The root of the word “forgive” comes from Old English (12th century) for-gifan, which means “for to give.” Thus, “forgiveness” is "a state of one to give.”
A local minister on television focused on the element of “forgiveness” in his lesson this Sunday morning. While he made some good points, he failed to make it clear that “forgiveness” is not possible for anyone that is not “forgiven” by Yahweh.
Yahweh does not “forgive” bodies of flesh, as bodies of flesh are born of the material from which sin can only be constructed. This means Yahweh will “forgive” a soul for having allowed its body of flesh to wallow in sins.
The minister made the point that “repentance” is necessary for Yahweh to “forgive” a soul; and, this means a soul must truly “regret” the sins it has allowed to come upon its flesh. It is then this sincerity of “regret” that allows a soul to prostrate before Yahweh in total submission to His Judgment, whereby “forgiveness” of sins comes with the understanding that one’s soul is then married to Yahweh and forever in His Hand, never to sin again.
When this element of eternal “forgiveness” is then understood as the foundation upon which one can “forgive” others, as Yahweh has “forgiven” one’s soul, this “forgiveness” is also spiritual, not physical. One can only “forgive” the sins of others upon oneself by “giving” them the right to mistreat you, because their mistreatment can no longer harm one "forgiven" by Yahweh (flesh or soul), due to one’s eternal “forgiveness” by the father.
The minister gave examples of physical relationships, where someone close will have done some form of damage to that relationship, where the closeness once shared has become widened to a separation. He then made it appear that one could “forgive” another, through accepting one’s own fault in this split. While that is the reality of how people understand “forgiveness,” this is not spiritual. It is physical, thereby not true “forgiveness.”
A relationship with Yahweh is required, before one's soul can be 'forgiven" its sins of the flesh. This means one's soul must learn the name "YHWH." That means "I AM WHO I AM." One's soul must become one with Yahweh, so Yahweh becomes WHO one's soul becomes. That identification with Yahweh means speaking His name in intimate conversations with Him. One cannot come to love Yahweh without knowing His name. This close relationship then brings one to sincerely "regret" all the sins of the flesh that keep one's soul separated from His Love (which comes into one's soul via the soul of Jesus being sent to join with and possess as Lord that soul). Union with Yahweh can only be when one's past sins are "forgiven" and never to be repeated. The soul of the Son ensures this cleanliness, eternally.
This is when the thought came to me that spoke of the addictions of the world that are one’s source of sins. One has a relationship with sins, rather than a relationship with Yahweh. For myself, I used to smoke cigarettes. I was harming myself by doing that. I knew smoking was a way of committing suicide; but my waywardness kept me from caring about that destruction of myself (where a self equals a soul).
As wayward as I was in my youth, I maintained a relationship with God (I did not know the name Yahweh). I talked to God regularly; but I did not read prepared prayers to do that. I spoke to God as a close friend, who I could share my true self with. When the effects of smoking would physically make me "regret" having ever picked up a cigarette and filled my lungs with its smoke, it was with Yahweh’s help that I was able to simply walk away from smoking, without any pangs or withdrawal hungers whatsoever.
The cause of my smoking was the industry that produced and marketed cigarettes. I was just one of many who were sucked into that trap they set. I was able to “forgive” that machine by walking away from it, allowing them to keep setting their lures and selling their wares that no longer drew me in. Still, I knew many people my age who were like me and were addicted to smoking cigarettes. I found I could not “forgive” them by hanging around with them, placing myself in the midst of their influence to smoke. I “forgave” them by allowing them to smoke without me being part of their world.
Yahweh did not save me from the harms of tobacco smoke in my lungs so I could go among the smokers of the world and preach a “Be like me and quit” message. Without Yahweh, I would not have been able to simply quit smoking and immediately find my enjoyment of smoking had turned to a repulsion of that act. This means it is up to each individual to find a “regret” for personal sins, which leads them to Yahweh for His “forgiveness.”
This means if anyone who “regretted” smoking and quit with Yahweh’s help would find me as a non-smoker to hang out with, we could share our thanks to Yahweh together. It means if someone was feeling the harms of cigarette smoking but could not find the strength to quit would wander upon me, it would be for me to share my story of similarity. The specifics of my quitting would not apply to anyone else. All seekers of divine intervention must completely “regret” a sin and seek Yahweh as the answer to that “forgiveness.” All I could do is point the way to Yahweh.
It was from this lesson that I heard that a second Sunday television pastor. He quoted from Luke, chapter seven, where disciples of John the Baptist went to Jesus and asked, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?”
In this reading he presented (Luke 7:18-35), the pastor pointed out that John preached, as “a prophet.” In Mark 1, John was found to predict that for as much as he baptized with water, there would be one to come after him who would baptize with spirit. That was "a prophecy," based on the Scriptures written prior to the New Testament. It is written that a soul "forgiven" of sins will never be able to stay cleansed without a higher soul that will come from Yahweh, sent afterwards. The disciples of John were sent by him to ask Jesus if he was that baptizer of spirit, the one who keeps a soul "forgiven" eternally. Jesus said (basically), “The facts of my preaching (“a prophet”) speak to answer that question.”
This says John the Baptist was an Apostle in the spirit of the Son of Yahweh, whose soul (at birth) was “forgiven.” John, like Jesus, was born without sin; and, his soul’s eternal salvation meant John was born joined with the spirit of the Son, forever redeemed of sins. John could not "forgive" the sins of others, as he could only wash then clean for a day. The Jews who followed John felt "regret" for their sins; but John told them they must seek out Yahweh for eternal Baptizing of sins. That outpouring of Spirit would then bring the one after John to remain with their souls and keep their bodies from becoming filthy from sins again.
Thus, Jesus asked the people what they expected from John when they went to heard him preach. Did they expect to find a man dressed in fine clothes, like those worn by the false shepherds in the Temple? No! They went to hear “a prophet” speak the truth of Yahweh’s Word. The truth of the Word confirmed what John preached; but the Jews had never been presented the truth before by their teachers. That had made them ignorant of the truth, as the blind being led by the blind. The people who sought John heard that truth and were then moved to “regret” their sins that came from ignorance to this true meaning. The baptism by water then symbolically washed their sins away, which directed them to seek Yahweh to have His Spirit Baptize them with the soul of His Son, the spirit who would come after.
This is how all sins must be addressed. One must be led by hearing the truth of the Word, which comes from “a prophet” or an Apostle. They are not hired hands for churches that demand they wear nice suits and put on airs to impress the people with their intellect, enhanced by education, adorned by fancy robes. Just as Yahweh left the Temple because He would not be boxed in by the ignorance of man and man's lust for material sins, Yahweh is not in educational institutions, where they can only teach dogma and rituals, not the truth of the Word.
Thus, Jesus said these Apostles (like John the Baptist) who preach the truth of the Word “are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other:
“’We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance;
we sang a dirge, and you did not cry.’”
Sinners who seek salvation will find the truth coming from those least likely to know the truth (“like children”), but it is up to the sinner to find his or her personal “regret,” which means each having reached the lowest of lows, where absolute subjection unto Yahweh is the only recourse. The truth hurts the body that has sinned. One must either turn away from sin or turn away from the truth, to make the pain subside. Many hear the tune that sings, “Go to Yahweh,” but they are not moved to “dance” to woo Him to marry with their souls. They refuse to submit fully to His Will.
The ones “like children” then “sing” a funeral song, which says failure to “dance” to the “piper” means eternal damnation of a soul. For those who do “not cry,” they have no true “regret” for their sins. They are complacent and self-satisfied. They enjoy sins more than they want to love Yahweh. They welcome the possession of sins as their lords and masters, until death brings a separation. They will never know the Love of Yahweh within them as Jesus reborn into flesh, divinely possessing their souls eternally.
The sinner must be “forgiven” so he or she transforms into John the Baptist, where one’s ministry is to baptize seekers (those who look for the truth in unusual places) with the truth of the Word. That truth can only be known by one’s soul being joined with the soul of the Son, who is Jesus. The name “Jesus” means “YAH Saves;” so, all souls that “regret” sins will be “forgiven” by this divine outpouring of marrying Spirit and the eternal possession of the soul that is sent by Yahweh to Save. To be joined with the soul of Salvation means to be reborn “in the name of Jesus.” Thus, the one who comes after “regret” and sincere repentance is Jesus reborn. His soul is resurrected within a Saved soul, sent to eternally possess that wife-soul married by His Spirit.
I felt it important to tie these two lessons watched on television together. The problem with “forgiveness” is too many people are looking for “a prophet” to dress up like a wizard with a magic wand, telling others nothing needs to be done that requires effort. Just absorb “forgiveness” and all will be fine. That is missing the point.