With Easter Sunday coming next week (after the farce timeline projected by “Holy Week” and Maundy Thursday and Good Friday [neither is factually correct, nor upheld by the text of the four Gospels]), it is time to reach out and lay hands on the slimy eel called “The Resurrection.” It is hard for most to grasp.
The truth of that discovered on the first “Easter Sunday,” written firmly of by four personal witnesses, and at the core of EVERY LESSON presented during the seven Sundays of Easter, is a topic that (once again) has been misrepresented by ‘children’s church graduates’ into ministry. That childish ignorance misses the truth of Christianity and those pretend conclusions have become the cornerstones all of the social clubhouses that go by various business (organizational) names. Being taught what a childish mind has imagined to be true means the “blind leading the blind into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14) As cute and lovable as ‘children’s church graduates’ are when they pretend to be ministers of faith, Jesus warned: “send away their souls” (because they are only “guides that are physically and/or mentally blind.” The “pit” is metaphor for that abyss where Satan reigns gleefully).

The test of true guides, ones who are led by the light of Christ (able to see the truth without a big brain getting in the way), is they are Saints. Saints do not revel in paychecks, medical benefits and paid sabbatical leave, as Yahweh measures them by the number of souls living inside human flesh that hear the voice of a Saint and become souls that welcome that truth into their hearts and souls, themselves becoming Saints … who then teach others as they were taught. Anyone who praises himself or herself for getting fanny blisters from squirming in the same place, on the same wooden pew, Sunday after Sunday, year after year, is not being guided to spiritual salvation. They all have the same surprise awaiting their souls as did each of the Sanhedrin, after thinking it was a good idea to make Jesus a martyr (meaning he had to be killed unjustly). Every Sunday that passes without a new soul being saved, becoming a newborn Jesus (thus making one a baby Saint), Jesus hears the congregations scream out in unison, “Kill him! Give us Barabbas!”
To avoid the pit, one has to be able to see that the message of “The Resurrection” is not only in the Gospels explanations of Easter Sunday (“Easter” meaning “the dawning of spring,” which is when the light of day gets longer than the darkness, having nothing to do with fertility rites and colored bunnies and chicks), as the whole Holy Bible is about Easter's dawning within oneself.
The Resurrection begins with the Creation of souls and Yahweh’s plan to stuff them into bodies of dust and clay, which can only last so many earth years before falling away. The return of an eternal soul to a new temporal body of matter – called “reincarnation by the India Indians – means the concept of “The Resurrection” must be seen as repeating. ALL of the main characters of the books of the Holy Bible (the Torah) are eternal souls reborn into new flesh, with a caveat. That caveat is those souls that were once sinners (or Saints returned to serve Yahweh again on earth) come back to find “The Resurrection” of the eternal soul of Adam – THE “Yahweh elohim” of Genesis 2 – right alongside that saved soul reincarnated. The entire Old Testament is one story after another of Patriarchs and Matriarchs, kings and prophets, who were born with Jesus as their all-seeing guide, leading those souls to sway as many wayward souls as they could (speaking the truth) away from the pit, into the light of salvation.
Now, to make my point about The Resurrection, let me return to an old scar of insult that was directed at my teaching, which took place at a Sunday morning Bible Study group. It was the Sunday called “Pentecost” (another completely misunderstood term) and that Sunday is famous for the reading from Acts 2, where the twelve suddenly begin “speaking in tongues” (still another grossly misunderstood term). In that read, the lectionary says, “But Peter, taking his stand with the other eleven, raised his voice and declared to them: 'Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, know this, and pay attention to my words.” (Acts 2:14, NASB)
Relative to that (when it was my turn to offer my views), I said the Greek word translated as “raised” (“epēren”) should not be read as if Peter stood on a second story roof and began yelling. He might have done that, but that physical interpretation of Scripture becomes meaningless. The word means more by reading it as a figure of speech, rather than the literal of Peter getting loud. The word means “lift up,” as implying “his voice was uplifted." That means Peter’s “voice” was above and beyond his ordinary human voice. The deeper meaning says Peter (as well as all the twelve there) began speaking as Jesus resurrected. Peter’s voice was “uplifted” when he became elevated above disciple to Apostle (or Saint). Those who were souls in human bodies of flesh seeking the truth to be told to them (the pilgrims then in Jerusalem's Essene Quarter) had their soul-bodies hear what Jesus spoke through Peter’s mouth; and, their hearts and souls were opened to receive the same spirit of Jesus’ soul Resurrected.
When I make that simple comment of observation – from divine Scripture – one woman ‘stood’ among the others there (not twelve) and began shouting at me, “Then why doesn’t it just say that?” She asked me why the English translation of a Greek text did not include every possible meaning from one word written. I responded, “It does say that. It says Peter’s voice was raised. That, in itself does not say he screamed out loudly, “Can I have everyone’s attention please!” The woman (a major contributor to that church) then stormed out of the Bible Study; and, subsequent weeks found a wholesale lack of interest in Bible Studies (with me not telling what everyone had already be taught by 'children's church graduates'). Nobody found an interest in learning about the truth written. It got to the point the whole class was scrubbed from the Sunday agenda.
That woman demonstrated willful ignorance of the truth written; so, as a minor ‘guide’ who others followed (like the children in the Pied Piper), she merrily led lost souls blindly away from the truth, towards the “pit.” Sadly, she is more the ordinary, than the exception. Anyone who says Jesus did not raise his body from the tomb is speaking sacrilege. God forbid!!! Get those stones and crucifixes gathered, so Jesus can be killed every time he shows up at a church not looking like his pictures found online!
This coming Easter Sunday, readers will read aloud in Catholic (Universal) churches the following:
Peter (speaking to Cornelius and other Gentiles) [metaphor today for us reading these words] said, “God raised him on the third day and allowed him to appear, not to all the people but to us who were chosen by God as witnesses.” (Acts 10:40-41)
Yahweh said [not “the Lord”], “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” (Jeremiah 31:3)
David sang, “Yahweh [not “the Lord”] is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation” [“yeshuah”] (Psalm 118:14); and, “This is the gate of Yahweh [not “the Lord”]; he who is righteous may enter." (Psalm 118:20)
Paul wrote to the true Christians of Colossi, “If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:1-2)
John wrote in his Gospel of entering the tomb and finding the linens without a body, “for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead” (John 20:9); and, then he told how Mary Magdalene was outside the tomb weeping, when (after she asked two angels where her Master had been laid) “she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus” … “Supposing him to be the gardener.” (John 20:14-15)
Or alternatively, we read Matthew tell, “an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow” (Matthew 28:2-3); and the angel said, “I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised” (Matthew 28:5-6), adding “Suddenly Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came to him, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him.” (Matthew 28:9)
Not all of these readings will be read aloud, as too much Scripture presented become much more than the childish brain pretending to be a ‘seeing guide’ can possibly squeeze into a twelve-minute oration, centered on “what I think.” Four lessons alone is much more than he or she can handle, without tossing most away and placing focus on a slither of words translated into English. Pew sitters (pewples) love to go home early; so, the less said the better. The old standards never tire them, because they never are told to ACT Christian, the way Peter and the eleven did. The paying customers certainly do not want to listen to some preacher drone on and on about things they have never heard before (like "raised" is figurative, not literal). Start doing that and the meek shall become a crucifying mob.
The point I would like to make is the words “raised,” “rise,” "above,” and “descending” should all be read figuratively, in the same manner I told that Bible Study group “a raised voice does not mean screaming at the top of one’s lungs.” The same meaning – a spiritual interpretation, rather than a literal one – needs to make “The Resurrection” be absolutely void of physical properties (such as “lungs, vocal chords, and a brain” were not what caused Peter to stand with the others [them all speaking in foreign languages their brains did not know] and shout out loud. The soul of Jesus within Peter (and the other eleven … plus) spoke through Peter’s soul [who bowed down before Jesus and became his feet touching the physical realm, worshipping him so he could use other physical bodies to become Jesus reborn into flesh].
Peter’s voice was raised in the same way Jesus could speak naturally atop the hillside by the Sea of Galilee and the masses far below could hear every word he spoke. Jesus’ voice was always spiritually raised. Jesus' voice was raised within eleven of the twelve, when they fed the multitude spiritual food; and, when that preaching was over, then all their physical interpretations of Scripture were placed back into the basket as leftovers. Can you see that metaphor?
When Peter told Cornelius the disciples were witnesses to Jesus’ Resurrection, his saying Jesus “was allowed to appear” on Easter Sunday does not mean Jesus was in his physical body of flesh. He did not appear physically, but spiritually. Jesus appeared in the forms of each of his followers – the women and the men. Not only did they suddenly speak words that were not theirs (they were sent to Jesus by Yahweh), they began to see the truth behind the words spoken through their mouths. Jesus was multiplied many times over - one soul sharing the bodies of flesh of all who received his resurrected soul. [If you have trouble understanding that possibility, then you have trouble believing all things are possible through Yahweh.]
When Jeremiah wrote of “everlasting love,” the element of “everlasting” means the spiritual presence of a soul – the soul of Jesus. The true meaning of “the love of God [Yahweh]” IS Jesus. It is impossible to know “everlasting love” as sinful human beings. The ‘love’ we know is the physical responses we feel from emotional reactions to the physical environment. The “everlasting love” that becomes Yahweh’s “faithfulness to you” is His Son’s soul sent to join with your soul … two souls at once in one body of flesh. That is how one’s soul becomes “raised” spiritually. It is impossible to pretend to know this true meaning of love, without having become Yahweh's love Resurrected.
When David sang of “my salvation,” the Hebrew word he wrote and sang is “yeshua.” The name “Jesus” is from Hebrew, meaning “YAH Saves” or "Yahweh’s Salvation." To be saved means to receive the soul made by the hands of Yahweh (called Adam), which was made for the express purpose of being a soul released to be joined with those who please Yahweh [not pewples]. As such, David sang what Jesus would later say: “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.” (John 10:9) Lost sheep are the souls without Yahweh’s Salvation within. To become saved, one must enter Yahweh’s flock by becoming “The Resurrection” of Jesus’ soul.
When Paul wrote to the Colossians and wrote the word “Christ” four times, the common malpractice caused by that word is to teach it to be read as if it is the last name of Jesus. (“Without further ado, I introduce to you the resurrected body of flesh named Jesus Christ!”) When you pretend to really know Jesus as a 'children's church minister,' then you just refer to him as "Christ." The Greek words written – “Christō” twice and “Christos” twice – all mean “the Anointed One,” or “Messiah.” The word “Messiah” is an English transliteration of the Hebrew word “mashiach,” meaning “anointed.”
John explained this in his first chapter of his Gospel, when he wrote of Andrew running to Simon, telling him, “We have found the Messiah” (which translated means [aj] Christ).” (John 1:41) The footnote (“[aj]”) then explains the alternate translation for “Christ” is “the Anointed one.” The Greek use of capitalization means “Anointed by Yahweh,” as opposed to having some ‘children’s church graduate’ smear some oil and/or water on one’s forehead. That is a lower-case “anointment,” so low it is meaningless if not done by a Saint (Prophet). The lower-case "mashiach" is what Samuel did physically to David. In the same way, a lower-case "christo" is what true Saints (the original founders of the religion now called "Christianity") do to those who seek the truth, as disciples of Jesus, souls seeking union with Yahweh. All Saints are the Resurrection of Jesus in the body of a soul so committed. That 'religion' began as a way of life for the followers of Jesus on the first Pentecost Sunday.
And, like John the Baptizer said, “I dip you under water, but a greater one than I will dip you in the Spirit.” That greater one is Yahweh; and, His “Anointment” – His “Christ” – is whoever submits to Him in spiritual marriage. His “Anointment” is then the soul of Jesus being poured out upon one’s soul. A "Christ" is one (male or female human body) who has received the "everlasting love" of Yahweh and will then enter true ministry as a Saint.
When Yahweh told Samuel to go “anoint” a new king and he eventually found young David, David was both physically smeared with oil (by Samuel) and Spiritually Resurrected as the Son of man when Yahweh poured out that Spirit upon his soul. At that time David “appeared” as a boy, who was spiritually possessed by Jesus. David became “the right hand” of Yahweh, who was sent to guide the people to become true Israelites (also reborn with the Yahweh elohim of His Son). David became a Saint, who led other souls to the light of truth, so they could likewise submit to Yahweh in spiritual marriage and also become His “Christs” … His “Anointed ones” … His "Messiahs."
Thus, when John wrote that Jesus had to “rise from the dead,” “the dead” is any body of flesh that only houses a lost soul [all pewples fit this designation]. Yahweh sent the “everlasting love” of His Son into a temporal body that (like all bodies of flesh) would eventually die. So, Yahweh had his Son killed by sinners. allowing that righteous soul – the gate to Salvation – to be opened so other souls (the righteous) could enter.
It makes no sense for Jesus’ soul to “rise from the dead” and then go back into his dead body, like some zombie movie extra. John explained, “We didn’t know it then, but when we saw the linens and no body we would later realize this was what Jesus had been saying all along. We were just ignorant to the truth until after Jesus entered our souls.” Jesus “rose from his dead body” so his soul was free to enter the souls-bodies of his disciples and followers.
To read of Mary Magdalene and the other women who “saw angels” or “saw Jesus,” but Jesus did not look like his pictures in the coloring books at church, the reason is they “saw angels” within themselves, each having a new "angel" joined with her soul-body. In all cases, that "angel" was the soul (Yahweh elohim) of Jesus Resurrected. For Mary Magdalene to think Jesus was the “gardener,” ask yourself who the most famous “gardener” of all Scripture is. It is Adam!!! The Garden is Eden!!! Mary then saw herself possessed by the soul of Salvation. To then be told, “Go and tell the others I am risen” means Jesus directed his soul-body servant to enter ministry … as a Saint!
So much can be written, because the lessons are so many. Jesus appeared in a stranger's body and soul on the road to Emmaus. Jesus suddenly appeared inside the upper room, when the door was locked. There was no zombie body of Jesus crashing through the wall. His appearance was spiritual. Every disciple who saw his wounds and placed their hands into the mutated flesh of Jesus needs to be realized as Scripture saying their “minds had become Jesus' and placed on things from above.” Their own bodies of flesh had become Jesus, due to “The Resurrection” within themselves. They suffered the same wounds as did Jesus in the flesh, but (like Jesus' soul Resurrected) they had gained eternal life, making the death of the flesh nothing to fear.
Again, these are my offerings to you, for you to ponder seriously and spiritually. I understand there are those who will have hatred rise in their hearts, leading them to want to kill me or crucify me. No one can will Jesus to save their souls. The English of American Bibles will never tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God. Jesus praised Yahweh because His Scripture through prophets (the Old Testament) had “hidden these things from the wise and intelligent” (those with big brains and little hearts in dead bodies of flesh).” (Matthew 11:25) The truth, said Jesus, has been shown to "the unlearned.” The “unenlightened” are all who are ‘children’s church’ disciples … but they realize they are too ignorant to know the truth. To be learned, those souls have to submit to Yahweh and become His newborns in the name of Jesus.
Aside Note:
It is so easy for Christians to read about Jesus and his Apostles-disciples casting out demon spirits and believe that. Demonic possession is spiritual and the stuff Hollywood loves to use in movie themes. In The Exorcist, when the demonically possessed girl began speaking in a low, masculine, satanic voice, that is the antithesis of a voice being raised. It is sad how people will believe "the devil made me do it," while getting their stones and rugged crosses ready, to kill anyone who suggests, "you need to step aside and let Jesus make you do it."