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Romans 8:12-25 – A spirit of slavery

R. T. Tippett

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

The Epistle reading for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 11) will next be read aloud in Episcopal churches on Sunday, July 19,2020.  It comes from Paul’s letter to the Christians of Rome.  According to the New Revised Standard Version, the words read will be these:

Romans 8:12-25 So then, brothers and sisters, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh– for if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ– if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.


It is a passion of all the children pretending to be priests [those in particular hired by the Episcopal Church and sent out as community organizers, social justice advocators, and race-baiting ignoramuses, with no insight whatsoever from God’s Holy Spirit – ALL THINKING with pea-sized brains (as all children possess)] that God wants them to always protect the weak.  That misconception leads the children priests to see ‘po black folk’ [an uncommon element in Episcopal churches, overall] as being in need of the sympathy of ‘dem racists white Americans’ [which is the majority of Episcopalians].  Since children are never able to fully understand the real world, it is important now to get a jump on their condemnations of “White privilege” and the delusion that there are “White Nationalists” that Jesus would protest against (if Jesus were here today).  The need is to cut off their dim-witted sermons ‘at the pass’ and expose them as the charlatans they are – in advance.  Therefore, the following sermon is necessary.

First of all, Jesus is supposed to be here today AS CHISTIANS, as those who have been reborn AS HIM in different bodies of flesh.  Thus, the reason a true SAINT uses the word “Christian” is it explains that rebirth as meaning: IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.  An idiot thinks , “All I have to do to be powerful is call upon my boy Jesus, by saying, “in your name Jesus, Come to me!”  A child thinks Jesus walks invisibly next to him or her, with his invisible arm draped around his or her shoulders, asking, “What can I do for you today, massah?”

Idiots think Jesus is their slave.  Idiots pretending to be priests, projecting that inane  imagery is why there are fewer human beings calling themselves ‘Christians’ these days.

Today’s version of Christianity is a model of the rebirth of the final days of Nazi Germany, when all the adult soldiers, those between the ages of 18 and 45, had been so defeated and dwindled down to thin lines of panicked defense, there were too few of them left to be called up to defend the capital.  The adult fight to the death for a lost cause was ending.  It was then that ole Adolph called upon the Hitler Youth to defend Berlin.  You cannot depend on children to save the day.

Just like that failed attempt to save something gone terribly wrong, children dressing like priests, with all the paraphilia used by true Saints, but not filled with God’s Holy Spirit – not in the name of His Son – does not make them capable of filling the void that has been created by a lack of true Saints.  Pretending Jesus is beside you – that he has your back and wants to serve your wants and needs – always ends up with the result that Jesus prophesied would come: When [a hired hand] sees the wolf coming, he-she-it abandons the sheep and runs away. (John 10:12)

The hired hands of the Episcopal Church (presently led by a Martin Luther King-worshiping presiding bishop, who loves his hired hands to do the same) are just like Hitler’s youth, indoctrinated in the false philosophies of bad shepherds (many decades long now).  As such, they will take the words of Paul and twist them like some pretzel dough into propaganda that supports selective anarchy in America.  I guess (thinking about it now) that means they can freely call themselves: in the name of Josef Goebbels.

Since a full understanding of anything Paul wrote exceeds the Episcopalian twelve minute limit on oration [with no questioning of flawed premises allowed], most will only take the one word found above (“slavery”) and run amok with that, like looters who know some Black Lives Matter mayor has ordered the police to stand down and let anarchy reign.  None will even give an inkling of thought to “slavery” being how the American media has made Americans, due to the pandemic threat.  Unless one riots and protests, using masks as the way to avoid facial identification cameras still in operation, everyone else is a slave to catching the bad version of the common cold.  That includes the shackles placed on church doors, keeping Christians from entering churches [unless to demand entrance to violently protest and tear down statues].  Episcopal priests (children that they are, with soft impressionable brains) have been told to believe that the only slaves in America are negroes, with anyone not negro being responsible for slavery.

Paul was IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, so Paul was a true Christian, filled with God’s Holy Spirit.  Paul never limited himself to writing twelve minute letters.  Anyone who calls himself or herself a priest of Yahweh – the One True God – but then does not fully explain what Jesus said (through the man named Paul) is due the ‘reward’ of drowning:

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6)

Jesus said through Paul, “if you live according to the flesh, you will die.”  Not being filled by the Holy Spirit of God means all you have that is keeping breath going in and out of your lungs is a soul.  A soul is an eternal spirit of life given to a body of flesh at birth.  What that statement says is this: If your soul does what the body of flesh wants, then mortal death is a certainty.  A soul cannot save your ass from death and recycling.

Thus, Jesus said through Paul, “if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”  That says the soul dies as the animator of sinful acts in the flesh, because one becomes filled with God’s Holy Spirit, which marries with the soul of a body of flesh [“Spirit” and “spirit” above] and the Holy Spirit becomes the overseer that denies any “deeds of the body” that are sinful.

Guess what?  That means one becomes Jesus reborn, through the Christ Mind, which is where all the muscular activities of the body are originated.  When one subjects oneself to Yahweh, becoming His Son reborn, no longer will the body be controlling the brain, no longer will a soul be a slave to the flesh.

When Jesus then said through Paul’s handwriting, “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God,” the idiots wearing vestments and pretending to be speaking for Jesus, rather than as Jesus reborn, are incapable of understanding that God (Yahweh, the Only God) is not the Father of all humanity.  ONLY those “who are led by the (Holy) Spirit of God are children of God,” thus that select group represents the only ones able to call God “Father” (with a capital “F”).

The idiot children pretenders act as if everyone is a child of God, no matter how filthy with sin they are.  Born into the world that is the only place sin can thrive means being born to a father of flesh and a mother of flesh.  One is then a child of the flesh, much like the Egyptians, much unlike the Israelites.  Those hired hands have no clue that being clean from sin means being filled with God’s Holy Spirit, because they have never had the pleasure of that experience.

Listen hard in an Episcopalian service on July 19th and tell if you hear those hired hands talk, minimally, about Jesus saying through his Apostle Paul: “For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ– if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.”

Having never come close to ‘filling out the adoption papers,’ the sinners in robes and wearing crosses will not talk about how those sitting lifelessly in the pews having absolutely no right to “cry, “Abba!  Father!” when praying to a God that does not know them.  Listen and hear if that confession is forthcoming from the pulpit.

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All the hired hands want to talk about is taking up your cross of responsibility for slavery having ever existed in America and feel the weight of guilt that should propel one to elect politicians that will enact new laws that will slap the shackles of reparations all over your white ass, making you responsible for adopting whole ghettos filled with worthless criminals and lazy welfare addicts.  Your priests will write off many millions of human beings that are the vast majority of all races, who understand slavery is a fact of life, having nothing whatsoever to do with the pigmentation of one’s skin.

Jesus said through Paul, “All humanity is a slave to the flesh,” meaning human beings are all born as slaves to the material realm.  Slavery to the flesh means death, as a soul being led to that end by a body of flesh.  It does not matter what lies the material world is telling the soul, whether it is: “All police murder black folk, whose only sin is an inability to keep from breaking the law and resisting arrest;” or, “If you don’t hate the politicians I vote against, then you are showing your hatred for Jesus … who I speak for because I wear a collar.”

A lie is a lie is a lie.

The only way to be free of a mortal death sentence is to die of self-ego before your body of flesh physically dies and be reborn as a new baby Jesus, led by the Christ Mind and the love of God as your new Father.  However, that does not free one from slavery.

It makes one a slave of God (Yahweh).  You become a true priest that no longer gets to preach a political party platform and call that a sermon for Jesus.  You naturally speak the WORD OF GOD, and that includes being able to tell the lies people speak, throwing filth all over the name of Jesus Christ.

Then Jesus said through the words in Paul’s letter to the Christians of Rome, “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.”

If your worthless priest starts talking about the riots in major U.S. cities, the toppling and defacing of monuments and statues, the stealing of things not theirs from looted stores, the burning and destruction of cars and buildings, the savage beatings of innocent human beings, and the threats of armed insurrection  – if anyone dared try to stop their “right to protest” – then listen intently to hear if he or she is telling you this:

“Don’t be swayed to accommodate sin, resist it with all the might God sends you, because when Jesus told Peter ‘Those who live by the sword will die by the sword’ that implies someone has to stand up and kill those living in the present by the sword.”

In the media broadcasts of the rioters (like a televised replacement ‘sport’ for it being to dangerous to play baseball or basketball), who is it now ‘living by the sword’?  In the place identified as CHAZ in Seattle, who is it putting up barricades and forcing locals to bow to their will … or else?  Seems to me that evil is wielding the sword, with no one willing to face evil down.

Listen, then, to your young priest.  See if you can hear the children promising to lead you to kill the protestors ‘in the name of Jesus Christ.’

The glory that will be revealed to us true CHRISTIANS is the reward of being a good slave to the Holy Spirit.  Tell me when Jesus ran and hid from the threat of those who wanted him dead.  Tell me when Jesus was afraid to confront those in power by fighting – striking with truth against lies.  Tell me when Jesus was said to have promoted overthrowing either the Romans or the Temple elite and starting a new government.

You can’t, because Jesus was never a coward; not anything like the cowardice that is seen all over the face of the United States of America today.  The country is about to be overrun by evil and evil will not stop being evil, simply by gaining whole power of government.  Slavery will be the reward everyone will receive, if they gain control.  With that subservience comes assured death, with souls sold into the slavery of repeating that plight forevermore.

Jesus then added via Paul’s letter: “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.”  The antithesis of those words are in play now.

There are no longer Saints touching the hearts of sinners, transforming the sinners into Saints.  The futility of creation has returned in force, by the will of Satan, causing humanity to turn away from God and His Son.  The bondage of decay is once again the death sentence of mortality, regardless of one’s racial distinction.  If there are no “children of God” to stand and be counted, then the end will bring great misery.

Does the lesson of David mean anything?  David was a child of God, leading other Israelite children of God.  Israel constantly had to fight against evil; and they did so  with God’s help.  They had the Ark of the Covenant as their ally from God.  Jesus Christ is the Ark of the Covenant that is no longer kept in a box in a building of stones, as he is kept within the being of a Saint.  If there is no newborn David to fight age old Goliath today, then the illusion of freedom from the whips and chains of a world run by savages will bring about the end of the age of Christianity.

Jesus then spoke again as Paul, saying, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.”

The labor pains of Christianity are being replaced by the labor pains of a new creation, brought about by the failure of Christianity to maintain a production of true Saints in the name of Jesus Christ.  The good fruit has been lowered to spoiled fruit.  The bodies redeemed these days are few and far between; certainly they are not those drawing a paycheck from the Episcopal Church.

They are the fathers of insurrection and destruction, because their souls are black and void of purity and righteousness.  They do not promote adoption, as they promote the abject failure of the Western world, to be replaced by a slavery to the State [Marxism decaying into Communism].  The priests are too naïve to understand that they too will be beaten savagely into submission to an evil overlord.

In this Epistle reading, Jesus ended by having Paul write: “For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”

Hope cannot come from empty shells of flesh speaking empty words of promise.  The hope of Christianity has been lost through the negligence of Church leaders.  Hope is seen through priests, ministers, pastors, and rabbis all walking arm-in-arm, leading some worthless protest that serves only as a distraction, while true evil is freed elsewhere to do it damage.  Such “hope” is not affording one redemption.

A pope was murdered in 1978.  His murder was covered up by his murderers, those within the Church the pope was about to expose and discipline.  A Communist was elected as the replacement pope.  That False Shepherd led the Church of Rome to ruin, over the course of his twenty-five years at the helm.  His co-accomplice in murder became his replacement; but then he resigned, rather than pretend to be holy any longer.  He took the money and ran.

The Church of Rome was considered a root to the vine of hope that was the flow of the blood of Christ that brought the good fruit of its vine.  That ceased to be.  That vine now snakes across the ground, where all evil has become one with it.  Patience will not restore that dead stump to life.

This is the sad state our religion has fallen into.  It is a repeating story throughout the Holy Bible’s Old Testament.  Forty years as faithful slaves, followed by forty years as worthless slaves, causing all the evils of an evil world to befall the children of God.  The lesson of hope can only be found in the cries of those who see the truth, pleading for forgiveness and God’s help to return life to souls lost.

You cannot gain God’s ear by promoting race.  You have to understand that a soul is without color, as color is a physical characteristic.  There are no physical characteristics in a spiritual entity.

You have to realize that God is the creator of all lifeforms, even though He is not the Father of a sinful soul being returned to the earthly realm – a failure, not a Son.  In that realization, one must understand that God decides what race, what birth defects, what imperfections, what barriers and hurdles one will be born to face.  A new birth – a returning soul in a reshaped ball of matter – is by the design of God, for the purpose of the soul facing up to challenges and doing what is right, rather than what is wrong.

Believe you me when I say, it is easier to follow the crowd and do everything wrong, than it is to stand against the crowd and demand that right be done.  That is the challenge we all face today.  Where is the faith that lives and breathes, “Thou shall only fear the Lord thy God”?

The problem is confounded by priests being part of the crowd preaching, “Do the wrong thing!”

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