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[5] Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,
[6] who, though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God
[7] as something to be exploited,
but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
[8] And being found in human form,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death--
even death on a cross.
[9] Therefore God also highly exalted him
and gave him the name
that is above every name,
[10] so that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bend,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
[11] and every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
This is the Epistle selection to be read aloud, along with two thousand, five hundred sixty three other words of scripture (Old Testament, Psalm and Gospel), on the day called “Passion Sunday.” This Word Count total does not include the “Palm Sunday” readings done outside a nave (a Gospel and processionary Psalm), while holding palm spears. Due to the excessive amount of readings collected for one day [Moses warned the children of Yahweh not to collect more manna than could be consumed in one day [unless it was a Friday, when two days’ worth could be gathered], it will turn to maggots and mush, being all pomp and circumstance – a ‘photo op.’ However, it is entertaining and the people do love a show. They come out from under their rocks for Sundays when they do not have to listen to some sinner pretend to know a thing or two about righteousness (at least the clothes the righteous wear).
In March 2021 I posted this commentary on Philippians 2. I will let that stand for what I still believe should be found in these verses. However, as divine Scripture is so marvelous that it always has a way of shining new truths unseen before, I will add a couple of nuggets of insight for this posting (maybe new, maybe not, as it is hard to remember thirty minutes ago, much less three years back in time).

Do I just go home after a service with no sermon and do nothing? Or, do I take some responsibility to do something on my own, as I go forward?
The first verse of this selection from Paul’s letter to the true Christians he helped usher into that state of being says what must be grasped firmly, in order to have a true clue about what Paul meant … in any of his letters sent to true Christians everywhere [those able to read his words]. The Greek words he wrote are these: “Touto phroneite en hymin ho kai en Christō Iēsou”. In that are three capitalized words; and, all capitalized word in divine Greek Scripture bear an elevated state of meaning, relative to Yahweh. Then, there is one use of the word “kai,” which is a marker word that does not get read as “and,” but as a direction to look for importance to follow.
The capitalized word “Touto” takes it to an elevated state that is beyond a simple “this.” It is a word that points back to that which had just been said (written in verse four, but unread here), which the NRSV shows saying: “Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” That means “This” is referring to self-sacrifice, such that in a Spiritual marriage of one’s soul to Yahweh, it is not simply (“this”) for one’s benefit alone. It is, instead (“This”) to be “to the interest of others,” so “you have understanding, think, judge, observe, and care for” [the meaning of “phroneite”]. “This” is not something natural to a normal human being of the selfish world, which takes great delight in “looking to your own self-interests.” As such, “This” is divinely elevated to have come “within your souls this,” which is read from the Greek words “en hymin ho.” There, “hymin” is normally translated simply as “your,” as the possessive pronoun written in the second-person plural; but when “This” is relative to Yahweh’s presence, which only deals with souls, “your” becomes “yourselves,” with a “self” understood to be a “soul.” Therefore, “This” divine ability to not be selfish means “your souls” have achieved “this,” when Yahweh’s Spirit is “within” one [not far, far away, externally, seeing heaven as in outer space].
Following the use of “kai,” Paul then explained what “within” means [from “en”]. He said “This” leading to “this” [from “Touto” and “ho”] is “within” [“en”] because one’s soul has been “Anointed” by Yahweh’s Spirit [the truth of “Christō”]. “This” is a most divine presence that comes upon one’s soul after that soul has submitted to Yahweh in holy union. The presence of Yahweh – becoming a ”Christ” – means all the selfishness of a sinful world has been washed away from one’s soul, so one’s filthy ass soul has become squeaky clean. That means the onset of a “Christ” [Yahweh’s “Anointment”] clears the way for one’s weak ass soul to be joined with His Son’s soul – two souls in one body of flesh. Once “Jesus” is resurrected “within” one’s soul, then his divine soul takes the place of one’s weak ass soul [the lord over its flesh, until the flesh has a revolt of lusts and turns a soul into its earthly slave] into flesh led by a most holy “Lord” [as seen in verse eleven].
The rest of this selection from Paul’s letter (presented as a song of praise) says oneself – one’s soul – steps to the rear and lets Jesus take over. The meaning of the name “Jesus” is “Yahweh Saves.” Without Jesus becoming one’s “Lord” of the flesh, one will always be sinning, because one’s soul is so weak and powerless to tell the flesh, “No!” The flesh bows down to the soul of Jesus, just as demon spirits would flee the bodies they possessed, when Jesus came near (during his physical ministry one earth). When one has been reborn as Jesus, then one can have the same effect on others; as long as one realizes that has nothing to do with glorifying one's sorry ass. “This” divine possession is only so Yahweh can send His Son into a body of flesh to minister to others again.
As a selected Epistle reading on Passion Sunday, when nothing will ever be said about these important verses on that day. Fortunately, these same verses (within Philippians 2:1-13) will be read on the Proper 21 Sunday, in the Year A. So, at least there is a chance someone might pontificate some social politics and condemn his or her soul by using the name “Jesus Christ” as why social politics is so important. That is more maggot mush; so, please do not eat that crap. It is vital that one’s soul understand what Paul wrote. He wrote the same things over and over again, all truth, all meant for your soul to realize. The realization comes from taking more than one Sunday every year in devotion to Yahweh and becoming His Son reborn (regardless of what sex organ your body of flesh has).
Side Note: I had an elderly gentleman in a church Bible Studies class once ask the question, "Certainly nobody here thinks he or she is Jesus, do they?" This elderly man was a regular contributor to that church; so, being Jesus was never to be (in his mind). Going "to heaven" was all about sending money in regularly to that church and having a spot claimed in a pew, with pillows and tissues marking that spot as one's.
The truth of this path to Yahweh is it is wrong. Upon the Judgment that comes from death, when a soul stands naked, colorless, moneyless, and wearing the face of self, not Jesus as one's spiritual Lord, the cold realization is just how wrong it is to think "Certainly nobody here can be Jesus." This is because, before Yahweh, He will say, "Nice try. The answer to your question is this: Every soul to be saved must be Jesus reborn. Now, this next life I will take away all your money, so you cannot buy pillows and boxes of tissues; so, you will know you must come back as My Son reborn. Sound good to you?"
This is when all shivering souls respond, "You know, Yahweh."
Take this and realize the truth:
"They will come with weeping; they will pray as I bring them back. I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble, because I am Israel’s father, and Ephraim is my firstborn son." (Jeremiah 31:9, NIV)
The name "Ephraim" means: "Two-fold Increase; Doubly Fruitful."
Ephraim was a son of Joseph. He was a twin born with Manasseh, where Manasseh was born first. Ephraim was blessed by Joseph, not Manasseh, in the same way Jacob was the second-born twin with Esau, whom Isaac blessed. For Joseph to name his son "Doubly Fruitful," he realized that when a second baby popped out of Asenath's womb. Therefore, for Yahweh to speak through Jeremiah and say, "I am Israel's father, and Two-fold Increase is my firstborn son, it means this:
Adam was the firstborn Son of Yahweh. Adam is the soul that was returned by Yahweh into the baby Gabriel announced to Mary, whom he told, "You shall name the baby Jesus. "Jesus" means "YAH Saves" or "YAH Will Save." This says the soul of Adam (called Yahweh elohim in Genesis 2) is the firstborn of Yahweh, who is the father of Israel.
The name "Israel" means "He Retains God" or "God Is Upright." "Israel" was the name bestowed upon Jacob, after his sorry ass wrestled with his sinner soul all night long, finally telling his sinner soul, "Get behind me Satan!" For winning that wrestling match, Jacob became "Israel," as his "Doubly Fruitful" name - his Spiritual name - for having been reborn with the soul of Yahweh's "firstborn son" - Adam.
To be "Two-fold Increase," one's sinner soul must be washed pure by the Anointment of Yahweh (made "Christos"), at which time one's once sinner soul is joined by the soul of Adam, who now goes by the name "Jesus," because "YAH Has Saved" a soul, as being given a Lord within, who will not allow a cleansed soul to every become dirty again. This means one lives righteously or "Upright As God."
This is then divine possession, or a "guiding spirit of good," called eudaimonia by the Greeks, which means the call of lost souls it to become Jesus resurrected within one's flesh, as the Son of Yahweh reborn. Anything short of that is not a soul "Saved by YAH." (Not "Jesus").