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Psalm 82 - Being a guiding light to keep souls off the rocks

R. T. Tippett

1 elohim takes his stand in the council of heaven congregation el; *

he gives judgment in the midst of elohim:

2 "How long will you judge unjustly, *

and show favor to the wicked? selah

3 Save the weak and the orphan; *

defend the humble and needy;

4 Rescue the weak and the poor; *

deliver them from the power of the wicked.

5 They do not know, neither do they understand; they go about in darkness; *

all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

6 Now I say to you, 'You are elohim, *

and all of you children sons of elyown;

7 Nevertheless, you shall die like mortals, *

and fall like any prince.'"

8 Arise, elohim, and rule the earth, *

for you shall take all nations for your own.


Not stated in this reading is the information stated first in verse one that says this is a “psalm of Asaph,” where the Hebrew word “asaph” means “gatherer.” In total, David wrote twelve psalms that were identified as “psalms of the gatherer.” Last Sunday, when Psalm 50 was sung, that is one of the twelve identified as a “psalm of the gatherer.” On this Sunday, the Track 1 accompanying Psalm 80 is another of those twelve. Now, as the companion psalm to the Track 2 Old Testament selection from Jeremiah 23, we read of another “psalm of the gatherer.” In the ordinary season after Pentecost, when souls should have become married to Yahweh’s Spirit, resurrecting the soul of His Son within each of their souls, the purpose now must be seen as ministry, where other lost souls are gathered, so they too can be saved by that divine union and commitment to Yahweh, as His Son reborn.

In verse one, the NRSV has translated “ba·‘ă·ḏaṯ-’êl” as saying, “council of heaven.” That misses the point of this being a “psalm of the gathered,” such that “council of heaven” conjures up visions of a bunch of high hat popes gathering in some Mediterranean Sea resort, in order to plan their trip to heaven. The literal translation says “in the congregation of el,” where the singular “el” is a statement of a collective of souls married to Yahweh, having received His Spirit, along with the resurrection of His “elohim” Son, so that “gathered” is a “congregation” of souls all devoted totally to one “god,” whose name is Yahweh.

Before David wrote of the “congregation of Yahweh elohim,” he began by singing, “elohim,” which is actually connected to the introduction that fully says, “a psalm of the gatherer elohim.” This says David was possessed by Yahweh, as His wife-soul, which had joined with the soul of Adam-Jesus, becoming his Lord. It was then through the presence of David’s Yahweh elohim soul that David acted as the minister who “gathered” the souls of the people who followed David. Just as Jesus told his disciples, “Follow me,” so too did David (as Jesus reborn) tell his disciples the same thing. The instruction was not to do what I command as king, but to marry your souls to Yahweh, in the same way that I have. Thus, the “gatherer elohim” had led the people to truly be a “congregation of el” – each a single soul married to Yahweh and reborn as His Son – which is the only way a nation of people can become sacred and set apart by Yahweh.

The ending words of verse one then says, “among elohim he judges.” This says that the “congregation of el,” where every one of the people could truly become named “Israel” – he and she “Who Retains el” as Yahweh’s wife-soul – had Yahweh “among” them, through His Son’s soul elohim, which became the Lord of each and every one, so Yahweh and Jesus “judged” their lives so they lived righteously.

This state of being is not a guarantee to last forever, simply because flesh can only live for so long, before it dies and releases a soul to the reward of eternal life. It is then up to those “gathered in congregations of el” to raise children – each who is given a soul of its own to rule its flesh – so those children’s souls also make the same decision as their parents, to marry Yahweh, receive His Spirit and be souls resurrected with the soul of Adam-Jesus to Lord them to righteousness. That caveat is then why verse two sings, “until when you will judge unjustly , and your faces to the wicked , show partiality .” This says the “congregation of el” will only be possessed by the divine “elohim” of Yahweh (His Son) after a divine union and commitment of total subjection to Yahweh. The souls of the children will invariably be led to be possessed by lesser “elohim,” who are not a “congregation of el.” Instead, those souls will “judge unjustly” towards Yahweh, choosing to marry their souls to Satan’s demons of sin. The Hebrew word “ū·p̄ə·nê” has been translated above (NRSV) as “show favorably,” when the word is rooted in “panim,” meaning “faces.” Those souls judging unjustly will show “faces” worn that serve lesser gods. Those lesser gods worship sinful things of the world, not spiritual commitments for eternal life.

When those children then rise to positions of power, after their Yahweh elohim possessed parents die in the flesh, then those corrupted souls will rule over the people as “gatherers” of those who allow sins, showing “partiality” to worldly ways. David ended this verse by singing, “selah,” which means “exalted” or “to lift up.” This says Yahweh has deemed this way as natural; and, that means one must know sins before one can truly subject to Yahweh from repentance and be saved from one’s unjust judgments and partiality to wickedness.

In verse three, it is easy to hear David sing, “defend the poor and the fatherless” or (NRSV) “save the weak and the orphaned,” but the words written actually mean “govern the needy and the fatherless.” When one has just heard a verse singing about wickedness and bad judgment, the aspect of “govern” has nothing to do with physical laws forcing one’s will on others. The “wicked” do that. This means “govern” is a statement of spiritual guidance to those soul that are spiritually “weak” and “poor.” Those souls are “fatherless” or “orphaned” from Yahweh – the Spiritual Father of His Sons reborn – and “needy” in the sense of being lost soul without eternal salvation gained. This is then a verse singing about the objective of ministry, born into souls who have the Son of Yahweh as their Lord. Thus, the ending words of this verse say, “to the afflicted and those in need do righteousness.” This means to be shining examples of those who had sinned and had then been saved, who were led to righteousness by a divine inner Lord.

Verse four sings of the responsibility of those saved souls, as David wrote: “they will escape the poor and needy ; from the hand of the wicked they will be delivered .” Here, their ministry and leading by examples, teaching the truth of Scripture, those who will have become spiritually “poor and needy” will have sought the truth and heard it from a minister in the name of Adam-Jesus, the Sons of Yahweh reborn. By receiving the truth and seeing the truth for themselves, those lost souls will be returned to the fold and become true Israelites – souls “Who Retain the el of Yahweh.”

In verse five, David sings of the inability for any lost soul to save itself from eternal condemnation. The literal translation sings, “not do they know,” with a vertical bar (“׀”) placed as a signal to stop and contemplate the brains ability to think of ways to save a self-soul. With that contemplation made, the rest of the verse sings, “not do they understand , in darkness they walk about ; they are shaken , all the foundations of the earth .” In this, the “foundations of the earth” should be read as metaphor for “all the leaders of the flesh,” who are the souls breathed out from Yahweh into every living creature. Those who rise to the top tier in civilization, as kings and queens, high priests and priests, who lead the masses, “they do not know” anything of value that will save a soul.

For as much as they have figured out how to cheat and steal from those who allow them power and influence, they cannot save their own souls, much less the souls of anyone else. They read Scripture, but “they do not understand” the truth it contains. This is because their Big Brains “walk about in the darkness” that is rejection of divine marriage to Yahweh, so His Son can come and lead them to true knowledge and a life of righteousness from that. This “darkness” is how they sense “they do not know” how to save their own souls, “nor do they understand” how to approach Yahweh with repentance. All of the “foundations” of a physical world cannot lead a brain to understanding the truth. Only true ministers reborn as Adam-Jesus can bring that divine knowledge forth.

In verse six, David sang about this source of divine knowledge, which he knew firsthand from the experience of having had Yahweh’s Spirit poured out upon his soul. David was inspired to write his psalms by this Spirit of truth within him. It spoke to him, singing “I speak elohim you many ; and sons of elyown all of you .” In this, David wrote “elohim,” which refers to the Yahweh elohim that is the soul of Yahweh’s handmade Son – Adam (a.k.a. Jesus – “Yah Saves”). The Hebrew word “elyown” is typically read as “Most High,” as a reference to Yahweh, as “God.” The reality (the truth) of “elyown” is the “highest” a soul in the flesh can achieve is to become merged (the resurrection within one’s soul) with the Son of Yahweh – receive the Spirit of a Yahweh elohim. The plural number of “elohim” (plural of “el”) then means Yahweh made His Son’s soul (the elohim of Adam-Jesus) to multiply and merge with the souls of many wife-souls that marry Yahweh and receive His Spirit (as did David). Those man then become the multiplicity of one Son of Yahweh, as the “sons of elyown.” All are “sons” because the spiritual realm is the masculinity of Yahweh – the Father – and His Son. Thus, males and females will have the “foundations of their flesh shaken,” realizing both sons and daughters of physical fathers and mothers all have souls born only of Yahweh. All the “children” of Yahweh as His sons reborn in their eternal souls.

Verse seven then sings the truth of the reason it is souls, not flesh, that is saved. David was inspired to sing, “surely like Adam you will die ; and like one of the princes you will fall .” This says that the “most high” – the “elyown” handmade by Yahweh, as His Yahweh elohim made to become the “highest” of two souls merged together in one body of flesh – a true Ephraim, being Doubly Fruitful – the physical fall of Adam (and Eve) from Eden was to become the same as those who possessed souls Yahweh’s Son would save. Adam (and Jesus like him) had to die in the flesh, even though both were born (or made by the hand of Yahweh) as eternal heroes – THE Saint soul. Thus, every soul who repents and sincerely does the work of Yahweh, rejecting the influences of the worldly domain, they will receive the Spirit upon their souls and their flesh will be reborn as the “prince” of Yahweh – His “elyown” resurrected in the flesh of a wife-soul. Even those “princes” must face death of their flesh, as did Adam and Jesus. Still, the presence of that “elyown” as e “elohim” within a human being, that soul-body will serve the remainder of his or her life as a Saint, taking the message of Yahweh’s truth out into the world, so lost seeker souls can be found.

As a psalm of the gatherer, this Psalm 82 ends with this lesson taught to those gathered to become as David was, not as one lost and rejecting marriage to Yahweh. David sings, “arise elohim govern the flesh ; for you will be taken as a possession to all of the people .” Here, the command says to “stand up” through the power of Yahweh’s “elohim” that has been poured out upon one’s soul, for the purpose of not only “governing” that single soul-flesh, but to “govern” all who need divine guidance to see the truth of Scripture for themselves. When the Hebrew word “nachal” (in transliterated construct as “ṯin·ḥal”) is translated as “inherit,” one misses the truth of the word meaning “to get or take as a possession.” This means to “inherit” the kingdom of God, a soul does not need to be born a Jew. Instead, a soul must become “possessed” by Yahweh, as His wife, who then is where His Son’s soul is resurrected. That “arising” within one’s soul becomes the “inheritance” that a Saint take to “the people,” so all seekers can get their share of the “inheritance” Yahweh promised to His “sons.”

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