestions and playful recommendations.  These are designed to make the bridesmaid do the work to personally find the truth.  It is why Jesus would speak in parables.  It makes finding the truth of Scripture like a fun Easter egg hunt.  When the truth is found, it elates the soul and makes that truth be personally known, thus a cornerstone of one's personal faith.

The more one is guided gently to find the truth for oneself, the more one begins to fall in love with Yahweh.  One no longer is obligated to meet with Him daily, as one desires to meet with Him, as often as possible.  One looks forward to speaking with Yahweh and asking Him more questions, where one is delving deeper and deeper into the Scripture truth that cannot be seen by bridesmaids who have no oil of Spiritual guidance in their lamps.  One takes delight in wanting to please Yahweh; and, that pleases Yahweh, making a soul become lovingly attractive to Him.

After some period of time meeting daily with Yahweh (some of the Israelites met with Him daily for forty years), one’s soul will have learned how to ‘speak divine syntax,’ meaning they will meet with Yahweh and tell Him what they see as truth in Scripture.  Those souls will then begin teaching others this truth that they have faith in, while those who have not developed a relationship with Yahweh will bear lesser beliefs, based on having been told the easy meanings, which always tells them how there is no need to put forth any effort keeping Spiritual oil in their lamps.  Fools are led by being told, "All you have to do is believe and wait to be carried away by God in His Rapture." When fools hear the truth being told, which says, "Oh, you have been misled. You must work to serve Yahweh; but it is such rewarding work!" they get all angry inside. Being told the truth (especially by a soul-body that never went to seminary to be told what to tell others to believe) means rejecting the truth.  Rejecting the truth leads to persecuting the truthbearer.

This is when Yahweh sees one of His bridesmaids has fulfilled the commitment test and is ready to become His wife Spiritually.  This means Yahweh will pour out the Spiritual Baptism that marks a soul as His forever.  At that time Yahweh will impregnate the soul of His new wife with the soul of His Son, who is the spiritual presence of the totality of LOVE that Yahweh feels for His wife-souls.  The wife-soul will then receive the resurrected soul and give birth to the Son, within the soul-body that is the wife-soul, making the wife-soul be reborn as the Son.

A wife-soul reborn as the Son then takes on the name of the Son, which is “Jesus.”  The name “Jesus” means “YAH Saves.”  Yahweh is Salvation, whereas Jesus is the proof of that Saved by Yahweh. You can only become Jesus reborn by falling in love with Yahweh [know His name] and proving an eternal commitment to serve Him as His Son reborn in flesh. One must be Baptized by the Spirit of Yahweh [become a Christ] that washes away all past sins. Being reborn as Jesus requires this cleansing first, as he cannot reside in a temple-tabernacle of flesh that is filthy. As High Priest and Lord of a soul and its flesh (his attendant in that temple-tabernacle), Jesus will become the Ark of the Covenant that moves where the flock must be tended. His presence within [Ephraim is my firstborn, with Ephraim meaning "Two-fold Increase, Doubly Fruitful"] means there will never be a return to a life of sin for the host soul ... ever.

This means the soul of the wife-Son will eternally be under the protection of Yahweh, as His Son reborn into flesh.  As Jesus reborn, that soul-flesh will submit to the soul of the Son as one’s Lord over that soul-flesh.  One will then follow Jesus into ministry, in his name.  One will go where Jesus leads, while Jesus will become like Moses, leading the lost flock of souls to seek marriage to Yahweh and be eternally saved.

EVERYTHING demands the work of commitment.  EVERYTHING demands a soul seek to marry Yahweh and learn the truth of His Word.  EVERYTHING depends on FAITH.  One must become a Saint in the name of Jesus, not some pillow clutching, pew owning, wafer and wine swallower that never does anything to save anyone … not even one’s own soul.

You do not know what Scripture says.  It has been hidden from the wise and prudent [big brains of intellectuals]. It is only revealed until children, those who surrender themselves as virgin bridesmaids [sex organs irrelevant] - thus the inexperienced and novices - who hear Yahweh ask, "Can the impossible be done?" The children always say, "Yahweh You know."

It is manna from Yahweh [Heaven] that must speak to YOU.  You must act to gather this and ask Yahweh [by name], “What does this mean?" and "How can I serve You by faithfully knowing the answers?”


Additional Thoughts: Manna is Scripture, which is the Word of Yahweh, written perfectly by a Prophet. Those Prophets wrote Manna in either Hebrew or Greek, NOT English. This means one must become devoted to STUDY the WORD that one says one believes. Hebrew and Greek are written in a syntax that is common to each, which is how English translations become paraphrased: from common syntaxt applied to Hebrew and Greek. This means an English translation is in a common syntax for those speaking English.

YAHWEH DOES NOT SPEAK IN COMMON SYNTAX. He speaks in Divine Syntax; and, to even begin to understand what that means, one must find a source for the Hebrew texts and the Greek texts of Scripture.

When one is looking at Hebrew and Greek texts that are translated by common syntax, to hear Yahweh ask YOU, "What does that common translation of My Diven Word say to You?" you will be just like those first people led by Moses into the wilderness. YOU will repeat what the common syntax translation is; and, Yahweh will say, "NO!"

YOU will then ask, "What it?" (mān hū)

Yahweh will then give YOU this advice:

ASK ... and it will be given to you

SEEK ... and you will find

KNOCK ... and the door will be opened to you

YOU must do the work. It might take fourty years wandering in the wilderness to go through the entile Holy Bible, but everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Gathering Manna and finding out what it means brings faith. To carry a Holy Bible around and not be able to explain the TRUTH it contains (which is not the common syntax translations of Divine Word) means to have an empty lamp that will never become a light in darkness.

YOU must ask for Salvation and you will become a bridesmaid to be tested for commitment and devotion.

YOU must seek to find faith beyond common belief; and, faith is the joy that makes seeking fun.

YOU must knock on the door to ministry and Jesus will open that door for you ... IF YOU have done the work to please Yahweh and Baptise your soul with His Spirit.

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