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Psalm 130 as a prayer for the bread of life as one's Lord

R. T. Tippett

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1 Out of the depths have I called to you, Yahweh;

adonay, hear my voice; *

let your ears consider well the voice of my supplication.

2 If you, Yah[weh], were to note what is done amiss, *

adonay, who could stand?

3 For there is forgiveness with you; *

therefore you shall be feared.

4 I wait for Yahweh; my soul waits for him; *

in his word is my hope.

5 My soul waits for adonay,

more than watchmen for the morning, *

more than watchmen for the morning.

6 O Israel, wait for Yahweh, *

for with Yahweh there is mercy;

7 With him there is plenteous redemption, *

and he shall redeem Israel from all their sins.


I last posted a commentary about this Psalm on May 27th of 2021. It was the song of praise that accompanied the presentation of David’s Song of the Bow, after Saul died (along with Jonathan). The same breakdown of each of these seven verses applies now, when Absalom has likewise reached his peak of human achievement and fallen back down hard, can be found at this link. I will simply offer now a short adjustment to the accompanying readings for the Proper 14 reading selections.

As a Psalm that fits well with the Epistle reading from Paul’s letter to the true Christians of Ephesus, the chapter four verses about how one needs to transform oneself [a “self” always equates to a “soul”], away from cheating, towards commitment, away from lying, towards the truth, away from theft, towards giving, and away from violence, towards peace, the only way for one to make such drastic changes is to make Yahweh one’s salvation. The truth of the Hebrew word “adonay,” is it means “lords” [the plural number of “adon”]. The body of “self” has many “lords” that rule over it. They are everything that is external to one’s soul, including one’s body of flesh. The only way those “lords” that lead one to cheat, lie, steal, and hurt can be overcome is through marriage to Yahweh and the union of His Spirit with one’s soul.

The Old Testament reading from First Kings [which has its own Psalm connected to it] speaks of the bread and water set by Elisha’s head, after he lay down and fell asleep. The metaphor of sleep is death. Elijah surrendered his soul to Yahweh, much in the same way David’s Psalm 130 sings of calling upon Yahweh for help. This Psalm is then like manna from heaven, as Yahweh strengthening David’s resolve to defeat his “lords” and gain forgiveness. Elijah, on the other hand, died of self and was fed the spiritual food of rebirth. Elijah would be reborn as the Son of Yahweh.

In the Gospel reading from John, Jesus is announcing he is the fulfillment of David’s prayer in song. He is the “lord” of the Jews; but he cannot be an external king that lords over them. For Jesus to become their “adonay” [one soul ruling many soul-body combos, each individually], they have to sacrifice their heads [self-egos] and die of self, to arise and eat the bred of life that will transform them into Jesus.

"and there at his head was a cake baked on hot stones"

As a song asking for the help of salvation, one a day when so many big brains hang suspended in the web of branches, born from their sinful pasts, the lesson so often sung in Psalm 130 is to marry Yahweh and stop sinning. A marriage to Yahweh takes one beyond the daily strength one helping of manna will bring. It brings the bread of life and the everlasting waters of an eternal presence with Yahweh as one’s wedding gift. Only by turning one’s back to the “lords” of sin can Yahweh bring the “Lord” of a soul into one’s being. The whole purpose of ministry is to become Jesus resurrected in the flesh, so others can know Yahweh offers them the same opportunity for salvation.

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