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Where to find the lost ark of the Covenant

R. T. Tippett

Those who kneel down at the altar of Hollywood moguls, milking them for cash that will disappear like a wet dream when death awakens their souls from their bodies of dirt, dust and clay, seem to get a hardon these days coming up with new theories about where the ark of the Covenant will be found.

Some propose the Templars took it and squirreled it away, underground on Oak Island, Nova Scotia. Some say it was taken by Ethiopian Jews (those related to the Queen of Sheba) and marched and sailed it (unnoticed) sixteen hundred miles (give or take) and placed it in a temple in the ancient city of Aksum (or Axum). Still others believe the whole of Scripture in the Holy Bible is mish-mash, believed by stupid fools from thousands of years ago, nowhere near as smart as the morons today that think the ark of the Covenant was some nuclear device brought to earth by ancient aliens.

Chapel in Axum (Ethiopia) where the ark is said to have been moved from Jerusalem

Because Templars are more marketable, Hollywood likes placing the ark is Europe, where people have more Euros to spend to watch such programming.

Here is what the Bible says about the ark being moved:

  1. “And you shall put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark to carry the ark by them. The poles shall remain in the rings of the ark; they shall not be taken from it.” (Exodus 25:14-15)

  2. “At that time [Yahweh] set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of the covenant of [Yahweh], to stand before [Yahweh] to serve Him and to bless in His name until this day.” (Deuteronomy 10:8) [English erases the name "Yahweh" and replaces it with "the Lord."]

  3. “So Moses wrote this law and gave it to the priests, the sons of Levi who carried the ark of the covenant of [Yahweh], and to all the elders of Israel.” (Deuteronomy 31:9)

  4. “So the people sent to Shiloh, and from there they carried the ark of the covenant of [Yahweh] of hosts who sits above the cherubim; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God.” And, after dropping the pole: “the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, died.” (1 Samuel 4)

Simply from knowing this, one must present some strong evidence that the Templars or the Ethiopians were of the tribe of Levi. I doubt some ‘grey’ lizard creatures could have passed themselves off as being Levi’s distant cousins.

The deaths mentioned in First Samuel come after King Saul went against Yahweh’s command (given to him by Samuel), telling him not to take the ark of the Covenant into battle against the Philistines. Saul, being an egomaniac king, went against Yahweh’s order and not only lost the battle, he lost the ark of the Covenant. It was not lost long, as the Philistines soon found that the mere presence of the ark in their midst caused plague to spread and many Philistines to die. So, they sent word to the come and take it back, with King David eventually did. Everyone was afraid to touch the dang thing.

The Philistines loaded the ark of the Covenant on a cart and had cows pull the cart from Ekron to Beth Shemesh, leaving it to the Israelites to handle. One it stopped being pulled in Beth Shemesh, some Israelites celebrated, with some daring to look upon the ark of the Covenant [gawkers]. Simply by looking at it seventy of them died. The people of Beth Shemesh then called for priest (Levites) to take it to Kiriath Jearim. There it remained until David made plans to move it one last time (years later).

But Templars pranced right in and found it in a tunnel under Jerusalem and walked away with it … unscathed?

I don’t think so.

There are three points that I want to make about the lost ark of the Covenant.

First, the Covenant is the marriage agreement made between the children of (a true) Israel and Yahweh. The container Yahweh ordered to be built had two cherubim on top, where the Spirit of Yahweh sat. The Spirit of Yahweh guarded His wives (human males and females), who had sworn to follow His Wil, as their most holy spiritual Husband. That must be grasped.

The ark of the Covenant is metaphor for a soul totally committed to Yahweh.

That means the ark of the Covenant was lost when David sinned, he lost his rightful heirs, and baby boy Solomon (an evil love child) became the King of a nation of people who were slowly being led away from a commitment to Yahweh. The story of the ark being taken by Ethiopians can be real; but it is metaphor for a divine spiritual divorce. The marriage contract had already been ripped up and made null and void.

This is where it is vital to remember Paul writing in Hebrews 10:16, where he quoted Jeremiah 31:31-32, saying, “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord [Yahweh]. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.”

Continuing from that quote in Jeremiah is written the following:

“This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares

[Yahweh]. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their

God [elohim], and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say

to one another, ‘Know [Yahweh],’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to

the greatest,” declares [Yahweh]. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember

their sins no more.” (Jeremiah 31:33-34)

When Yahweh spoke through Jeremiah, saying "I will forgive" and "I will remember," this says nobody (not even Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem) can "forgive" sins, so they are "forgotten" by Yahweh. Only Yahweh has that power and ability.

This says that the ark, made of wood and gold – physical materials – will no longer be where an external agreement, protected by the Spirit of Yahweh, will be kept. The elohim (cherubim) atop such a physical box will be raised from that, to be placed instead into a physical body of flesh. The Covenant – a New Covenant – will become two cherubim (angels that are reflections of an eternal soul alongside the soul of Yahweh’s Son - Adam-Jesus) joined under Yahweh’s protection. That presence will become “the law in their minds,” written “on their hearts." Instead of one material box of wood and gold (carried by seven Levite priests of the tabernacle) to lead the followers in battles against sinners, there will be countless ‘temples unto the Lord,’ which will be souls truly representative of “Israel” – he or she “Who Retains the elohim of Yahweh.”

Evidence of this transformation can be seen in David’s plan to build a house of cedar for the ark of the Covenant, so Yahweh would have a house greater than his – a house for a king and a Temple for Yahweh the Almighty. When Yahweh told Nathan the prophet to tell David not to place His presence in a lesser box than the one he commanded Moses to make for Him, the reason was that Yahweh needed to always be mobile, able to lead His people into battles against sinners. When Solomon placed the ark of the Covenant into a grand Temple (one named for him – the Temple of Solomon), this says ‘Yahweh had already left the building’ and the divorce was final. Yahweh would only return to lead the people in the physical arks made of flesh and bones (around joint souls that included Jesus) that were the Prophets.

When you see this element of human bodies of flesh becoming the many places where the New Covenant of marriage was found “written on their hearts,” through the love of marriage that placed the Son within their hearts and minds, the sending of His Son Jesus physically into the world means that body of flesh was the new ark of the Covenant. That is the second point that must be grasped. Jesus came as the replacement ark of the Covenant. The two cherubim were the union of Yahweh and His handmade elohim that was the only Son of God – Adam. Jesus was the mobile ark that was sent to lead the people who loved Yahweh into battle against sinners.

When this parallel is realized – Jesus is the ark of flesh replacing the ark of wood and gold – one can then see the life of Jesus as parallel to the life of David. He became the living ark of the Covenant, once his story finds Yahweh (along with the prophet Samuel) anointing a future King of the people.

When that event took place (before David rose to replace Saul and his remaining heir), David became the King who led his army out each spring to battle sinners, those who sought to destroy a nation of souls in flesh that were all true Israelites (those people Who Retained the elohim of Yahweh). The ark of the Covenant was last used (wrongfully) by Saul; and, in that battle against sinners the battle was lost and the ark captured. Saul became a greater sinner when he went against Yahweh's orders. Once David became the King of Israel, he had become the resurrection of Yahweh’s Son in the temple of flesh that was the place the Covenant of divine union. David’s only movement of the ark of the Covenant was to recover it from Baalah in Judah (a.k.a. Kiriath Jearim), when the pole slipped from the hands of the carriers and men died. Once the ark was safely in the new capital of Israel, which had been the stronghold of the Jebusites (an underground race of souls who guarded the land for Yahweh), the ark remained unmoved in Jerusalem (until Solomon built his temple). David was the living ark of the Covenant.

Jesus was sent into the world as the new ark of the Covenant, where the evil king who ruled over the people was Herod the Great. Herod the Great was parallel metaphorically to King Saul, where the power he worshiped was the Roman Empire, making their presence in Herod’s kingdom be parallel to the misuse of the ark by Saul. Herod, like Saul, was the desired king the people asked Samuel to anoint, so they could be like other nations of people. Jesus was then the infant Anointed by Yahweh to become the future King of Israel, where “Israel” bears the spiritual meaning behind the name – human souls “Who Retain the elohim of Yahweh” [the elohim-soul of Adam-Jesus].

This made Jesus be the “King of the Jews,” just as David was, when Saul was still the living king. This angered Herod and his descendants, in the same way Saul was angered. Both acted similarly in wanting to kill their replacement ‘king;’ but Jesus was not sent to be a physical king (as was David), because being a king means to eventually bow down and worship one’s own power, which is a reflection of losing the battle against sinners, because one has become the greater sinner. David ruled over Israel, as the king whose capital was Jerusalem, for thirty-three years; and, this is said to be the age of Jesus’ time in physical flesh. However, Jesus was older than thirty-three, as his years spent in Egypt were not added to his count stated by Mother Mary, said to be “about” that length – and what mother ever forgets exactly how old her children are? Therefore, the time Jesus lived in Egypt is parallel metaphorically as the time David ruled as the King of Judah, in Hebron.

The leaders and citizens of the Northern Kingdom – those who claimed to be Israelites with no spiritual meaning associated with that title – were overthrown by the Assyrians and those tribes were lost forever, scattered across the face of the earth. The leaders and citizens of Judah became known as Jews (not Israelites); and, they were overrun and taken as prisoners by the Babylonians. The Babylonians then destroyed the Temple of Solomon, with no harm coming to them by a dangerous ark protected by Yahweh. The Templars never set foot in that original temple; so, the entire concept that they found the ark of the Covenant is false.

The Persians under Cyrus the Great conquered the Babylonians and allowed the Jews to go wherever they pleased. Those who returned to the lands surrounding Jerusalem were allowed the financial backing to rebuild what would be called the Second Temple. During the times of Jesus, that general name became more specific when Herod the Great ordered a remodeling of that building, so it became known as Herod’s Temple. Yahweh never commanded anything more than a tabernacle (large tent) to be where the ark of the Covenant would be kept, maintained by Levite priests. Without an ark and without a marriage Covenant with Yahweh, to build a brick and mortar temple was egotistical and a false attempt to lure Yahweh back to wayward people. In both the Second Temple and its beautified remake there was no ark of the Covenant to be found (after it disappeared, supposedly taken by Ethiopians). However, it is possible that a recreation was fashioned, to look like the original (which no Jewish eyes had ever seen), but that would have been nothing more than a false idol or an graven image.

This is the marriage agreement clause that states that:

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of what is in heaven

above or on the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship

them nor serve them; for I, Yahweh eloheka, am a jealous el, inflicting the punishment for

the wrongdoings of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations

of those who hate Me, but showing faithfulness to thousands, to those who love Me and

keep My commandments.” (Exodus 20:4-6)

In that, both an ark and a temple are “carved images” – formed from wood and gold and honed stone placed one atop another – which could have part of the second temple's plan. The rebuilding of a temple (especially one housing a fake ark) is breaking this marriage vow (beginning with Solomon and continuing with the second Temple of Herod). It pretends to be a likeness to heaven on earth (a faux building to Yahweh, when He said he did not want one uniting with a fake ark with no marriage contract within), managed by false shepherds (Herodians, not Levites). The element of “hatred” is the grounds the people used as reason to divorce their souls from Yahweh, with “love” being a reflection that the protection of Yahweh, atop the temples made of flesh with souls committed to Yahweh, as a spiritual marriage. To lead the people through the wilderness of sin, to find that love of Yahweh, Jesus was sent while Herod’s Temple was in the process of being made pretty – a symbol of worldly lures to sinners to worship a building, rather than Yahweh.

Jesus was sent by Yahweh, Anointed by Yahweh (His Father), thereby a Christ [a Greek word meaning “anointed,” with the capitalization indicating by Yahweh]. David was likewise a "Christ," which is a "Messiah" in Hebrew, with both words meaning "Anointed" divinely by Yahweh. In the same way, Yahweh sent prophets whose souls were led by the soul of Adam-Jesus, speaking for Yahweh, to confront the powers that be, telling them to change or face eternal ruin. At the same time, Jesus was sent as the ark of the Covenant in the flesh, to lead the people into battle against sinners; and, that meant explaining the truth of Scripture [then only the Torah, Psalms and Prophets], while making himself known as the Son of man [Yahweh elohim on earth], therefore speaking the Word of Yahweh. Jesus was felt to be the promised King of the Jews, just as David emoted the same sense of faith and trust by those of Judah who followed his lead.

When we read that the disciples of Jesus were sent out in pairs, as intern ministers in his name, this must be understood as a statement that the soul of Yahweh’s Son (His elohim that was Adam – made by His hands) is not limited to one body of flesh. Each body of flesh has a reincarnated soul that is lord over that flesh; but an additional soul – the divine Yahweh elohim that was Jesus reincarnated in flesh – can be spread to an infinite number of souls in flesh that sacrifice their lordship over that flesh, so the Spirit of Yahweh can be poured out upon those sacrificial souls, making them capable of receiving the resurrected soul of Yahweh’s Son.

When we read that the disciples had the same powers as Jesus, to cast out demons and heal the sick (to a limited degree, while Jesus lived in the flesh), that testifies that Yahweh has the ability to place the powers of His Son in whomever He pleases. Thus, the disciples had proved their commitment to Yahweh, faith in His Son, and they became reborn in the name of Jesus, while Jesus still walked the earth in physical ministry. Still, all the people who came to Jesus, out of faith, and were cured of their physical ailments by that faith being expressed in his presence, they left (without being tag-along followers, like the disciples and Jesus’ family), immediately going into ministry in the name of Jesus. They were some of the ones the disciples encountered and wanted Jesus to order the disciples to stop them from saying they had powers “in the name of Jesus,” when they were not known by the disciples. Jesus told the disciples to let them be, as "whoever is not against you is for you." (Luke 9:50, NIV) This spread of faith leading others to become “in the name of Jesus” is the same as the spread of faith that led the people of David’s kingdoms (Israel and Judah) to be equally Anointed by Yahweh’s Spirit, led by the power of the Covenant that united their souls with Yahweh, as His Son’s soul reborn into their flesh.

We read of Jesus telling his disciples of his coming persecution, death, and resurrection from death. In that he said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” (Matthew 16:24-25) Then Jesus asked and added, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.” (Matthew 16:26-27) This says Jesus’ coming death and resurrection was planned for those who would sacrifice their souls as loving and obedient spiritual wives to Yahweh. To not make that sacrifice would be to choose to serve the flesh and the material realm (“the world”).

On the eve of Jesus’ arrest and removal from his disciples, he told them of the future for them specifically, saying “Then they will hand you over to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.” (Matthew 24:9, NASB) This foretells of them having sacrificed their souls to Yahweh, so they could each be reborn “in the name of Jesus.” Because they would reproduce Jesus on earth, confronting the powers that be with the same truth Jesus told while in the flesh, they would be treated in the same harsh manner as Jesus was foretelling he was bout to be treated (then them afterwards). This says the world hates to hear the truth. It will be angered and go against anyone (coming in the name of Jesus) leading them away from the sins they love to wallow in. This must be seen as a parallel to the fall of David from grace, when his death ended the true nation of Israel, when it was the people whose souls “Retained the elohim of Yahweh” (Adam-Jesus).

To best see that parallel, one must be able to see David’s fall in the same light as Adam’s fall from Eden. Adam and Eve (Man and wife) were made as demigods and placed in an environment that is spiritual, more than physical. As long as they lived there, they would never die. However, Yahweh did not create them to forever be in that ethereal surrounding. Yahweh planned for Adam to fall, so he could serve Yahweh as the divine elohim in a physical body that would suffer and toil, before the death of that flesh would release his Yahweh elohim to its Creator. The parallel to David is he too was created by the Anointment of Yahweh’s Spirit, to be a physical king to lead the people who followed him. Like Adam, David was not made to teach the people that a man of title (King of Israel and Judah) was Yahweh's planned replacement for each soul serving Yahweh as His souls in human flesh (spiritual wives). So, David also had to fall from that ethereal environment, where all kings on earth have the right to do as they please, without punishment.

Kings make the law and then enforce that law to suit their needs. David’s fall had to show the souls in flesh that there would be no surrogate to ‘die for one’s sins.’ Jesus told his disciples each would become in his name, leading them to suffer and die of flesh, due to the hatred and persecution of sinners. All souls that will reap salvation must be realized as the sinners they have been (like Adam and like David), so they can fall from the grace of self-worship, then fully sacrifice self-will and self-ego in subjection to Yahweh as each souls seeking salvation’s price to pay for having sinned (like Adam and like David).

When the physical body of Jesus died on the cross (at noon on Wednesday of the Passover Festival's eight days, which began that year on a Sabbath), we read the following:

"Kai [most important to grasp] Look! this curtain of this of temple it was divided

asunder from above until below , unto two ; kai [important to know] this physical earth

was shaken , kai [important to know] these stones were cleaved ." (Matthew 27:51,

literal translation from the Greek text)

This says Yahweh received the soul of His Son as the Covenant (marriage agreement between Yahweh and the souls of those managing the Temple in Jerusalem (no longer Levites, but Herodians) was removed. When Jesus died in the flesh, there was a separation between the spiritual and the physical - "unto two." The curtain being "divided asunder" says the holy of holies was exposed for all to "Look upon!" There was no ark of the Covenant behind that "veil." This was less a revelation of a physical earthquake and more a revelation that souls in the flesh should fear the loss of Yahweh. The reason was the "stones" that were the Tablets of Law have been "cleaved" - torn in two, made null and void. That says the fact the ark of the Covenant was not in Herod's Temple (and had never been in any version of the Second Temple) was exposed for all eyes to see. There was nothing to hide from the Romans, when they destroyed that temple; so, there was nothing for the Muslims to build the Temple on the Mount (Temple Mount or Dome of the Rock), which was built (completed) in 692 C.E., well before the Knights Templar rode into town in the twelfth century.

This then brings me to the third point that must be understood about where the ark of the Covenant is. It is found in the truth of the death of Jesus for three days, before his soul was raised from the tomb. The tomb of Joseph of Arimathea becomes a reflection of the ark that held the marriage agreement with Yahweh, which must be written within the minds and hearts of individual sacrificial lamb souls. Once Jesus' body was no longer in that tomb, it returned to being the future tomb of a soul whose human flesh had died. Those tombs are a 'dime a dozen,' as worthless as fake arks. The “law” is then the soul of Jesus resurrected within, the Lord of one’s soul-flesh, risen in that new body on earth. This then makes the soul of Jesus be parallel to the tablets brought down from atop Mount Sinai, which was read to the people, with the people all saying, “I do.” With the marriage committed to, the tablets were placed in an ark, just as Jesus’ dead body was placed in a tomb.

This is where it is vital to understand that Jesus did not resurrect in his old, once dead for three days, body of flesh. The angels witnessed by the women named Mary, then John and Peter, was said to have “risen.” Just as the marriage between the people of Israel divorced Yahweh after David sinned and died, making Solomon become a boy king, that physical contract was removed from the face of the earth (most likely by the Jebusites, whose stronghold was Jerusalem - a.k.a. Salem - the stronghold of King Melchizedek, a king who never died). The body of Jesus was returned to Eden, never again to walk the face of the physical earth again.

That means the ark of the Covenant is Eden. It too was removed when a king would never again lead the people to a commitment to Yahweh. The removal of the ark, just like the removal of Jesus’ dead body, was to make it clear that each individual soul now bears the responsibility of finding a love of Yahweh that will lead themselves to sacrifice (individually) to Yahweh, in total submission. Once that sacrifice is made – the lamb again on the altar of fire that pleases Yahweh – the soul within the flesh will be joined and led by the divine soul of Yahweh’s Son, such that physical death will never again be a reason for fear.

This means that those who propose theories that say the ark of the Covenant was found by the Knights Templar are just as preposterous as those who think it is possible to find the bones of Jesus in some buried stone box that is inscribed “Here lies dead Jesus.” That is a common name now (especially in Mexico), just as it was a common name for Jews back long ago. The name Joshua (yeshua) bears the same meaning: “YAH Saves.” Yahweh saves souls through His Son, who was made for that purpose.

Had anyone truly found the ark of the Covenant, simply being near it, without being a true Israelite (one “Who Retains the elohim of Yahweh – the soul of Jesus within), then that presence would lead those to experience disease and death (ask the Philistines). Attempting to move it would lead to death, without knowing how to transport it and not stumbling along that path. All that shiny gold would become a major distraction that would lead one to stumble into a pit.

So, the ark of the Covenant resides in Eden, alongside the revived flesh of Jesus. Perhaps that is the room Jesus went to prepare for all who will find his soul resurrected within their flesh, the Lord of their souls that have married Yahweh. Looking for it as a physical thing of material value is a lost cause.

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