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[Note: This is one of a series listed under the heading: Wordie Post." It was originally posted on the Word Press blog entitled "Our Daily Bread," found at The changes at Word Press are similar to those on Twitter and Facebook, where I was posting to an empty space. That was because I began and maintained that blog as one of their free offerings. When their force to change to a paid blog website did not move me, they cancelled their "Reader," so posting on Word Press has become like a caged animal at the zoo, where only workers occasionally toss the animals a bite to eat. Word Press [et al] is like what I imagine life was like in the satellite countries of the Soviet Union: meager, bleak, spiritless. So, I am transferring those forty articles here.]
I enrolled to take a course designed to educate me for ministry. Reading the literature that was sold to me, I was told scholars had decided the Hebrew word for “gods” would be selectively changed to read “God.” If you look up the word “Elohist” you find the scholars created a ficticious character [a.k.a.: “E”] who wrote some O.T. Scripture and somehow called Yahweh “gods,” when he must have meant “God.” Rather than allow the scholars to be seen as the idiots and fools that would think it was easier to write “אֱלֹהִ֑ים” [“’ĕ·lō·hîm“], rather than “אֵֽל” [“’êl“], they blame everything on the poor slob “E.”
Now, the scholars then propose that E started writing the Book of Genesis, but after he completed chapter 1 and got three verses into chapter 2 he got tired and went home. Then this guy came in who began to write “Yahweh elohim.” The scholars called him the “Yahwist” [the Germans call him “Jahwist”], and because the Germans pull the stirngs on Biblical scholarships, the nickname given is “J.” To accomodate their change of “gods” to “God,” with “Yahweh” seen as clearly stating the “name of the God of Israel” (Strong’s), they came up with the idea that “Yahweh elohim” meant “Lord God.” They see it as a double nickname for Yahweh, in case nobody knows Yahweh is God.
Of course, it is very worthwhile to realize that Moses is said to be the one who came up with the language of the Torah, or the first five Books of the Bible. Back then they were out in the wilderness and Yahweh had not yet created Kinkos, so they did not have pen and paper to write Moses’ ideas down. They listened to Moses speak the Word of Yahweh and then memorized it. That kept up for a long, long time, until someone yelled out, “Hey, guys! They invented paper and pens. Why doncha write all that down, why doncha?”
And, it was so. They wrote it all down.
Here is where one needs to know that Moses was not around when the universe was created. So, when Moses began telling listeners about Genesis 1, he said, “Now, I wasn’t there, but I get this from a very reliable source.” He then winked and looked up in the sky. So, it was understood that Yahweh was telling Moses everything that happened; and, Yahweh was telling Moses exactly what to tell those who were memorizing his every word. Had Moses said “el” and Yahweh meant “elohim,” Yahweh would have poked Moses with a holy stick, to correct his language. Likewise, when it got time to write everything down, Yahweh was there to make sure all the people writing were using the exact wording He told Moses, with no errors allowed. Yahweh never had scholars with fictitious characters to tell what to write, because He had not created them yet.
Keeping in mind that when Yahweh called Moses over to the burning bush, saying, “I have a proposal for you. Go back to Egypt and bring the children of Jacob out,” Moses was smart enough to not be tricked by strange voices coming from burning bushes that were not being destroyed. Moses said, “Yeah? Sounds like a good idea; but who will I say sent me?” When Yahweh said, “My name is “I Am That I Am,” but you can call me Yahweh, or just Yah for short,” Moses never forgot that name. It is the name of the God of Israel.
Because Yahweh told Moses His name before He began to tell Moses the story of Creation, when He began to tell about “elohim,” rather than boastfully say, “I did this” and “I did that,” He said “the elohim did” everything. Had a scholar been present, then he might have corrected Yahweh, saying, “You mean “elohim” as if you are speaking in the third person, right?” Had someone asked that question, there might be a chapter in Genesis about Yahweh telling the scholar, “No, fool. I created the elohim because I am Yahweh. I can create whatever I want. I’m like the one who draws up the plans and then I create the ones who will make the plan happen. Got it?”
With Yahweh telling Moses the story of how He personally made the first priest to tell the world about Him [we call him Adam], Yahweh said, “Yahweh elohim” over and over. He said that eleven times in just chapter 2. Had the idiot scholar been there, he would have corrected Yahweh again, saying, “You mean Lord God, right?” At which point Yahweh would have said, “The word “elohim” is plural fool. Adam was the first elohim in a body of matter. I put My tree of life in him, which made him an elohim.”
Thus, we come to the moral of the story. Yahweh is the name of the God that proposes marriage to souls who say they believe in Him. Once married, one becomes an elohim, which means a soul filled with the Spirit of Yahweh. That holy matrimony makes a soul His wife. The only purpose for a wife [sorry freaks of nature] is to bear children. The child that an elohim married to Yahweh bears is called Jesus, which means “Yah[weh] Will Save.”
So, if you find yourself saying “the Lord” this and “the Lord” that, think of that as being married and calling your spouse by some generic name, such as “the partner for sex this” and “the partner for sex that.” Try that a few times and see how much the partner for sex likes that. When one speaks to a lover and soulmate, one goes on a first name basis.