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Spiritual Discernment, Part 2: The Christmas Story of Luke Discerned

R. T. Tippett

The Christmas Story has long been misconstrued. It has become so commonly known that nobody looks at it with discerning eyes and sees the truth presented by the words. The story is like Jesus told the Pharisees: “I give thanks to you , Father , Lord of this of soul kai of this of flesh , because you have hidden these away from of clever kai of intelligent , kai you have revealed them to simple-minded ones .

This verse says two things. First, it has Jesus admitting Yahweh is his “Father,” which is a capitalized word, referring to the spiritual creation of the soul within the physical creation, where there is a personal relationship between Jesus (the Son) and Yahweh (the “Father”). Only those souls who have been reborn (a.k.a. Jesus told Nicodemus) with the soul of the Son of Yahweh within their souls can claim a relationship with Yahweh. This means if Jesus mentioned “the Father” to Nicodemus (or any other “clever and intelligent” Jewish ruler of his day), then he, she or it would have thought his physical father (lower-case, thus not spiritual), not Yahweh. That says Nicodemus would not have seen Yahweh as “the Father” of himself, any more than Yahweh would be “the Father” of all life on earth. The truth discerned from that personal relationship stated by Jesus then says Yahweh is “Lord” over the “soul of” Jesus, who is “this giving thanks to Him.” Because Yahweh is “Lord of this of soul,” then importantly (indicated by the use of the Greek word “kai”) the “soul of” Jesus is that placed by Yahweh into “this of flesh,” which the archangel Gabriel told Mary to name “Jesus.” Any soul in its flesh who is not reborn with the soul “of this,” so Jesus becomes the “Lord importantly of this of flesh” that is oneself, cannot be a soul saved by Yahweh (the meaning of the name “Jesus”).

Secondly, the Greek word “tauta” is a demonstrative plural pronoun that translates as “these.” This usage here, without any prior indication of plural presences, other than Yahweh the “Father” and Jesus “of this Lord of soul,” means “these Yahweh has hidden” are spiritual presences that manifest in bodies of flesh, alongside the host souls of that flesh. The meaning thus coming from “of clever and of intelligent” is a soul’s flesh (a Big Brain) is importantly blinding it “away from” seeing unseen spiritual presences (including one’s own soul). The “thanks” given by Jesus is that there are those who can see the truth of the spiritual, which is proved by leading souls in flesh to use their little brains to see the “hidden” truth of Scripture, when it is “revealed” by Jesus speaking as the Son (thus, by you”). Without a Big Brain clouding one’s vision with illusions of grandiose “intellect” (a godlike state of self reverence), those who submit their self-worth unto Yahweh, so He ”reveals that which is hidden unto simple-minds,” those of least mental value have the greatest reward of knowledge, when measured as truth.

The Greek word “nēpiois” is the Dative masculine plural form of the word “népios,” meaning “an infant, a simple-minded or immature person,” implying in usage “unlearned, unenlightened; noun: an infant, child” (Strong’s). This says a “simple-minded” person is the equivalent to a newborn, whose mind is a blank slate, seeking to learn. The teacher is then the “Father,” as the “Master” to whom the ”child” looks to for the truth. This concept must then be related back to the encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus, where Jesus said one must “bring forth from above” (be born again of the “Father”), with Nicodemus thinking (as a Big Brain of “intelligence”), “What, return to a mother’s womb as a full-grown adult?”

This rebirth is seen told in the Christmas story, although the truth is hidden from those whose brains keep them from seeing it. Jesus must be born anew (“brought forth from above”), within a “simple-minded” soul that has been returned to its virginal flesh (Baptized pure by the Spirit of Yahweh), so the “Lord” within can teach the “child” as the “Master” sent by the “Father.”

The Christmas story told in Luke 2:1-20 is recognized in this New International Version (NIV) English translation that follows here. I will post that below; but then I will place bold text around the words that require discernment.

1 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the

entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was

governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register.

4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem

the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there

to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to

her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because

there was no guest room available for them.

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their

flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone

around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I

bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of

David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to

you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising

God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those

on whom his favor rests.”

15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one

another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord

has told us about.”

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the

manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been

told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds

said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard

and seen, which were just as they had been told.

This English translation is like all others covering the same verses, but such translations only present the truth of a story that happened long ago. Jesus was born in a physical body, carried and delivered by a physical mother; and, an “angel of the Lord” (most likely Gabriel) appeared to shepherds. That is nothing more than the historic truth, which has no lasting value, when one asks, “How does the birth of Jesus relate to my soul, in a spiritual way that is truth for all times?”

The English translation is based on the Greek text written by Luke. Luke was divinely inspired to write this Greek text, as Luke was a soul in a body of flesh that had submitted himself totally in divine marriage to Yahweh, purifying his soul-body by Yahweh’s Spirit, so Luke physically became a reproduction of the mother of Jesus, by the addition of the soul of Jesus within his being, becoming his Lord, who told Luke to write the spiritual truth of this event, word-by-word. Because those fluent in Greek were confused by some of the language written (not always following the grammatical rules of conversational Greek), adjustments were made to the Greek, so Greek brains could understand the physical story that was told. That conversational Greek was then translated into every other language the Book of Luke appears in, with the English of the NIV amounting to a paraphrase of translators, which is not the spiritual truth being told.

The historic story becomes an example of philosophy that says, “If you feed a man a fish, you feed him for a day.” A translation of divine text as merely a historic event does nothing more than fill one’s mind with thoughts about the Christmas story. After a day of digesting them and having no idea how that matters to oneself, the seeking soul is once again hungry for spiritual food. However, “if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime” means to teach one who seeks the truth how to find that truth through true discernment, recognizing divine text demands a divine syntax – a set of holy rules of semantics to follow – then one is never again dependent on someone else to provide his or her soul with spiritual nourishment. In fact, one who masters this art of discernment will be filled by the soul of Jesus to lead that quest; so, those who become saints in the name of Jesus will go into ministry as teachers of what one has been shown, thus learned as a simple-minded subject of one’s Lord.

As far as “teaching a man to fish” goes, this cannot be done simply by listening to Jesus speak and memorizing those words. The great error made in taking three chapters of Matthew’s Gospel and calling that “the sermon on the mount” is the impossibility of thinking attending that ‘one sermon’ with a huge note pad would make one capable of remembering everything Jesus said. Those three chapters are many different sermons orated by Jesus, from the hillside by the Sea of Galilee. Still, those sermons only opened the hearts and minds of seeking souls, so they wanted to fully understand what Jesus meant by the words he spoke. This is only possible to accomplish after Jesus died physically, allowing his soul to be free to enter alongside seeking souls, becoming their Lord, where the full understanding of Yahweh was received by those who became in the name of His Son Jesus. True discernment can only come when the one teaching one to fish is one’s Lord, alongside one’s submissive soul. In this way, the eastern philosophy relating to fishing is then fulfilled when Jesus promised his disciples, “You Follow me [as your Lord within] , kai I will make you fishers of men .

In that regard, verse one of Luke’s second chapter begins with the Greek word “Egeneto,” which is capitalized, meaning this word must be discerned as possessing a divine level of meaning, equating with the spiritual from Yahweh. I have placed in bold the English translation that says, “In those days.” The word “Egeneto” is the third-person singular Aorist form of “ginomai,” which means “to come into being, to happen, to become,” implying in usage “I come into being, am born, become, come about, happen.” (Strong’s) The third-person Aorist changes this to read “he-she-it came into being,” with it possible to grasp the first word of the second chapter is referring back to the end of the first chapter, when Luke wrote of the “birth” of John (the baptizer). So, the divinely elevated meaning of this word is saying, “He was Born,” which is more important to know than a translation that says, “In those days.”

Also in bold in verse one is the word “census.” That is totally a paraphrase, as the word “census” is not written anywhere in Luke’s second chapter. What is written translates literally into English, saying “went out a decree from Caesar Augustus to register all the world.” While the Greek word “apographesthai” can imply in usage, “to give my name in census-taking,” the key information of these omitted words is “all the world.” That becomes a timing element that is a statement referencing Augustus Caesar’s “general census [of the world],” which scholars believe took place in 9 B.C.E. (or -8 Julian date). At that time the governor of Syria was Saturninus, not Quirinius. Rather than figure out the truth of that written (by Luke, sourced from Yahweh, told to him by the Lord Jesus within his soul), it is easier to say this is a mistake (either by Luke, Mary telling Luke wrongly, or Josephus timing the census of the world. The truth has to be discerned through spiritual guidance from within, just as Luke had when he wrote.

History records a “census of the world” and at that time Quirinius was the governor of Syria, but that was in 2 B.C.E. (or -1 Julian date), the year Herod the Great died. Because his death makes it impossible for that to be the “registration” ordered by Caesar in verse one, the explanation says this: Mary was only sixteen when everything took place, involving travel to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus. It is very believable that such decrees were not explained to women in general and sixteen year old pregnant girls. Thus, the naming of Quirinius and the census of “all the world” becomes Mary not knowing the name of Saturninus, but it was a “registration” carried out in the same manner as the one that took place six years later, when Mary was twenty-two and returned to Galilee from Egypt, with Joseph and Jesus. Seeing this (true discernment) makes the written text be perfectly true, while being “hidden from the wise and intelligent.”

Another element of this decree from Caesar that must be understood is it would take time to spread the word around. Those ordered to register would not be expected to run right out and let their names be known. They would most likely be given a whole year to complete this task, with all Jews in Galilee and Judea expected to travel to Jerusalem at least twice a year. For someone like Joseph, who lived in Nazareth of Galilee, he would have traveled to Bethlehem while in Jerusalem, most likely for the Passover of Shavuot (Pentecost). This means the “decree to register” becomes a timing element, which would place Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem between late March to mid-April, until early May to early June. None of that timing would be when the Winter Solstice was taking place and the days were shortest.

Evidence to this timing comes from Luke 1:26-27, where he wrote, “Within now to this to month to this sixth , she was sent this angel Gabriel away from of this of God into city of this of Galilee , to which name Nazareth , advantageous for a maiden betrothed to a man , whose name was Joseph”. The key here the listing “to this to month to this sixth.”

There are two ways to interpret “to month to this sixth.” The first is to pretend Luke was a devout Roman, who recognized the sixth month in the same way we do today – as June. If that is read into this visit by Gabriel, whose appearance to Mary signified the time she became pregnant with Jesus, adding nine months to that “Within now to this (Mary with Jesus inside her womb) to month to sixth” would equate to mid-March. However, the Jews numbered the month in a civil order and in an ecclesiastical order.

The civil month numbered sixth is Adar, which “Within” that month would be early March. Adding nine months to that and we reach the month Kislev, which would be around the first of December. We eliminated that winter month as a possibility, because Joseph would have registered for the census well before that time of year. This means the most obvious “sixth month” would be the ecclesiastical month of Elul, which means Gabriel appeared to Mary around the first of September. By adding none months to that timing, that would lead to the middle of the month Sivan; and, Sivan is when the festival of Shavuot is observed (always on 6 Sivan). In 8 B.C.E. Shavuot (Pentecost) occurred late in the Roman month of May (May 26th). This would then be close to the time that Mary gave birth to Jesus.

As for Luke beginning verse one with the Greek word “Egeneto,” this says that John (the baptizer) would have been in the womb of Elizabeth for six months, as that was news Gabriel gave Mary. That says Elizabeth became pregnant in the same divine way as Mary, “Within” the first month, which is Nisan. That would then equate to the beginning of the Passover recognition. To add nine months to that gestation period and Elizabeth would have given birth to John in the Hebrew month of Tebet (in December), with nine months from 15 Nisan to 15 Tebet equating to December 29, 8 B.C.E. This makes John be one whose birth would be recognized at the Winter Solstice (not Jesus).

The timing Jesus being born just before Shavuot is then supported by the words written in verse seven, where “placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available” explains how pilgrims in Jerusalem and the surrounding area in numbers so large that they took up all the available rooms. Joseph would have taken a ‘day trip’ to Bethlehem from a place where he was staying for the fifty days, near Jerusalem. Most likely, that would be with his brother Cleopas, who lived in Emmaus. Because Mary was obviously very pregnant, a donkey or mule would have been borrowed from Joseph’s brother; and, because he would have paid to stable (in a cave) that animal, he had the right to stay there when Mary went into labor. The manger was for feeding stabled animals with grains from the field, so it would be a soft place to place the infant after he was born.

When verse eight is shown by the NIV to state, “shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night,” the truth of the Greek written literally says this in English: “Kai shepherds they existed within to this to fields to this to themselves , lodging in the fields kai watching of this of night on the basis of this flock of theirs .” Here, two things much be grasped about “shepherds.”

First, they are children (boys and girls sometimes), who lead the flock of sheep possessed by their father out into the fields. The take them out in the early morning (when light) and the have a place of lodging in the fields where they lead the flock to graze. Second, because shepherds are children, they know to call their flocks from the fields, so the flocks can be led back close to the place where their families lived (Bethlehem), where the flocks would be placed into a sheepfold. A sheepfold would be managed by an adult, who would stay awake all night with a fire, making sure no wolves attempted to enter the sheepfold and steal a sheep.

When the “shepherds” are realized to be children, this relates back to Jesus thanking Yahweh (the “Father”) for having revealed the truths Big Brains would not see to children. It must be realized that children do not stay out in the fields at night watching sheep. The darkness of night is when dangers are always about. Sheep do not stay in the fields “of night” and neither do children serving as “shepherds.” This means the element written “of night” needs to be understood from a Jewish perspective.

The Jewish ‘clock’ is divided into two halves – day and night. The time of day begins at 6:00 AM and ends at 6:00 PM. This divides a twenty-four hour period into two equal divisions of twelve hours. As every adult knows, it is not always (not even usually) daybreak at 6:00 AM and darkness does not fall right at 6:00 PM. This makes the word written by Luke (“nyktos”) not be a statement of the “shepherds” watching over their flocks in darkness, especially when we have seen the clues that indicate a late May birth time for Jesus. On May 25 (the day before Pentecost), there would still be light to see by until around 7:30 PM. This means the “shepherds” placed their flocks of sheep into the sheepfold after 6:00 PM (while still light outside) and still had time to make a visit to see the “Savior born to each of their souls,” before going home for dinner and sleep.

Verse nine then tells us (NIV), “An angel of the Lord appeared to them,” where the Greek word “angelos” needs to be understood. The actual Greek text begins verse nine with the word “kai,” denoting importance follows, with the word “angelos” meaning “a messenger, angel,” with Strong’s adding, “generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news or behests from God to men.” When this is then clarified by Luke writing “of Lord” (“Kyriou”), the Genitive case (the possessive) has to be read that the importance comes from this possession by the ”Lord,” which makes the “angel” not be named Gabriel, but Jesus. With this understood, Luke wrote that this “angel of Lord it set upon their souls” (with the plural possessive pronoun “autois” translated as “their souls,” from “themselves”).

The Greek word “epestē” is written, which the NIV has mutated to “appeared.” The spelling is the third-person Aorist form of “ephistémi,” meaning “to set upon, set up, to stand upon, be present.” (Strong’s) The paraphrase to “appeared” is used here and elsewhere in Scripture, but that misses the point of an inner presence “setting upon” the souls of the “shepherds.” The “angels,” spirits, demons, and souls are the creations of Yahweh, existing in the spiritual realm and they are referred to in the Hebrew of the Old Testament as “elohim.” That word is the masculine plural for of “el,” which means there are many such “angels of Yahweh,” but when David sang of his elohim, he meant the divine soul of Yahweh (His Son’s soul) being joined with his soul, so two souls in one body of flesh constitutes an inner elohim. The “angel of Lord” is the Son’s soul, who leads the host soul to eternal salvation.

When verse ten has the “angel” tell the “shepherds,” “I bring you good news,” this comes from one Greek word written by Luke: “euangelizomai.” It shown be seen that this word is quite similar to the Greek word “euaggelistés,” from which the English word “evangelize” comes. This must be realized (when an angel speaks to one, it speaks to one’s soul, more than one’s physical modes of sensory perception) that “shepherds” were chosen for a divine appearance for a purpose. David was a “shepherd” when he was “anointed” by Samuel, at the same time Yahweh “Anointed” his soul with Spirit. From that moment onward, David became an “evangelist” for Yahweh (in the name of His Son within, alongside his soul [he sings of this as his “elhim”]. Thus, as residents of “the city of David,” where “David” means “Beloved,” says these “shepherds” were “Beloveds” of Yahweh, making their souls His wives. They were all virgin brides, as was Mary. All would bear the soul of Yahweh’s Son within their soul-flesh, thereby able to become ministers in the name of the Son, preaching the “good news” spoken to them by the “angel.”

In verse eleven, we read from the NIV translation, “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” In this, the literal English translation says, “because [the reason not to fear an angel appearing] he has been brought forth to your souls today Savior , which he exists Anointed [Christ] Lord , within to inhabitants of a city of Beloved [David].” In this, the Greek word “etechthē” is written, which is the third-person singular Aorist form of “tiktó,” meaning “to beget, bring forth,” implying in usage, “I bear, bring forth, produce, beget, yield.” This word similarly was used in verses six and seven, as Luke telling of Mary “giving birth” and “having brought forth” Jesus.

The same word now being applied to “shepherds,” as told by an “angel” [just as Mary was told by Gabriel that she would “bring forth” a child], says the soul of Jesus was also “brought forth” or “born to your souls”. In that, the possessive pronoun “hymin,” written in the Dative second-person plural, typically translates [in the physical] as “to you,” with the plural more clearly highlighted as “to yourselves.” In that, a “self” must be seen as relative to a “soul,” meaning the “angel” spoke spiritually to the “souls” of the “shepherds,” saying the soul of Jesus “was brought forth to your souls today.” The capitalize Greek word “Sōtēr” means “Savior, Deliverer,” implying “Preserver,” which is not like a pastor telling a congregation to believe the “angel” announced the coming of “the Savior” into the general world, which is very easy to discount as anything more than wishful thinking [a Big Brain exercise]. Instead, the “shepherds” felt the presence within their souls, so “was brought forth to your souls” is not a generality to them, but the spiritual presence of a most divine soul “born to them,” as an “Anointment” (each made a “Christs,” thereby virginal pure), with the soul of Jesus then immediately the ”Lord” over each of their souls.

When the Greek word “sēmeron” is understood to mean “today” or “now,” the aspect of “today” implies a time when the sun was shining high in the sky, not “now,” when the time had turned to “night.” This means Luke was led to write this word to denote “daytime,” and not as if the “angel” announced, “Just a little while ago, when the sun began to set and “night” came,” a “Savior was born to you.” In the Jewish calendar, the 6:00 PM time, when “night” begins” and day ends, signifies a new date has been reached, such as: Friday becomes Saturday “night.” The element of “day” must then be read as the “angel” announcing to the “shepherds” that a physical birth of the promised “Messiah” had taken place during the “day” (“today”), while they were lodged in the fields “watching over their flocks.” This says Jesus would have been physically “brought forth” when the light of truth shown by the midday sun was present, high and mighty.

In verse twelve the NIV shows it beginning with Luke writing, “This will be a sign to you.” That implies the “sign” is pointing forward (beyond a semi-colon’s use), to them finding a baby in a “manger” (a place where animals are stabled). Instead, the literal English translation here announces information of importance, as the verse begins with the Greek word “kai.” That importance then says, “this [“Anointment” and new “Lord” within] to your souls < this > a miracle”. The importance of “this” is it reflects back on the presence of Yahweh’s Spirit making each a “Christ” (thus virginal and pure), as an important change in their beings. Then, the “angel” repeated “to your souls” (as “hymin” repeated”), but then the next word is placed within angle brackets, which are symbols of the spiritual being stated. The reality of Luke writing “< this >” is the prior “this” as a “Christ” is stated to be unseen and purely spiritual, as within each of their souls (“hymin”). Following that designation of the spiritual by angle brackets, the word translated as “sign” (“sēmeion”) does mean that; but it bears greater importance when the implication of its usage says, “miracle, indication, mark, and/or token.” When read as a “mark” within their souls, the “angel” is telling each “shepherd” that their souls have been “marked” as Yahweh’s possessions, forevermore.

In verse thirteen, the NIV has us read, “the heavenly host appeared with the angel,” which is a physical vision of a huge choir in a large cathedral all singing beautiful Christmas carols. The literal English translation here says, “Kai suddenly it was born together with to this to angel [messenger] a great number of stars belonging to heaven”. In this translation, the use of a capitalized “Kai” says great importance must be read into these words written by Luke. The word “suddenly” (“exaiphnēs”) should be understood as an immediacy that took place after the souls of the “shepherds” had the “angel” of Yahweh enter them and become their possessor, as the “Lord” of each individually.

This then means the great importance is this inner presence not only came with on adjoining “soul-angel,” but a most wide scope of understanding of “heavenly” meanings. When the Greek word “stratias” is realized to imply “the hosts of heaven (i.e. the stars)” (Strong’s), then the presence of the “angel” within the souls of each “shepherd” allowed them to understand the alignment of stars and planets (including the luminaries – Sun and Moon) as being aligned, so they sang out, “Honor within to highest to God , kai upon of flesh completeness within to humans of good-will”. That meant the “stars” were placed by Yahweh when created, so they would make this alignment that was His “Honor” known “within” the souls of “shepherds” (“humans”) that “to highest of God” (Jesus’ birth fulfilling the promise of a coming Messiah) was marked in the “heavenly host.” This great importance is then that seen by the Magi in the east, leading them to come to Jerusalem, where they waited for the Passover-Shavuot festival days to end, so they could meet with Herod the Great. The simple-minded “shepherds” were allowed by their inner “angel” to understand things unseen by the intelligent. The Magi are called “wise men,” but their wisdom was sourced in truth in the divine, through their Lord being a Yahweh elohim.

In verse fifteen, where the NIV presents the “shepherds” saying among themselves, “let’s go find the newborn, as the Lord has told us,” this says the “Lord” within their souls was guiding them into ministry. The truth of that written by Luke literally translates to say, “kai let us experience this word spoken [a command] this [that spoken as a command] this [the birth of Jesus] has been born , which this Lord has made known to our souls”. This becomes the guidance into ministry that the divine soul joining with a host soul, becoming the “Lord” of the soul-body, so when the “Lord” speaks, the servants of Yahweh obey, willingly and lovingly.

When we then read in verse seventeen, “they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,” this is the continuation of their ministry, throughout their lives.

Once one’s soul has submitted unto Yahweh in divine marriage, so His Spirit forgives all past sins, making one’s being pure and prepared to receive the “highest of God” within, then that presence brings eternal salvation. The price a soul pays for that great gift is ministry. One must “spread the word” or (truly written) “they made known all about of this word of this having been spoken to their souls concerning of this of young child of him”. This means true discernment comes from hearing the truth being told within – by the “Lord” – and then telling everyone who seeks to understand what must happen for eternal salvation the truth they need to hear.


As can be seen, there is much more that can be written about the meaning of these twenty verses that begin Luke’s second chapter, telling of the birth of Jesus. Everything written in the Holy Bible (and more that are not included in that library) must be read with a discerning mind. The truth of discernment is it comes from an inner Lord telling your soul the truth, with a gentle command to, “Go and tell others.” Christianity is failing because there are few led by this inner Lord to tell seekers the truth and there are fewer being led by true ministers in the name of Jesus to devote their souls wholly to Yahweh.

Merry Christmas 2022. Let those words tell you that the longest night of the year reflects the depth of despair a soul sinks to, where there is no warmth of life coming to them from a light of truth. Christmas in December is like the coming of John, who announced “There is one to come after me that will baptize your souls with the Spirit of Sainthood.” You have to first commit to John, before you can bring forth the highest of God within your soul, to lead you as your Lord. December 25th is then when a soul commits to marry Yahweh and then begins to prepare to lose the old (one’s name of sin) and receive the new (the name of Jesus).


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