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The Imaginations of a Heroin Addict

black sheep

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

Here is the deeper interpretation about one of the worst song in the 20th century. It was written and recorded by the late Liverpudlian rock star, John Lennon. Maybe you will recognize the lyrics.

Imagine there’s no heaven It’s easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky

There is nothing of a revelatory nature in those imaginations. It has no roots in anything taught by a Hindu guru who loved the money of Western rock and roll stars. These were the imaginations of the Sadducees of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Some think they disappeared after the Romans destroyed the Second Temple, but the reality is they evolved into the money changers of the world (Genevan bankers, Zionists, and Illuminati Freemasons), so the philosophy here is just John singing about his love of money.  I imagine another line to this verse, making it a sextain or sestina, would be: “Imagine there’s no Jesus, I’m bigger than that guy.”

Imagine all the people living for today Imagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too

“Living for today” can be seen as the paycheck to paycheck way so many Americans live, with a few credit cards maxed out, hoping for the end of the world so no one will ever have to pay the debts incurred. After watching Donald “Adulterer” Trump screw Americans under the age of 40 yesterday (3/23/2018), there might not be a country left soon, so it isn’t hard to imagine that.  China and Russia have bought half of our land (hard stolen from wars against the natives), which means we Americans will have a hard time determining what order to sing multiple national anthems before going to work in the slave mines. I imagine Americans might be forced to enjoy singing “I’m back in the U.S.S.R., you don’t know how lucky you are, boy.”  Of course, “Nothing to kill or die for” was a prediction that the gun control acts to come will take away that Constitutional right of Americans. And, as we all know, Communists nations (the aforementioned China and Russia) have “no religion too,” so prepare to start praying to the government for loaves of bread and toilet paper.  John loved that imagination.

Imagine all the people living life in peace, you  [cue the dog howling soundbite]

Here’s an oxymoron: “living life in peace.” “Peace” means eternal rest, which comes from death. For rock stars of the sixties, that typically meant drug overdoses were the best thing one could be “living” for. Ole Johnnie was a heroin addict for five years (that we know of, maybe more). He survived, but it must have made him completely deaf, because he went back to Yoko Ono. Her voice can drive those who have ears that can hear into drug addiction.

You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope some day you’ll join us And the world will be as one

Here is the famous “dreamer” line, the marcher’s tune for illegal immigrants in America and the Socialist politicians that depend on their votes.  Unfortunately, John wasn’t aware of the poor at all.  The “dreamers” reference means drugged up English rock star trying to avoid the high taxation of England.  He was singing about his pals who were trying to immigrate to the United States of America. He wasn’t the only one. Eric Clapton, Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, and Elton John were just some of the old gang from England that John wailed, “I hope some day you’ll join us.”  Then they would be illegals not paying any taxes and a “world [without borders] will be as one,” their financial utopia.  I doubt John cared that the European Union would form as part of the One World Government plot, but he guessed right there.

Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man

Imagine a Beatle without billions of cash in the bank … nah, I can’t do it. Neither could John. That why he wrote, “I wonder if you can.” There was no question mark … because it was a rhetorical statement … tongue in cheek, British rock star humor. After all, he was always the fat-witty Beatle. When he mused, “No need for greed and hunger,” he did little to promote the Live Aid in 1984.  Of course he was dead personally and professionally long before then … but that’s still no excuse.  Still, can you remember a time when he was seen standing on a street corner in Harlem, handing out free hundred dollar bills? I can’t.  Maybe buying heroin, but not giving it away – the greedy bastard.  Always feeding his hunger for smack.  And “a brotherhood of man”? Was he leaving women out again … after he sang (squawked) with Yoko about “Woman is the nigger of the world”?  He had a “brotherhood of man” that was the addicts he hug out with in California – Harry Nielsen, Keith Moon, and Phil Specter.  Now that is quite a brotherhood – all rich, white, rock & roll addicts.

Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you  [elongated Howl … ooooowww]

Here again is the Communist marching tune. Unfortunately, the fall of Communism (Russian variety) happened after John found happiness through a warm gun (“bang, bang, shoot, shoot”), so he never got to see the truth of how the commonly owned everything of the U.S.S.R. rapidly became the personal possessions of the 1% elite of Russia – their new oligarchs.  Those thieves were set free to steal the wealth of a vast nation and leave the poor, ignorant masses without a clue their world has changed.  “Excuse us while we share the people’s world among ourselves.”  It is that stolen money that allows Russia’s mega-billionaires to help themselves to American land. The Russians are happily “sharing all the world” and getting richer off it.

You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope some day you’ll join us And the world will be as one

Chorus explanation.  The dreams of a heroin addict, who is certainly not the only one. 

Nothing special here.  Move along.  Move along.


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