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Nostradamus’ use of “Vulcan”

Writer's picture: roberttippett97roberttippett97

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

In the Preface that Nostradamus wrote, as an introduction to the quatrains of The Prophecies, he included the following (in Old French):

Mais doutant ce qui adviendroit, en ay faict après la lecture, present à Vulcan, que ce pendant qu’il les venoit à devorer la flammé leschant l’air rendoit une clarté insolite, plus claire que naturelle flamme, comme lumiere de feu de clystre fulgurant, illuminant subite la maison, comme si elle fust este en subite conflagration.  Parquoy à fin que à l’advenir ne feussies abusé, perscrutant la parfaicte transformation tant seline que solitare, & soubz terre metaux incorruptibles, & aux undes occultes, les ay en cendres convertu.  


This appears to be two typically long sentences, like all found in the Preface, which may or may not allow the reader to follow Nostradamus’ train of thought.

Self-proclaimed Nostradamus expert and celebrant of his expertise in Old French – Peter Lemesurie – has translated this Preface and seen these two “sentences” as stating:

“Instead, for fear what might happen, after I read them I offered them

to Vulcan [i.e. the fire!] such that, while he was devouring them, the

flames that licked the air gave out an extraordinary brightness,

brighter than natural flame, illuminating the house like the light of

a flashing jet of fire as if (the building) had suddenly caught

alight. It is for this reason, in order that you should not be

deceived by studying the supreme transmutation both lunar and solar,

whether of the incorruptible metals under the earth or hidden

underwater [i.e. recoverable from rivers, generally by panning], I

reduced them to ashes.”

(Copied from Yahoo Groups post made public by Peter Lemesurie, with Fair Use rights, for demonstration purposes only.)

The implication of this translation is that Nostradamus had read the pages of history for all times (the Akashic records – a Heavenly document, also known as the Book of Life), and after reading them the pages were burned – so no one else could find them [presumably] – and the fire created a bright blaze, which lit up Nostradamus’ house, brighter than would the sun or moon, or even brighter than the glitter of shiny ores, with the pages of the records reduced to ashes.  This is my personal assessment, based on reading that translation.

Now, this is all well and fine.  It tells a story that sounds like a fairy tale, or at least a flowery tale of how Nostradamus was able to see the future.  After all, this is part of a document that is, “A preliminary statement or essay introducing a book that explains its scope, intention, or background and is usually written by the author.” (One of the definitions of “preface,” as made available by the Free Dictionary by Farlex, sourcing American Heritage Dictionary … again with Fair Use rights, so I do not pretend to make up a definition for an English word).  So, one could assume Nostradamus was introducing his quatrains as having been copied from a master book of records … which no one else can read, because Nostradamus burned it up.

It is my contention that everything about The Prophecies of Nostradamus is designed to mislead, for the purpose of preservation.  Preservation means the use of cloaked language that will render everything senseless – or flowery images and meaningless statements – so no one would feel so threatened as to destroy it … until the time would come for everything to be understood.

Now is the time for understanding, and these two “sentences” should not be read as the “experts” have translated them.  In order to do this, each segment of words (found between marks of punctuation) needs to be seen as its own “sentence,” or even groups of “one-word sentences.”  By this, I mean that “present à Vulcan” should be given deep thought (meditative, rather than seeing those words as bearing little meaning), so they do not get heaped into a huge pile of words that are left to feeble brains to deduce (as did Peter Lemesurie), “Vulcan [i.e. the fire!].”

In those three words, which can translate as, “presence with Vulcan,” “in hand with Vulcan,” or “in view from Vulcan” (among others), the common word is the proper noun “Vulcan.”  That one word becomes the meaning that comes from everything written in Roman mythology about the god named Vulcan.  That becomes a story within a story, as Vulcan is the Roman equivalent to the Greek god Hephaestus, who is said to be “the manufacturer of art, arms, iron, jewelry, and armor for various gods and heroes, including the thunderbolts of Jupiter.”[1]

When you can read that from the one name “Vulcan,” just knowing Vulcan-Hephaestus made lightning for Jupiter-Zeus, it sheds new light on the “flashing jet of fire” (Peter Lemesieure) or reading “comme lumiere de feu de clystre fulgurant” as saying, “like the light of fire from clyster flashing” (where “clyster” means, “injection,” as a “blot” cast from the sky).  This makes Vulcan become more than a representation of normal “fire.”

In fact, Vulcan-Hephaestus lived inside Mount Etna, a “volcano,” which was called the “forge of Vulcan.”  His “forge” was his workshop and where he manufactured all those things the gods loved.  As such, when one reads Nostradamus write, “present à Vulcan,” one can imagine how Nostradamus is telling us that his quatrains are telling about the “presence” of a weapon that itself is like a weapon that came “from the hand of Vulcan.”  This weapon is then one that strikes lightning quick and produces bright light of an unnatural origin.  It is one that produces a “subite conflagration,” or “sudden large destructive fire.”

Interestingly, others have seen Nostradamus writing, “seline que solitaire,” as if that means, “lunar and solar” (Lemesieure), when it says no such thing.  The word “seline” can be read as a name for a Moon goddess, as Selene (based on the Greek spelling – “séléné”), but that is incorrect.  The French use “séline” as a word that denotes white spot under fingernails – that crescent where the nail joins the skin – which is moon-shaped.  Because the word “solitaire” clearly says, “solitary, all alone, without company, or private,” and not “solar,” there is no reason to jump on “seline” as meaning “lunar.”

When the whole segment is read, “perscrutant la parfaicte transformation tant seline que solitare,” one sees a progression being stated, which is beginning with an “investigation,” or “a search through,” or “an examination.”  This is relative to that “abused” or “misused,” or something that has become “disordered” – the meaning of “abusé.”  This “investigating” is then “consummated, accomplished, finished, or perfected,” such that there comes a “transformation,” which is “a changing of form” or “an alteration of shape.”  That change then becomes “so much, so great” or “so many” that it becomes “crescent shaped,” or “moon-shaped,” in a way that is “without company.”

From this way of seeing depth coming from the words, more than meaningless fluff, we see this segment then leads to two segments, each introduced by an ampersand.  An ampersand (particularly in the letters, but also in the quatrains) signals importance.  Thus, the important aspect pertaining to this “singularity” that has a “lunar” shape is important to understand in its relationship to “underground metals,” which are “indestructible.”  This means metallic elements that are buried “beneath” the “earth,” which have “everlasting” or “eternal” qualities, in a way that makes them best kept “underground.”

This “everlasting” characteristic of a “metal” is then importantly stated to be found in “in the waves” that are not visible.  They are “occult,” or “hidden” from view.  They are “present,” but not seen.

Finally, these waves become most prominent when those metals have been turned into cinders, with that conversion releasing those prominent hidden waves.  The waves are not water, but invisible waves of radiation.  They are the product of Vulcan.  They are a weapon that comes from beneath the earth, where nuclear reactions are most safely conducted.


This may look like the moon rising at night, but it is an atomic bomb test made by the United States (the Trinity tests), prior to the atomic bombs being dropped on Japan, in World War II.

What Nostradamus was stating in those two “sentences” in the Preface to the quatrains is: The future will be about the times of nuclear weapons.

When that is known, one can then look at quatrains IV-29 and IX-74, where the word “Vulcan” is used. (Quatrain V-77 is another to consider, as it finds the word “vulcanal” used, which does have a relationship to Vulcan.)

IV – 29

Le sol caché eclipse par Mercure,

Ne sera mis que pour le ciel second:

De Vulcan Hermes sera faite pasture,

Sol sera veu pur rutilant & blond.

IX – 74

Dans la cité de Fert sod homicide

Fait & fait multe beuf arant ne macter,

Retours encores aux honneurs dartemide

Et à Vulcan corps mortz sepulturer.

I’ll leave you to work on that meaning.  Until the next time.

R. T. Tippett


[1] From the Wikipedia article on “Vulcan,” under the heading, “Greek myths of Hephaestus.”  

Postscript: I have discerned quatrain IX-74 and found it to be a profound statement about self-sacrifice for a higher goal. That higher goal is eternal Salvation of one's soul. The capitalized Dans is an important statement that says "Inwardly," which is where souls reside. The word cité is to be read as the past participle of the verb citer, meaning the soul has been issued a "warning to appear" in Judgement, based on the actions of one's life in the flesh. The word Fert is the third-person singular form of the Latin fero, meaning "to carry, to bring forth, or to put in motion." The capitalization is then an important new "Putting into motion" or "Bringing forth." When the word sod is read as an anagram for d'os, where Old French used os (in addition to meaning "bone" or "dare") as the preposition "with," making d'os say "Inwardly there warned to appear to Brings forth from with homicide." The word homicide can equally mean "manslaughter," such that the main theme of this quatrain becomes an important that reincarnation is the "warning" of Scripture, for all who fail to "put into motion" a new body of flesh, animated by an age-old soul. The only way to avoid this is to "Bring forth" a soul that rejects serving the flesh (therefore sins), such that "manslaughter" is not physical "killing" but spiritual "death," where 'man' (males and females alike) bows down in submission to Yahweh, allowing His Son's soul (Adam-Jesus) to become a soul's new Lord, thus Savior (the name "Jesus" means "YAH Saves"). The main theme then flows into the secondary theme (without punctuation stopping this flow), where a capitalized Fait must be read as the importance of "Action." This relates to the Book Acts, whereby souls subservient to Yahweh, reborn with the soul of Jesus, then lived in renewed bodies of flesh (men and women) that were Saints and Apostles in the name of Jesus reborn. Following the ampersand, where the lower-case spelling of fait becomes a form of the verb faire, this is what one "does," relative to being led Spiritually to "Act." One then "does" as Elisha did when Elijah called him. I recommend reading 1 Kings 19:19-21, as it tells about how Elisha self-sacrificed in order to become the servant of Elijah, who had thrown his cloak (or mantle) upon Elisha. What one "does" is realize the "penalty ox cultivating born to sacrifice," where the number twelve is a reflection of moving from the physical to the spiritual level of devotion. Following a comma mark, line three then begins a separate focus, placed on the importance of a "Return again" souls or those "Coming back again." This is the importance of reincarnation in order to serve Yahweh on the material plane, from having self-sacrificed in a previous incarnation. This forces one to realize dartemide is not a statement about the goddess Artemis but another anagram that must be rearranged to say d'art demie, or "from mystical half." The soul is half of a body of flesh's life, as its physical life source. The "mystical half" is when the soul has been joined with the soul of Yahweh's Son, as Jesus reborn into flesh. Therefore, line three places focus on men like Nostradamus having been saved in a prior life on earth, to serve Yahweh in an important "Return" or "Coming back again," when he will be possessed "with them high reckonings from mystical half." In line four a capitalized Et must always be read as a capitalized ampersand, where importance is elevated to a state of most importance to grasp. The a is read as a form of the verb avoir, as importantly stating what one "has" "Returned" to "accomplish." This is where the capitalized Vulcan becomes an important statement about one's soul being in possession ("has") of the "God of fire," where the aspect of elohim is the Hebrew statement of "gods," where a soul is a "god" that have become doubled to "gods," when the Son of Yahweh comes, as the "God of fire." It is then this presence of a purifying "Fire" that reduces the "bodies of death" (unsaved souls walking in flesh that is bound to die) to their "tombs." This is a "Returning Spirit" that has come back to save other lost souls; and, this is the purpose of The Prophecies. The Spirit of Vulcan must put your soul and flesh into his Fire, reducing all the impurities of your sins to ash, so your reborn soul can be of service to the gods (souls) still on the earthly plane of existence.

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