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Writer's pictureroberttippett97

The Holy Spirit

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

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[Note: This is one of a series listed under the heading: Wordie Post." It was originally posted on the Word Press blog entitled "Our Daily Bread," found at The changes at Word Press are similar to those on Twitter and Facebook, where I was posting to an empty space. That was because I began and maintained that blog as one of their free offerings. When their force to change to a paid blog website did not move me, they cancelled their "Reader," so posting on Word Press has become like a caged animal at the zoo, where only workers occasionally toss the animals a bite to eat. Word Press [et al] is like what I imagine life was like in the satellite countries of the Soviet Union: meager, bleak, spiritless. So, I am transferring those forty articles here.]


I watched a Baptist minister present a sermon today, via the media. Several times he spoke of the “Holy Spirit.”

I was raised to think of the Trinity being the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Saying “Holy Spirit” is as common as saying “Jesus Christ.” Both come across the lips easily for Christians.

Both are wrong.

They are wrong because their usage is misunderstood.

The Trinity is misunderstood as a threesome, when it is a duality. This is the duality of the material and physical with the spiritual and heavenly. One is seen and real. One is unseen and imaginary.

Today, the Baptist minister actually said the Holy Spirit is a “he, like the Father and the Son.” This is where many smart people have a hard time grasping who ‘this guy called the Holy Spirit’ fits in.

Well, the duality of Creation (when Yahweh created gods [“elohim“] to create a two-sided coin) is the duality of the universe, of matter. It is the duality of all laws physical and metaphysical, all theories and hypotheses, and all philosophies, sciences, and arts. The creation was of the real, as opposed to the spiritual.

The real includes things seen and things unseen. All are real.

Because Yahweh created elohim to make all that is real, the elohim [think of them like angels PLUS] themselves are spirits made by Yahweh to operate within the friendly confines of the universe. That means the elohim are also dual in nature. The elohim are spirits that can join with material objects.

The Earth and the planets of our solar system – our Sun too – they are versions of elohim. All of the gods of mythology are elohim. They are imaginary entities in the real universe.

The imaginary includes things unseen that are good and things unseen that are not good. Thus elohim serve Yahweh’s purpose for the universe to be where the not good can go to play.

Here is a box:

Think of the box as being the imaginary being made visible. Dwell on it for a moment. Think about what it is doing.

Your answer defines the spiritual.

How much good did you see the box doing? How much not good?

This is where the misunderstanding of Scripture comes from using a pea-sized brain [compared to the All-Knowing Mind of God] and combining two capitalized words as one entity.

We do that with Jesus Christ, when Jesus is one word and Christ is another. The last name of Jesus IS NOT Christ.

We do the same thing with Holy Spirit. That is two separate words, with each having its own divine purpose and meaning.

Most times it is written in reverse, as “Christ Jesus” and “Spirit Holy.” Often, there are other words in between, which somehow get tossed away in order to fit an idiotic agenda.

The box above is “Spirit.” The Spirit is a duality that comes in two flavors: Good and Evil; or, Divine and Satanic; or, Holy and Unholy.

The “Spirit” is not determined to be “Holy” because it is from Yahweh. Yahweh created ALL, and everything created is not holy.

Yahweh is also not “Holy,” although if Yahweh could be reduced to fit inside a pea-sized brain, He would certainly be most Holy. Yahweh IS. However, Yahweh does not wallow in the gutter that is the physical and material. Yahweh sends His Spirit to join with willing souls.

Willing souls come with bodies of flesh. The flesh is physical-material. In a sense, a soul animating a body of matter makes it seem like a god; but not an elohim.

Because bodies of flesh wallow in the gutter that is the physical and material, they get filthy with sin. However, those souls that marry Yahweh’s Spirit, they get washed clean with imaginary water [actually the Spirit]. Once clean, those bodies of flesh suddenly begin to ACT HOLY – call it living righteously.

That means they have gained the Spirit of Good, so the result is being Holy.

Because the box is Spirit, and because Spirit loves to join with souls and act out in the world, a Satanic Spirit can equally possess a soul-body and make it act most unholy. A soul unpossessed Spiritually is like a sheep that wandered from the flock and is an easy target for demon spirits.

Therein lies the great error in thinking there is a Holy Spirit. It leads one to think doing nothing but sinful acts, always putting one’s soul in need of rescue, will bring about that masked Savior – the Holy Spirit – who like the Lone Ranger will shoot away sin and save one’s soul; and, then leave as soon as he came.

Who was that masked man?

The moral of that Hollywood fiction is nobody acts Holy, because they wait for the Spirit called Holy to do all the acting.

It misses the whole point of Yahweh sending His Spirit so sinners can get righteous and ACT HOLY.

There is no Salvation without the flesh being led to become the union of the Father [Spirit] and the Son [soul] so the trifecta result is Holy [flesh]*. The dual joining point is the Third guy, representing Divine Union.

  1. Holy [flesh] equates to a soul becoming elevated to elohim status, as an angel of Yahweh.

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