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Psalm 81:1, 10-16 - Beware denying a marriage made in heaven

R. T. Tippett

1 Sing with joy lelohim our strength *

and raise a loud shout to lelohe of Jacob.


10 I am Yahweh eloheka, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and said, *

"Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."

11 And yet my people did not hear my voice, *

and Israel would not obey me.

12 So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their hearts, *

to follow their own devices.

13 Oh, that my people would listen to me! *

that Israel would walk in my ways!

14 I should soon subdue their enemies *

and turn my hand against their foes.

15 Those who hate Yahweh would cringe before him, *

and their punishment would last forever.

16 But Israel would I feed with the finest wheat *

and satisfy him with honey from the rock.


This is a Psalm of Asaph, which means a song of the gatherer. David was the gatherer of souls, who taught them the way to truly be “Israel” was to each marry their own souls to Yahweh and each receive His Son’s soul – the Yahweh elohim that is the soul of Adam (a.k.a. Jesus). This understanding would be taught by David, as there could be no king of a nation of people that would physically lead everyone to salvation through swinging a sword and defeating their enemies in war. Each soul had to be possessed by Yahweh, as His wife-soul; and, each soul had to be joined with the Son’s soul, the “elohim” of which David taught in verse one. The “strength” of “Israel” was “our elohim” within our souls – each possessed by the Son’s soul, who acted as the Lord of each. The use of the name “Jacob,” which means “Supplanter,” says to sing loudly about the “elohim” that “Supplants” each individual soul as the lord of its flesh, becoming the Lord that leads each to victory.

As a companion psalm to the Track 1 Old Testament reading selection from Jeremiah 2, which sings loudly as a divorce decree, verse one in Psalm 81 should be seen as singing the praises of divine union with Yahweh. In return from that most holy marriage, the birth of Yahweh’s Son (the true and only purpose for marriage) – the resurrection of the soul of Adam-Jesus in each and every true Israelite – David was divinely inspired by his personal “elohim” to sing of what all souls like him knew to praise. With verse one being the celebration of that Holy Matrimony, we skip forward to verse ten and hear David singing of what was known to have gone wrong in the pasts of the people, which was not pure divorce but a rejection of marriage, refusing to surrender individual souls to Yahweh, choosing instead to serve self.

Verse ten begins with the Hebrew word “’ā·nō·ḵî,” followed by a vertical bar of pause (“׀”). Because the word “anoki” is the first-person common singular pronoun meaning “I,” this must be read as Yahweh speaking as the owner and possessor of all who claim Him as their Lord and identify as “Israel.” The meaning of “I” can be read as “I AM,” which is what Yahweh told Moses He should be named for all His children in Egypt to know. Following the vertical bar of pause, David sang (divinely inspired to speak for Yahweh), “Yahweh eloheka ,” which says Yahweh is “your elohim,” meaning the Yahweh elohim of Genesis 2 (Adam) is now one with each soul divinely wed to Him. It was this divine inner presence that led the children of Israel out of Egypt (a name meaning “Married To Tragedy”). Moses was likewise filled with Yahweh’s elohim; but nobody crossed the parted sea or survived any of the trial of the wilderness without also being personally and individually “Yahweh your elohim.” Moses not being named says those infants with His Son’s soul were fed spiritual food by Yahweh and His Son’s soul within, not by any other human being (a soul trapped in a body of flesh, prone to sin and die). This says the only thing that keeps a soul from sinning and dying is knowing Yahweh as “I,” because one’s soul has become the resurrection of “Yahweh elohim,” individually as “yours.”

In verse eleven, David names “Israel,” which can be read as the nation of twelve tribes, each descended from a son of Jacob, but the truth to that name is “Who Retains el” of Yahweh. Jacob became “Israel” – an individual soul, not a nation, nor his children – because he wrestled with his demons possessing his soul and forced them away from him, so his soul could serve Yahweh and be forgiven for all his past sins. Jacob was giving the name “Israel” as the name of Yahweh, to whom Jacob’s soul married and the defeated demon spirit told Jacob (led by Yahweh his Creator) told Jacob, “You are now Israel.” In the rest of Genesis, Jacob is still referred to as Jacob, not “Israel.” “Israel” is a spiritual name attached to a soul married to Yahweh, taking on His name in submission and sacrifice.

In the verse eleven, Yahweh said through David, “my people would not heed my voice,” where the “voice” of Yahweh is His Son’s soul becoming the Lord over the soul-flesh of each of His wife-souls, so the fleshy brain is led to divine thoughts spoken by the soul of Adam-Jesus within – one with one’s host soul. By not hearing the “Yahweh elohim” within, “none of the people not hearing an inner Yahweh elohim were not married to Him. Those were the children of parents (like Jacob was Israel to ten of his sons who were not – selling Joseph after trying unsuccessfully to kill him). Each soul born into human flesh must be taught to sacrifice self and marry their souls to Yahweh, so Adam-Jesus can become Lord over their flesh and keep them from waywardness. But, the natural way of humanity is to learn to reject Yahweh, find sin, and then feel the guilt of sin from the teachings of their parents. This is nature’s way, because one must know sin to truly know Yahweh as “I Am” the way – as Jacob came to know Yahweh.

Verse twelve then sings of Yahweh allowing souls to reject marriage to them. He lets them go the way of their own counsel, which invariably leads to a life of sin, following the urges of the flesh. Their “own counsel” becomes demon spirits that possess their souls and lead their brains to follow urges, which are addictions to the worldly realm. Verse thirteen then concludes that this waywardness will take one further away from Yahweh. Here, David again was led to write the proper name “Israel,” which is taking on a false name, as that of a nation of people who believe they are special in the world, because God chose them over all other souls breathed into human forms. That is a lie and taught by false shepherds. The truth of “Israel” is sung by David as “in my ways that should walk.” The lesson of the history of people by that name was waywardness and self-indulgence, which always led to misery and oppression by their enemies (who saw them as just like them, only spewing off at the mouth about being chosen by God to steal land). Not walking righteously made stronger enemies form against them.

Verse fourteen then sings of that history, where the enemies of the people rose up and oppressed those squatting on their lands, while not truly being “Israel.” By living a lie – using the name of Yahweh in vain – Yahweh did not protect those liars from the attacks of their enemies. Rather than Yahweh giving the enemies great powers, the lack of Yahweh’s protection – over people who were ordinarily weak of body, while strong of brain – meant the illusion of an enemy with great powers (like the giant Goliath, who was just a large ordinary soul in human flesh).

In verse fifteen, David sang of “the haters of Yahweh would pretend submission to him,” which is the lie of thinking being born to some descendant of Jacob, who had horrific histories before they submitted their souls to Yahweh, when they knew their guilt of sin when they stood before Joseph, as a great leader of Egypt. To track physical lineage to a sinner makes one be the descendant of a sinner. That praise promotes one’s own acts of sin. All the while those sinners are claiming to be children of Yahweh, when His only Son must be resurrected within each and every soul that can truthfully make that claim. To lie and use the name of Yahweh in vain means those souls will know a “fate” of Judgment that will endure forever. That is the divorce decree of which Yahweh spoke through Jeremiah.

In verse sixteen, David was inspired to sing: “and he would have fed them with the finest wheat ; and from the rock , with honey I would have satisfied you .” This needs to be seen as the proposal of marriage that Yahweh offers all souls. First He promises to “feed” your soul with spiritual food – the “bread” of heaven, manna. This is done by being cleansed by His Spirit – made a Messiah or a Christ – so His Son’s soul can be joined with His wife’s soul and become its Lord. The voice of Yahweh then flows through the Yahweh elohim within. That is where the understanding of Scripture is, so the Law is written on the walls of one’s heart (soul). The soul of Adam-Jesus then becomes the “rock,” from which flows the never ceasing flow of spiritual water. This is the promise of eternal life and is spiritual nourishment that never needs replenishing. The “honey” is the love of Yahweh, which is His Son. The “satisfaction” of all marriages comes in the marriage tent – the tabernacle where a marriage is consecrated and His Son’s seed is sown in the wife-soul’s virgin womb. The Promised Land is a soul in its flesh being given Salvation and eternal life with Yahweh.

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