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The Philosopher's Stone

Writer's picture: roberttippett97roberttippett97

Updated: Dec 29, 2024

There is a show on the History Channel, hosted by a nonagenarian actor who has to sit on a stool as he pretends to be all wise, when the name of the show is Unexplained.  The whole premise of the show is to point out how little big brains know, especially when it pertains to well-documents things that were witnessed in the past, but cannot be explained how such things took place.

In this one episode, which I believe was a rerun, the story of Sir Isaac Newton was briefly introduced, as a genius that invented calculus (at the same time as did Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz) and saw an apple fall from a tree, leading him to come up with the law of gravity.  With all of Newton’s intellectual prowess, they projected (silently) that he was not as smart as modern scientists, because he had an interest in alchemy.  The brief bio stated how often he wrote about the “Philosopher’s Stone” in his scientific notes (which of the important ones his dog burned by accident).

This then began the real focus of the Unexplained, which was the stupidity of pseudo-scientists thinking they could change worthless lead into precious gold, simply by adding a powder that was what the Philosopher’s Stone was.  It was not really a stone; but that then begs the question: Why was it a powder used by philosophers?  That went Unexplained.

On other shows I have watched, which focused on the possibility that lead can be transformed into gold, the conclusion was: Yes.  It is possible; but only with the most modern, high-tech and expensive equipment man can manufacture, meaning the amount of gold produced would make it worthless, compared to the costs it would take to make it.  This possibility went Unexplained.

It is possible to transform lead to gold .. chemically ... through mathematics ... the creations of philosophers.

I would now like to explain this Unexplained meaning of a Philosopher’s Stone.

It is not a physical stone; but it is not a physical powder either. 

The element of philosophy must be understood to be “the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.”  It is also “a particular system of philosophical thought,” whereby religion is philosophical.  Finally, “philosophy” means “the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience.” (Oxford Languages, Google search)

With this known, the experiment you must now take part of is this: Look around you and write down what you observe that is philosophy.

Take your time and do close observations. Look for the philosophy.

Okay.  Review your notes.

If you wrote “a book,” well that is like being a stupid fool that thinks a book can be turned to powder and mixed with lead to make it turn to gold.

To see a book means to see a book.  What might be written in the printed words of a book are still nothing more than ink on paper (physical things, not actual thought or knowledge).  You have to read the words, interpret them properly, and then have an unseen philosophical thought, which may or may not be what the author intended.  This makes philosophy be personal to you, so whatever unseen thought and knowledge you have running in your brain makes you become the philosopher of that thought.

Sir Isaac Newton was smart enough to know the word “Philosopher’s” meant the possession (from the possessive case) of thought and knowledge, which is invisible and cannot physically be added to anything else physical, in order to transform worthless lead to valuable gold.

Another thing that went Unexplained about Sir Isaac Newton, which can be read on general breakdowns of the man (like on Wikipedia), will state that he had close friendships with Rosicrucians, who were like nice versions of Freemasons, where both are secret knowledge organizations.  One study of wisdom (a philosophy) that is similar is the Qabalah or Kabbala, which is a study of such ancient arts like astrology, numerology, and Tarot (among many other philosophical things).  This closeness to people who studied the secret knowledge of things says Sir Isaac Newton did not need to progress through stages of learning secrets (by joining the Rosicrucians), as he was already advanced with a brain that could see the invisible (like did Einstein and other geniuses). 

This means Sir Isaac Newton inventing calculus (at the same time some other intellectual was seeing the same knowledge in his mind’s eye) was his “Philosopher’s Stone,” just as is the Law of Gravity.  Such inventions by philosophers have become the cornerstones that modern sciences have built upon.  Theoretical physics is a philosophy, which theorizes about the reality that could come and be measurable, although currently invisible in reality.

This makes the “powder” of the Philosopher’s Stone be the fine particles that the Philosopher used to build his imagination of thought and knowledge into something valuable.  The sum of the parts (the powder of simple thoughts) is greater than the whole (the laws and mathematics brought together from the powder).  The whole is the Creation intended by Yahweh, through the powder that is all the small bits and pieces of that created.

Yahweh is the source of all knowledge; and, a philosopher is one who listens and converses with the Godhead (Jesus said, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7, English Standard Version). Thus, the "stone" that is found becomes a law or math that is a necessary foundation of knowledge. The philosopher does not demand of Yahweh, "Tell me why an apple falls." Instead, the voice of Yahweh asks, "Why does the apple fall, student?" This is the wisdom of knowledge, which is greater than the intellect of a brain.

Another Unexplained aspect of Sir Isaac Newton is he was a devout Christian.  An AI search of the question: Was Sir Isaac Newton religious? Finds it to add, “although his religious beliefs were considered unorthodox and he privately rejected the doctrine of the Trinity, meaning he held views that would not be considered mainstream Christian at the time; he dedicated a significant amount of time to studying the Bible and biblical chronology alongside his scientific work.”

This can be now explained as the truth behind the Philosopher’s Stone, which is “unorthodox” and “not mainstream Christian,” based on those who literally read the word printed on pages in a book called Holy Bible and come away thinking the words mean it is possible to magically transform lead (a lowly sinner) into gold (a saved soul possessed divinely by Jesus). There is so much more to that possibility than meets the eye. It requires the wisdom of a philosopher to discern the spiritual meaning of the Word. Otherwise, fools read the words and begin experiments that attempt to physically reproduce such a costly endeavor.

When one knows that Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the church is built, no one sees how unorthodox it is to realize Jesus was a round cornerstone, rather than a squared one, just like the round stone that sealed the tomb his body was laid after death.  A rounded cornerstone means death is avoidable by being assisted by angels, freeing the spirit-soul of Jesus to enter the souls of his disciples, transforming their lead state of frightened followers to the gold of Apostles who were infused with the powder of the Philosopher’s Stone that was Jesus as their Lord (each individually).

A "church" (Greek ekklesia) is an "assembly" that is not a building, nor an organization. The Greek word breaks into ek, meaning "out of" or "form," and kaleo, meaning "to call." This means a "church" is the "assembly" of "those who are called out ones." (Google AI) Yahweh does the calling and the philosopher listens, converses, and acts on that called out to be.

This makes each individual of those assembled be a temple unto Yahweh, whereby that house has been transformed by a Spiritual Baptism of cleansing, making it pure for the soul of the Son Jesus to enter and become the High Priest of that temple. The host soul (like Aaron was to Moses) is then the attendant to the High Priest, as a Levite. This cleansing is the outpouring of Yahweh's Spirit, which is a Spiritual Anointment. The Greek word that means "Anointed one" is Christos, which says all temples of flesh and the host soul within has been made a "Christ." The pure soul of Jesus (a name that means "YAH Saves") can only enter into a "Christ," or an "Anointed one" of Yahweh.

When this is understood, then the word "Christianity" means an assembly of those who are called to submit to Yahweh and become His Anointed ones, whereby each will have the soul of Jesus within their host souls, each a temple, all a church of philosophers possessed by the same philosophy. Each is then Jesus reborn as their Spiritual Lord, making Jesus be the elevated Philosopher within. The parts that are Apostles and Saints are the 'powder' that Yahweh has Created to be mixed with the lead of worthless souls into the gold of eternally saved ones. The Stone within is then Jesus.

This makes the Trinity not be three separate, yet equal invisible powers: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and some strange Unexplained Holy Ghost.  Instead, the Trinity is the Spiritual Baptism by the Father, who makes a sinner soul in its flesh be forever cleansed, so it can physically be the rebirth of Jesus the Son, while the Holy Ghost is that soul of Jesus having merged with the soul of the new wife of Yahweh, where the soul of Jesus is the unseen Lord that controls a new Apostle in his name.  The reason all Christians are to be called “brothers,” is all are the Son reborn, one with the Son’s soul, as twin souls in the same body of flesh, making both souls be “brothers.”  This applies to females Apostles, because souls have no sexual identity.

There is so much more that can be said on this topic, but this should be enough to grasp the Explained truth of the Philosopher’s Stone.  Try not to believe too much of what the History Channel projects, especially that which the writers there are not capable of understanding spiritually.


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Mississippi U.S.A.  

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