Forget about prayer apps and reciting prayers that tell you what to say, like those you hear on television commercials.
Remember, buying a stairway to heaven is not the way to go.
The road to true Salvation is a simple one.
Fall in love with Yahweh.
Remember that crush you had, way back when you were still a virgin and you got all hot and sweaty thinking about talking to that crush (much less touching he or she and more).
Well, to act all suave and sophisticated and nonchalant move in and say, “Hey girl” or “Hi boy” only works for a minute. If you do not say, “I am (fill in your name here). What’s your name?” then the relationship will not get off the ground.
Same with Yahweh.
Call him “God” gets His attention. “Yes?” He will respond.
Step 1: Pray to God, who is the One God of Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Keep calling Him as if He is just another god in a sea of gods (physical and spiritual) does nothing towards seeing how far one can get with Yahweh.
Reading some meme is worthless. Reading some prayer told to you or memorized from childhood does little. Reading roseries shows some sort of devotion to ritual; but imagine trying to read some love poem you read in English class to that hottie you want to get to know. Gets a laugh; but only once.
This means pray to “God” to get His attention; but do it from your heart. Use your own words, no matter how stupid they may sound. Tell “God” in your own awkward way, “I want to get to know you personally.”
Then begin calling Him Yahweh, when He begins whispering to your mind, making recommendations as to what you need to do, as far as getting your soul out of a physical bind.
The name “Yahweh” is actually יְהוָ֤ה (yhvh), which Exodus 3 says is אֶֽהְה (hayah) אֲשֶׁ֣ר (asher) אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה (hayah), which then become yod (יֶ֖) hayah asher hayah – Y’ahweh. This means: I AM who I AM or I BECOME who I BECOME.
This means true Salvation (like that Moses had, when he asked, “Who shall I say sent me to Egypt to free the children of Jacob?”) means BEING a soul (who) is where “I AM” has become the possessor of, making “who” be “I AM.”
No one reaches that state of BEING calling Yahweh “God.”
According to Strong's Hebrew, the word יְהוָ֤ה (yhvh) is numbered 3068. There are 6220 Occurrences of “Yahweh” written (in the Hebrew texts, called the “Old Testament”). The English translation of the vast majority say “Lord.” Often, “Yahweh” is combined with elohim (the plural spelling of el, meaning “gods”); but when “Yahweh elohim” is written in Hebrew texts, the English translations say, “Lord God” (capitalized, in the singular). Which is which? “Lord,” “God,” or “Yahweh”?
Step 2: When Yahweh responds to your prayers, begin calling Him by name - Yahweh. This begins a relationship between one’s soul and His most divine Spirit.
The purpose of a relationship is not to get laid and then run away.
You are not greater than Yahweh. Never have been and never will be. Your ego needs to deflate when you begin calling Yahweh by name.
The ONLY reason for being in a relationship with Yahweh is to become His spiritual wife. A soul in its body of flesh is female, thus bride material, with Yahweh the masculine Spirit. Salvation of a soul demands one's soul marry Yahweh while still in its flesh, well before death of that flesh.
When you remove your soul from its body of flesh, all sexual parts go into the ground. Your soul has no sexual parts. Your soul has no sex. Your soul cannot reproduce. Your soul was produced by Yahweh, as an extension of Him. Eternal Salvation means rejoining your sexless soul to Him; and, this means divine union, also known as Spiritual marriage.
This makes Yahweh be the Husband-to-be, with you (regardless of what sex parts your physical body has growing on it) being the wife-soul-to-be. You must become an engaged bride-to-be or a bridesmaid.
To become divinely married to Yahweh, one’s soul has to be Anointed by His Spirit. The Greek word meaning “Anointed” is Christos. The Hebrew word meaning “Anointed” is Messiah (English translation recognized most readily). In a word, being divinely in union with Yahweh means one becomes a “Christ” (a word, not a name). The capitalization means it is the Spirit of Yahweh “Anointing” one’s soul in divine union, not some priest with physical things used for ceremonial “anointments.”
Step 3: Fall in love with Yahweh.
There is no ‘arranged marriage’ to Yahweh. No priest can sprinkle a baby’s forehead with tap water and make it forever married to Yahweh. Baptism by water is a ritual that marks a body of flesh as a believer of the One God. Baptism by the Spirit of Yahweh is forever marriage of Yahweh with a soul.
Marriage is then a sacred union that is spiritual – a soul having the Spirit of Yahweh poured out upon it. This means marriage cannot be ‘arranged.’ A sacred union demands a deep spiritual relationship be established between a soul (one seeking Salvation) and Yahweh.
This relationship begins from cries out in prayer for Salvation. Yahweh responds with an inner calmness. A soul then learns the name “Yahweh” and begins speaking to Yahweh, in normal conversation. All deep relationships that lead to marriage are like this; but unlike physical attraction for human beings of the opposite sex, the attraction to Yahweh is spiritual. Still, all marriages are for the point of having offspring.
The offspring of Yahweh is Jesus, which is a name that says “Yahweh Saves.” When one has been “Anointed” with the Spirit of Yahweh in marriage, then that Spirit fills one’s soul with the soul of His Son, making a wife-soul bow down to an inner Lord, as one then in the name of Yahweh, in the name of Jesus.
To reach that state of divine being, where a soul has become forever Saved, a serious relationship involves a courtship period. One petitions Yahweh for divine marriage and becomes spiritually ‘engaged’ to be His bride. This then demands one prove one is committed to this relationship.
Commitment involves a desire to understand Scripture, which is the Word of Yahweh spoken through the Prophets. One must question Yahweh, asking “What does this mean?” This is the same as the Hebrew word manna, which asks, “What is this?”
A soul must then gather a daily amount of Scripture – only as much as one can digest in one day (including that which will be shared with one’s family) – where each morsel has one ask Yahweh, “What is this?”

Yahweh will not tell you the answer. He will guide you with hints, so you can find the truth yourself. Seeing for yourself brings faith, which is greater than belief. You ask Yahweh, "What is this?" Yahweh will respond with whispers telling you where to look to find the truth.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be
opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the
one who knocks, the door will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8, NIV)
The whole truth answer it always more than one human brain can comprehend at one time. To be told the whole truth of Scripture would have that which is more than one can digest in one day turn to waste, be filled with maggots and stink. The answer one is led to find comes from teasing hints Yahweh gives.
You cannot speed up a relationship through cramming your brain with how much you know. You must come to realize you never know it all. Yahweh knows all; and, you must fall in love with needing Yahweh daily to lead you to find the truth for yourself that makes a relationship that must always be maintained. You love Yahweh's presence and never want to lose it.
When one hears the hints, understanding Scripture becomes like an Easter egg hunt. One enjoys hearing the hints and then doing the necessary work that gathers in the morsels of truth. Finding the truth becomes a joy. The joy of finding the truth becomes a desire to do this hunt daily. This daily joy becomes love of Yahweh and a strong desire to be with His presence and be led to find the truth that answers, “What is this?”
This ‘engagement’ period can last years. Time ceases to be a restraint. One begins to see the eternal value of one’s soul in service to Yahweh. As linear time goes on, a bride-to-be of Yahweh will have learned how to listen to hints and find the meaning of Scripture; and, this will make the divine language – the syntax – of Scripture be one a soul has become fluent in. One sees the truth quicker and quicker; and, one has a burning desire to share that truth with others.
Step 4: Minister to others.
Sharing the truth with others who have no relationship to Yahweh, but claim to be his brides by physical baptism, will have them being told truths never heard before. Those who love you will listen and be taught how to establish his or her own relationship with Yahweh. Others will resent this never before heard truth, as it will be lessons no one has ever told them to believe before. This resentment will lead to persecution of those ‘engaged’ to marry Yahweh.
To protect his brides and seeing their commitment of engagement has been demonstrated, Yahweh will Save His wives from persecution by pouring His Spirit upon a soul in its flesh. This will immediately make a wife soul become married to Yahweh; and, Spiritual marriage means the rebirth – resurrection – of His Son’s soul alongside the womb-soul of His new wife. That makes the wife become the mother soul in which the Son soul is reborn into flesh. That makes Yahweh the Father, as well as the Spiritual Husband.
The mother soul bows down before the Son's soul, as the Son is an extension of the Father, to whom the mother soul is totally submissive. The Son becomes the Lord and Master of the mother soul and that body of flesh. This makes one whole being that is a Saint.
When a soul is united with the soul of Jesus [Yahweh Saves], then the new flesh filled with that soul enters ministry in the name of Jesus. One begins to go out into the world as an extension of Yahweh, for the purpose of leading other lost souls – those who seek redemption and salvation – to petition Yahweh for divine marriage.
The presence of Jesus’ soul, which becomes one’s Lord and Master, is the truth of the LOVE of Yahweh. The presence of Jesus’ soul with a Saved soul allows that soul to know this LOVE that becomes how one relates to Yahweh, where one’s soul LOVES Yahweh with all one’s heart, soul, and mind.
This presence is then what defines a Saint. A Saint has a halo surrounding its soul, which is the soul of Jesus as its Lord and Master. One enters ministry in that name and serves Yahweh as the Son until the souls of oneself and Jesus are released to Judgment, at physical death. Only when a soul appears before Yahweh with the soul of Jesus as its face, will Yahweh grant that soul eternal Salvation.
This is then the truth of being Christian, as only those whose souls having been “Anointed” by Yahweh (made a Christos), who are eternally reborn with Jesus as a soul’s Lord, will be Saved at physical death.
Step 5: Do not put this off.
This is why establishing a relationship with Yahweh is most important NOW.
This is why Salvation cannot come from sprinkling of physical water or anointing salves. One cannot be Saved without becoming Jesus reborn into flesh, so ministry in his name makes one demonstrate one’s LOVE of Yahweh by going to lead others to Salvation.
One’s soul does not show up in Heaven without the soul of Jesus to get one eternal favor. One must serve Yahweh and His Son reborn, in order to receive eternal Salvation. To refuse to serve Yahweh as His Son reborn means a bride-to-be living life with a lamp without oil, serving only self, nobody else. Those become the persecutors of Yahweh’s brides-to-be, who fill their lamps with the oil of knowledge, which is the truth of the Word.
That Word cannot be seen by being told what to believe. Thus, the oil of truth cannot be shared, like physical oil can be. One must learn the truth by establishing a deep, close, personal relationship with Yahweh. Then, in the middle of night, when persecutors are about to stone one to death, Yahweh will pour our His Spirit of divine marriage and His new wife-souls will become His Son resurrected in new flesh.
This will have all the stones set down and a Saint released into ministry.
Addendum: When one realizes that Salvation means eternal life, this means a wife-soul of Yahweh is forever joined with the soul of Jesus. This then means eternity extends well beyond one's present life in a body of flesh that is bound to die some day. This means two important things.
First: It means when your soul leaves your flesh it then goes to Judgment. When one's soul is Judged by Yahweh, one's soul bows before the feet of Yahweh, while the soul of Jesus stands and smiles at the Father. The First Commandments says, "Thou shall not wear the face of any other elohim before me." [It says that; so, see how it does. Focus on the word panim or pā·nā·ya. ) Your soul (beting eternal) is an elohim; so, your soul does not attempt to show its face before Yahweh. Jesus, on the other hand, is the Son, whose face it that of the Father. So, being Anointed with the soul of Jesus gets one a Judgment from Yahweh that says, "Welcome home Son. I see you brought My wife-soul with you."
Second: Judgement does not grant a soul an eternity of running and playing in the Spiritual realm. To be eternally a soul joined with the soul of Jesus, your soul's purpose is to be reborn into new flesh and rise to continue serving Yahweh as His Son returned to the material realm. [This can mean meany reincarnated lives as a Saint and Apostle, without any fancy badges or diplomas as proof.] That means some babies are born with Jesus already Anointed with their souls. However, a baby is usually is not mature enough to serve as Jesus reborn. Jeremiah was like Jesus, in his early rise to ministry; so there are exceptions.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I
appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5, NIV)
"the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you
to and say whatever I command you." (Jeremiah 1:7, NIV)
This means the purpose of one's soul being reborn is for a predetermined task to perform for Yahweh. To achieve that task means rising to maturity that is one's human development with talents that are known to benefit one in achieving that task. The guidance of Jesus (the whispers of insight) will lead one in life to gain those talents and become proficient in their use. Then, when the maturity necessary has been reached, Jesus will become a known presence that leads one in ministry, so the task predetermined will be achieved.
In the life of Jeremiah, that task was to be "a prophet to the nations." Being a prophet in the name of Jesus as one's task means learning Scripture in the maturing process. All Scripture is prophecy. It takes a prophet to utter prophecy (in words spoken or written). However, the prophecy of Scripture is only understood by other prophets.
"At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you
have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little
children." (Matthew 11:25, NIV)
Those "children" are souls returned with the soul of Jesus eternally within them; so, they speak the truth from the heart and soul, not from the fleshy brain that pretends to be an elohim.