There seems to be a fresh influx of commercials on television that are focusing on how much God loves you ["you" being a generic plural pronoun usage], and all you [individuals with money in the bank] have to do is say a simple prayer, with apps now available for a daily prayer. Of course, with the recent warfare going on in Israel-Gaza, the commercials begging for $45 so hungry Jews can be fed have increased.
Now, some guy who did a David Koresh [made up a name from those found in the Bible to make it seem he is one of those Bible guys] is paying the big advertising bucks to promote his book-lecture series-newest movie [whatever] that lists bullet points to prepare for the Rapture. In the commercials [slickly done with a cast of thousands] the scenes show Left Behind-style footage of people just suddenly disappearing – there one moment, then - poof - a newspaper drops on the ground, with the person reading it no longer there – yada yada yada.
I wonder if these people really expect human beings to come off some hard-earned jack and send it to them, who are so obviously shysters who offer nothing, with anything coming in being pure profit [after the ad agency gets its cut]?
I guess P. T. Barnum was right [at least about Americans]: "There's a sucker born every minute." It is an axiom that allows any Fox News schmuck [with a ghost writer] to be able to proudly claim, "I'm a best-selling author!"
I doubt anyone holding the New York Times Best-Selling Books List will vaporize, dropping that fish-wrapper to the ground. Too many residuals going to off-shore bank accounts, for 'best sellers' to leave behind.
NEWS ALERT: God is Spiritual, not physical.
God will not be calling anything physical ‘home,’ meaning the guy delivering your Amazon purchases will never simply disappear – poof – leaving only his scanner device and delivery vehicle behind. God has no closet space in the Spiritual realm [call it Heaven if you want] for storing shoes, pants, shirts, hats … not even for bodies of flesh!!! The Rapture would never be like a Left Behind movie because the only thing Yahweh would take ‘home’ would be a soul.
He would leave all the things that stink of sin behind.

This is what "Left Behind" is really. Notice the lack of souls making corpses mill about.
This means the "Rapture" is when one's soul suddenly becomes the wife of Yahweh, when the "Me,me,me,me" of self dies, so a body-soul can be resurrected with the soul of Jesus running that lifeform. The "Second Coming" isn't some time in the unforeseeable future, when bodies in suits begin flying into the clouds. It is when one becomes a Saint walking the earth, preaching the Truth of the Word, because the soul of Jesus is within, whispering "Say _______. Do ________." And then you [an individual soul alongside a divine soul] ACT as commanded.
For those not following closely, the Rapture began on Pentecost Sunday, the day after Jesus ascended into those disciples who became Apostles. [Hint: We read about that in the Book of ACTS.]