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Psalm 80:1-2, 8-18 - The good vine of Israel

R. T. Tippett

1 Hear, O Shepherd of Israel, leading Joseph like a flock; *

shine forth, you that are enthroned upon the cherubim.

2 In the presence of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, *

stir up your strength and come to help us.


8 You have brought a vine out of Egypt; *

you cast out the nations people and planted it.

9 You prepared the ground for it; *

it took root and filled the land.

10 The mountains were covered by its shadow *

and the towering cedar trees by its boughs.

11 You stretched out its tendrils to the Sea *

and its branches to the River.

12 Why have you broken down its wall, *

so that all who pass by pluck off its grapes?

13 The wild boar of the forest has ravaged it, *

and the beasts of the field have grazed upon it.

14 Turn now, elohim of hosts, look down from heaven; behold and tend this vine; *

[15] preserve what your right hand has planted.

15 [16] They burn it with fire like rubbish; *

at the rebuke of your countenance let them perish.

16 [17] Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand, *

the son of man you have made so strong for yourself.

17 [18] And so will we never turn away from you; *

give us life, that we may call upon your Name.

18 [19] Restore us, Yahweh elohim of hosts; *

show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved.


Unread, but stated in verse one is David’s announcement this is a psalm of Asaph, which is Hebrew for a Gatherer. As a priest of Yahweh, purified by the Anointment of His Spirit and possessed by the resurrected soul of Yahweh’s Son – Adam-Jesus – David was the “Gatherer” of souls that would be taught to marry their souls to Yahweh also and become His Sons reborn. This makes David’ Psalm 80 be a statement of him being a tower in the midst of the vineyard, as Yahweh sang through Isaiah in the Track 1 Old Testament reading selection.

In verse one (that read aloud), David wrote “shepherd of Israel,” with a vertical bar following that, indicating a point of rest and reflection. When “Israel” is understood to mean “Who Retains el,” where “el” is the Yahweh elohim that is the Son of Yahweh’s soul resurrected within all who can truly claim the name “Israel,” then it is Adam-Jesus who is this “shepherd” – or the one who “pastures” Yahweh’s flock.

The name “Joseph” means “Increaser” or “May He Add,” which is an indication that the “shepherd” is the one gathering the people (the “flock”), so they can “hear” and “listen” to the teachings of the “gatherer.” This then will “increase” the flock, just as David transformed the nation that demanded a king and chose Saul into true representations of “Israel.” David, as the Son of Yahweh reborn, was the “shepherd of Israel,” who led by example and taught through his psalms the Spirit of Yahweh, which invited bridesmaids to offer their souls to Him.

When verse one ends by singing of “the cherubim shine forth,” this says the “Increaser” has placed the souls of the true Israelites atop the Ark of the Covenant, where those marriage vows are sealed within the walls of their hearts [inner men]. The presence of Yahweh is between those “Increased” Spiritually, so each becomes the “shepherd” reborn, to teach their children to marry their souls to Yahweh.

When verse two then begins by singing, “before Ephraim,” this too has a vertical bar after it, forcing the reader to pause and reflect on that meaning. The first Hebrew written – “lip̄·nê” – means “face,” as a construct of “panim.” This says that those who “shine forth” as the Sons of Yahweh will wear only the “face” of Yahweh “before” their own “face.” This states the first Commandment, which is locked within the walls of their souls. The name “Ephraim” then must be understood to mean “Doubly Fruitful,” where the duality states the presence of Adam-Jesus’ soul within each true Israelite’s soul. Two souls existing in one body of flesh represents a most divine possession, with the soul of Adam-Jesus becoming the Lord over each host soul and its flesh. This must be grasped in verse two.

The name “Benjamin” means “Son Of The Right Hand,” with Manasseh meaning “Forgetting, Evaporating.” This then makes verse two sing, “face twofold ׀ Son of the Right Hand Forgetting , it awakens your strength , and it comes to save us .” This says each true “Israel” has the soul of Adam-Jesus as its Lord, with the host soul “forgetting” or “evaporating” so that divine soul is welcomed as Lord. When the soul of Adam-Jesus is one’s Lord, then all the strength of Yahweh is at his command in one’s flesh. This was how David defeated Goliath, evaded Saul, and led a people to righteous ways for decades. Each soul became “awake” as vigilant and on guard against evil. These ways of righteousness will then “save our souls” eternally, with the name “Jesus” meaning “Yah Saves.”

Psalm 80 is the companion to Isaiah 1 because the selected verses read above sign of the same vineyard theme. When Yahweh inspired David to sing of “a vine out of Egypt” in verse eight, this is the same as Yahweh singing through Isaiah about “choice vines that would bear good fruit.” When David wrote, “you have brought , you have cast out the people and planted (the vineyard),” this is the same as Yahweh singing through Isaiah about “he dug it and cleared it of stones, and planted it with choice vines.”

The meaning of David singing in verse nine, “your prepared for it ; and caused it to take deep root”, is the promise made with Abram that his inheritors would be as countless as the stars. The “preparation” was the role model that was Abram, who would teach his son Isaac to marry his soul to Yahweh and be the resurrection of His Son Adam-Jesus. The root that was Isaac split when Esau was the firstborn male, who would be choked off from being a root that would weaken a “choice vine” and make ot less strong. Even the twin root that was Jacob had to be ‘struck by lightning,’ so it would do as Abram and Isaac, transforming to the root of Israel. This preparation would then require the son of Jacob (thought to have been killed by wild animals – Joseph) to spend the time like a tower in the vineyard that was in Egypt, developing the vine towards Yahweh’s demands of “choice.” It would then be the ‘children of Israel’ (not Jacob) that would be led by Moses to be supplanted in a prepared new land.

In verses ten and eleven, Yahweh inspired David to sing of the spread of the vines that bore good fruit, with them being spread to the sea to the river and as mighty as cedar tree branches. This is the people brought into Canaan by Joshua, who told them all to serve Yahweh like he was committed to do, or serve some lesser gods. The choice was to be a fallen vine that laid on the ground, or one that was raised by the cross of Adam-Jesus’ soul, which would serve Yahweh as His Son reborn.

Verses twelve and thirteen then are a vision shown to David, which was a mirror image of the times of Isaiah (and all times soul fail to serve Yahweh and become His Son resurrected Doubly Fruitful). Here, David sang of the hedges being trampled down and the wild boar consuming the fruit, in the same way that Yahweh sang through Isaiah: “I will remove its hedge, and it shall be devoured; I will break down its wall, and it shall be trampled down.” This state can be seen as existing when Saul proved to be a false king of the people and David the Beloved hero was hunted like a wild animal. David would not be caught, because he was protected divinely.

In verses fourteen and fifteen, David sang of a prayer for restoration, through repentance, where the “elohim of hosts would return” to the people’s hearts and souls. This would happen when David became the King of Israel, after Saul and his heir were dead. David would unit the kingdom and remove all the fallen stakes in the vineyard. However, David was mortal; and, all mortals are bound to die. This means it is up to the fruit of the vine to return the “elohim of hosts,” so the vine remains upright and bearing good fruit. The advent of Christianity, after Yahweh sent Jesus into the vineyard that had again become downtrodden and wasted, would be like a new tower built in the vineyard.

Verse sixteen sings of that returned state of destruction. That is parallel to Yahweh singing through Isaiah about letting the vineyard be destroyed and allowed to turn to briars and thorns, followed by a desert without rainfall.

Verse seventeen then is Yahweh inspiring David to foresee the coming of Jesus, who would Yahweh’s “hand upon the man of His right hand.” Not only would Jesus be this single “man,” but his death would release his soul to be reborn into each and ever “son of Adam” that would be a Saint in the name of Jesus. Again, the name “Jesus” means “Yah Saves.”

Verse eighteen then sings of a return of soul to marrying Yahweh, as that is the meaning of David singing, “and upon your name we will call.” One calls upon the “name” of Yahweh by taking on His “name” in marriage, as a wife-soul divinely wed. That divine union then leads to the immediate resurrection of His Son’s soul in his wife-soul, so Ephraim is reborn. One will then be led into ministry in “the name of Jesus,” as the Son of Yahweh reborn.

Verse nineteen then acts as a prayer of repentance, seeking “restoration,” so a lost soul can wear “the face of Yahweh elohim – the Adam-Jesus soul that reflects the face of God. With that divine soul within, a host soul then “shines” the light of truth that comes from one’s inner Lord. This “shine” can then be seen depicted in art as a halo over the head of a Saint.


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